the North Shore auxiliary of the Chicago -MNaternity center is looking abead to anoéther benefit project to Taise funds for the fa-. mous .Maxwell street dispen sary. On Noveniber 16, at 2 o'clock,' thereuwiIl be a beriefit bridge tea beId in the Iovelv penthouse of Xlrs. George Woodrulff, 1500 Lake Shore drive, Cuicago. 1To complete arrangements for the party a special committee headed by Mrs. Leonard Paidar. of Kenilworth has been appointed -by the auxiliarvy rsident, Mrs. Earle J. Cooper. Mrs. Thomas B. Singleton of Giencoe, Mrs. Raymond koth of Wimette, Mrs. R. Landess -Lasater of Evanston. and '1'he animal cbarity part v for the of the destiiute 'crip)- pied eidren and the Home for Destitute Crippled C h i 1 d r e ii slponsored by the WVomen of the Rotary Club of-,Chicago, takes J)lace at the Lake Shore Atletjc club)%Vednesday, Nove 1) er17 A Iazaar %viII open at 12' o'clock 11001. Frorn 1:30 unitil 2:15 a style show %wiI txakie place inI charge of Mrs. Lawrencec.%LIeker antd Priiicess Aktka Rostisiav, witlh north ~horé debutanî model.. Froin 2-:3011u1- tii 5, cards and entertaininient wvili provide diversion for the guests, witil prizes including sclectéd table prizeus. .North, shore wornel on tie-c 'onmi rnittet for the eveniinclude Nlr>. Clarenice.X. Calhili of Wneka vice- president and getterai cchairinan ; NIrs. George B. \VilIia;nsoi, also of \Vini- Mrs. Harry L. kuggles of Evanston. assistting. on hle bazaar coQlnmittete anid wife of onie of the~ four fotunder> of th-c Chicago Rotary club in 1905, niow a word-wide organization M-Nrs. 'Walter XV. Steitter of Evanbtoon. chairniani of cards; Mrs. M . \c- ShIatit of \%iinnetka, co-chaina *Mrs. George H, Yates of Kenilvorthý. chairmnan of distribution of pri*zt.. l'lie n)ost important evenit 0o»dte >ocial calendar <n tMe Iricndls ot Lakc '13 lu tJr Orptiaiage wllta Kt± pl ,c c Ills %veck. Uvur 250 invitationls lave becti. issiied by tue Lorgasijzatioil for a tea t<> Uc g'vcn tr paîroÉîesses and( trienas on rriay, .\otenmuter ~, roni 3 to > o dlock at ttUe ihome ol M r>. A-rthur,.nksn 4 .c' od W w ne: ka. \Irs. Andcrstn is a patriàe%s o WILMETTE LIFE '100H..