man of the department of junior club women, presided over the meeting. Mrs. Jacob$ and Mrs. 1Edward J Lehmlaf of: Sidney, 111.1 -President of theý Illinois Federation of %\onietn's Clubs, gave -short greetings. li her talk Mrs. J.ehman stressed the iieed j for cooperation between the juniior I add4 senior clubs and concluded with -___________ the followving statenient. uwe cal) do' toetlier what we cannot do alone-.' b,,în let -us go forward together untiiil Jrs BVei 4Iap of I'VinncU1'la reach the heights." is hpr1'iet of the board <fci te AMr-1 A message wvas read fromi Mrs. i gariE t Jtr CrcchëA or wvhirh a bail William F. Farrell, director of thel aêill be given 'Novemjber 13,, at titi' GeneralFederatiion of -Women S clubs. Ual javarin, .botl.t serna#i.'Site who could not be present.. is gizi'rq a large cocktail party ut Tweo-mlinute talks werc givei by a li er home for soutie of thei' torth repýredtative froin eacli district out- ;shiore pecople attending tire' dimi er lining the work bcing done in her, lifcc thai v'iq resectvedistrict and thie plans for' Many of the state chairinen wverc i present and NMrs. J. I. Ricineni- 'eeti ora o schneider, ehairinan. of the ParkC Ridge Scliool for Girls projec +, andl wd1lu Nirs. Roy A. WVinser, radio chair- GardnCubMeeting mani, gave itterestînig descriptions of the~~~~~~~ woklej ocii lcrpri Thé program chairman- for the thark n ltr nterpartients. meeting of the Wilmette Garden club lar dpartmnts.Friday ' November 5, at the home of M rs. Donald M. Gallie, 1115 Elmwood J-'«U i a-venue, is Mrs. A. C. Youngberg. G oi 1 licQ-4l tiinvr wiull sveak on thc ( E BAN EARLY BIRD.. ( Vou'Il be delighted With aur new collection of dinner ( gowPs end evening doeses. Prices. from ý22.75. PA TRONIZE OUR AD VER TISERS.. 1 Dame. and Mr. 'Sharpe of Toronto university. tei ,.t for the %%ed4;iîg 8,.,flt ->gramg eacn Arthur ~N2~ SiO th. mes Iw prié. ... $1-M0,tupedilg Nae.on Cards and platihv.hp.m fo match . . . Ym will wanf t. moud I..à of thie .oàe.y ogr.egs. ar & of N a grâ date