iored by the league. ý A small fee wilIi be charged for the series and- ev ery meniber of the fasully is, urged to turn out. grandmothers, great aunts. fathers, mothers, and young peopie. Miss Beach is the teacher who met with such success isat year when she conducted a, das' at the Chicago Art Institute for bc- ginning pupils of ail ages, and in ail ânes of business. Men and women' weho had neyer- before attempted to paint, draw or model discovered crea- tive ability within themselves. Fauum4 NigLts 66Family Nights," or time for color ,un, as Miss Beach describes thein. will be somewhat similar to the ex- perimentai institute class. The boni-s taugbt in uuwricauties Dth me thuey have reached eighth grade. In Wilanette topics are assigned to the different grades according to the resuits of research by the committee of seven, of whlch Mr. Harper is a member. Careful investigation by this mmittee, carried on for Il years in 148 cities, bas proved that there is a point in. a child's -mental growth before which it is usually niot effective to teach a given procesai arithmetic, and. after which that process can'be learned readily. Equai- ly important is the fact that chil- dren often încur an intense dislike fo r arithmetic if they try to learn a process before they have reached the proper mental level. it was said. sud Dv.i. Photos by Wilsoni & B.iiIl TI#ee of thse ,nembers of Nreîv, Truer's versity ansd freshrnan-so ph- 1,mMv~*itfwH reswaww omrin te photos obove and .41 the aide. Bued Drake i: qncrerback and Har- ry Seif ert is tacide oit fihc va rsil v tees.. Gordon Laughead is coai an osd ght end of tie frosis-so plis.i NI r. 201I 8815 ana~ scuit48j.5LUI neWiii UIiuflUVU litSu1îaI Iirait progam fr "FmilyNighs."Ail MaIlinckrodt frieiids appeari at 'the firs*t Mother's club social N. U. FacUlty MeMbers to Friday eveliiing..Novninber 5, in t TakePartin rts ee school auditorium, are again Rssur Tak Pat ii A ts eeta very plcasamit evening of entertai Three membes-s of the depsrtrncnt ment. Besides, they may be hap of art of Northwestern university wilI to know that their. donations tI Vherry, 10() spend tlwc di atte.nd tu I I