UewI 1. 7177. 148-tfe SPECIAL DISCOUNT NOW ON FALL RUG CLEANING, CALL UNIVERSITY 0277., FREE ESTIMATES., 15LTN93-4tp WANTED: TO GIVE MONTIiLY service on s;ets of books. Ail state- mfents and taxes. Reasonable rates.. IBiackinton wilmette 847 151.TN25-Stp FRAMING;, IELININO AND REPAIJR- itig ail kinds of bags. Petit Point bags our speciaity. Antique jewelry. Gentsch, 130 N. State St., Kranz Building. 1 GLTN25-4tp Seasoned Firepace 'Logs 50- CU. FT. TPO A TON, $7. 128 Cu. FT. to a cord, $14. (liiecoe 858. 15ITN26-4tp 18-AOPTOM TR IT S _ _ 35 yrs. experience. Eyes ittwd properiy. Broken lenses repiaced, frames repairedf. JOSEPH F14. KLTSS 804 EIim St. Winn4ka 3671 St1 UILDING AND REPAIR 1 F-l. XG STO N ES - Beautiful Stone for Rock Gardens BRICK AND CEMENT WORK TO .,,T-HE:ADVERTISER 19 PAINTIrNG ANo DirCOSATiNoë Painiting and(I Decoratingi SANITAS AND CANVASING, OLD floors made like pew by dustlees ma- chlnery. Our speciaity on wa.4]àin« wlh and woodwork that doesnt hurt the sur- face, yet at a Iow cost. Our work is dlont- to your satisfaction by a record of gond reference and best mai. at. loWest prices. MEIXN W1I N 3413 251àTN26-tfi) as PAINTINO- AND DECORATINO 1 E. DURKOOP Paintino and.1)ecorating. LNICOE 1512 25LTN24-4tp WE SPEéIA GlIZE IN Ot'TSI)E PAINT- ý.Ing oniy, that's why weecati furnikih the Iuwest possible raté. . Also shIngle stainiing. Highland Park 2951. 25LTN25-Ztp PAJTIG.PAPERHA IN.iC Nurs4ery Driveways 2323 LAIRE AVE. WILMETTE 561 I4awn andI Gardei n Materialsý WME BUILD BETTER DRIVEW.AYS. ,,Black dlrt, fertilizer, 'peatirinss. 1 BIMW& KLOEPFEtt, WINNPTKA 201 _____________________5LTN26-4tp HAVE YOUIt GARDIENS R"MDEL.E by expert gardener. Selliig (out al) ottrubs and evergreens. Work by* hour, day or ,contracet. Wilipettot«3073. one.Worl< CIli fori .hand wi i~'Ria~ I 1uvII.~T~Droratinig initerior or exterior. 25 eri___ Sipeefal FaIliRates 'rPicsraonbe oml)Woseler M Pai tng l)coatn. 179 -2.5LTN26 ltp EP.R First classs materials and workiinati-Ailp 1O. NKNG..ulibia Avq Briargate 1061 1429 Lurat Ave. 25LTN~23-tfg4 SHORTE~N YOUR DRl*SSE-S. In1-1-0. PA, s~is m de, $10: coats relilned ,ý;): Paintine- and Ie raig dess, 1$6 up. Work guaranteed. Catli ona CALCIMINING xNI)PP HN-DA Vis 8.140 JTN6lpUN, ing, paper renîiovted by mahlaci. Ploor ____________ - ___ sanding and r-efinishiinit,. Ail work gluar- I-- anlteed. Reas. Prices. Recommendattons _ AOEIGO SHOREU,[,NE DECORATORS -______ Plione Mul*PI)Y, Wiiniette 48,59 FI1R \v AC ( m) 25LTN25 1,04LOS CUT FROM f MA E> <X - ** - . ~ AiUflE.d iri SE - II,,...I i ) i It m f LAUNDRY and deliver. Fanly finish. Au] work. Rough dry and wiet wash. PIANOTUNINOG ,rk guaranted. 22 ycars' f.tc- Lri c . ., C. Thootat, -20t; Col- ve. Park Ridge 14-7. TUNIN( AND REPAIRING AiU Work (uiurantts*d Lockerbie MWlmrette .822 .WILETTEPi B1. 8% 1o<YL$ý ______GOLITN27e-4ti RADIO SERVICE- Ou cari Have aitExpert GIRLS!tI. AND BUlIL es, enclosures, ~1~ ci opportunity >r your own 73LTN~ AUTHORIZIED SINOIýlR ShRS Are pick up and deMver. Nu irge. Ercepnal vU1Uà%,. CALL ,Wi. CARPENI rages, p recreation