happy time are ail to be tound within the doors of the cIub- bouse Nov'enber 13, when the junior auxiliary of tlbe Woman' Club of Wilmette stages its an-.: nual charity entertainmelt. in festive Thanksgiving surround- ings. The following chairinen are in the midst of completing plans that will assure the many guestu a most pleas- aànt afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth Muehl- berg (Mrs. W. W.), has charge of the tickets and requests that reservations be made as soon us possible as only aw limited number eau be tslcen care of. Miss Eloise Brown heads the fogd committee. Miss Rosaline Mills is iu charge -of the prograin. ureensi ~ a vensue, ai A .mF > AifL8. Priz-es. willi nclude one for each table.' Tlhis event lu thé semi-annual party sponsored by. the Sanctuary départ- ment of St. Francis Xavier church of ýwhich Mrs. J. E. Tarletoôn is chair-* mnan; Mrs. John :-Boylston, co-chair- man. Others on the couittee who are helping to make this affair one of the most enjoyable parties of the club year are: Mrs. G. J. Bichl, Mrs. W. H. Dillon, Mrs. P. J. Klapperich, Mrs. Robert 'Markham, Mrs. S. H. Moore, Mrs. E. J. Schager, Mrs. G.- S. Wegener, 'and Mrs. N. P. Zech. Luncheon and >Revigew of the National Kepublican par- ty, and as. such assistant to the -chairman, John ýHamilton, wilI1 bthe. week-endget of M r. and> Mrs. Fred Scbroeder, Jr., Of Wilmette, wbo will bc at homne to their friends on Sunday afternoon, No'vember 7, from 4 until 7 o'clock in Miss Martin's honor. Miss Martin will be the guest of honor at a luncheon today (Thursday) of the Woman>s National Republican club of Chicago iu the Gold Coastý rom of the Drakce hotel and *9î11 speak ou Monday. No%'ember 8, be- fore the Womau's Republican club of evanstèn at Il oa'a.in the Or-i L sono, that to maice the vv Inans IEIJsea enviable place to be the afternoou of November 13, at 2. So don your puritan hats, do't forget your long barrelled rifles iu case an Indian feather is spotted, and join the Juniors in a premature celebration of Turkey day.-A. H. iold Rumagje Saie The six guilds of the Wonan's uxiliary of the Church of the HJoly ýomforter are assistinz with plani ir a large runiniage sale, spousored- CI wetrnLaw Portrait VILMBTTg LIFE