Green Bay Rd., Wlnnetka 785. CLEAN CUT NORTH SHORE-BOY Wlth soda .fountainexperlencLe. Steady. work. Fred White'si Drug store. 454 W, l'- netkê. AVenue. 98LTN26-ltic *S NBLP WYD.'-NALU B FENALE MAIDS AND ýCOUPLoES GOOD WAGES Lindgren Empi. Agency Establlshed 2à. yearàs 7199. EIm St. Wlnn. 1047 9PLTN 53-tfc BAKER. FOR THE c:BIG PAY J0118 SHORI4INE E MPL. AGY. 746 1EL» l S. w 1 X *@du __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ 9 L1' 2 -t rs Renewed anid Guaranteed in Writing 193; Lincoln Zephyr qedan-Equlpl)èc wftli radio, bestter, In front and re-ar coprmet.White wall tires, perfect conidition throuerbout. A demotutration wifl çonvince the most skeptical buyer. Thiâ car carrnes our R & 4ù nioney -back %,uarantee. Prlcéd witb the 1owest at $81-i 1936 Cord Custom Sedan-Radîo equlp- ped. A amart looklng, beautiftally 'fin- ishbed car for- those -buyert3 who want excellence Ilu'Performance pu.This cyar can be bougýit at aprIce of an ordi- natry stock car. ,now $825. 193; Pekad 10 ~an--Thlisvar ibas been driven very littie by a forth shobre famlly, ffi p mnttmrnvlW vouid be proud of. Svectixisvar, isa >.acrifie e t $685.. 704-10 Hininan Avenlue 5 ROOMNS. LARGE, LI-,T ROO.%s. ALI, oflt.,ide froni i)iýt llarnent. 'Pile fb-th anali iower. Closýe tô ti'» np1otitil sho)Ipillg and MsUehool.O IZ Ilc St.,UIR1 " (;& e 108, hi. 2, 128LTN426-î tc, t 1VATE 1-)36 Ford delluxt- coupe......... $425 d clean. l eau 196Ford tudor, trunk .......... $415 flpoytd. 916For vedan, trunk, radio ..:. .$4î5 %ahing 1931; Ford tudor "edan........... $.t!#0 Ner1935 Bulck sedan, radio......$3 S139>4... . . . .$53 N26- l) i19 315La.çaljc Convertihils coupe ..,.$5 8 5 [,LE, NT 1935 Ford tudor. sedan ...........$315. 105LTN2-tp BUY$ ATWO-PASOENG;ER BUICK. 33,000 miles, Oood éon dition. 819lin-fïý don A.îWllette. wllmnette 1-070. 105LTN26-1ltp LATE 380DEL 1935 OLDSMOBILE A-I eond. Used* only as plIeasure *car. Shown by appolnitment. Write B-12, Box 60, Wllmette, 11 / , 105LT.N26.îtc 193.5 FORD), FOUR, DOO-7R TO)URIN(; pSedan, duil-ratho, radio, and heater. 1'boaie Iilinette 3798. '105L26-Itp 109 AUTO940SOLE TRAiLAE, FOR THAT FLORIDA OR CALIF. trlî> Why ilot reait a traler?,18 ft. Pahî.e oaeh la'.,tollet, tub, mink, ire- rrî.,hetlg udcooklng stove. .desk, lnnesprng îat. 1clhltch 'tnd elec. brake' Vey res.mrte. Univest 29 109.TN26-11tp 554 Dundee Rd.,. Olencoe, white bricki 4 bedru»;, . 2'4 bàtlîe, ou heat - .... ... ... 299 Vernon Ave.,- Glencoe,n. brick, 6 bedrm8.. 3% bathe, o heat.........1750 1260 Oak St., Wlnnetka, 'Eug. brick, 4bdis,3~baths, 011 heat 100 1096 Cherry S.,W nnetka, tramel col., 4 bedrms., .1% flust reniodeled-1 bedrm.-s., 11/2 baths. excellen 1t 1innelka loca- 14resh ntew%, decoratioiis in every on.c.. WX4 Lineoi)n Avec., WiuanefkaL Wi.1 77 EVAM'NISyTN 11111 HIGI-jLA NDI),1AR K *v'TtArrvE1fOUSES FOR hiRENT m-. ot-se-ason, reduced rk. sectre ()Ur Jlitt hy vstig 1ohonmng one obf thiree loca:l <fi,, 1EAANSTON - - VXNE'rZe- H111IHLAND PAIRK & %VIrm1 & 2 LARUE FltIkTBIRO S 1933 1 tWin. GOood tralisportatioîn. Ea4st Wihtnette.. 1933 Wlmette 1530.. 1932 11l6L.N26-Itp LIC.HT, AIRy Rt.! Suitalile foir 1col.2pe 9 ns Xewly deeoraî;ted- Quiet. mlilnette 2116s. 1 161.TN26-î1>1 L5UT H EERFUL ROOM, HANDY to Grnpr~t~, entlemen prefer., Oldanloblle sedan .... ...... . $2K) Chevrolet Cchc'............ $210 I Ford coupe................. 5wit Ford coupe ....35. livi &y E W CA UTD. 424- Excluivegents 4I~I4)NI L:Evalistoîî CO6ONIL -,62 B~I I$:AT- t a h d a a g ; a i r n l i . n . î g ; s Il at. $95. Mfr. L-ane, Lindln Av e. *ltpi T, r.N2eOltp I k: r r i-ltp L-l