This week. also. Mr. Preston, aliong witb bis fellow students of electric en- gineering, devoted several davys on ii tour of tbe Cotiniwealtlb-E.disoni plant. the Public Service eomitpan1y plant at Waulkegaili and large electrie planits ini Milwaukee. M r. Preston is a graduate of 'New Trier High school.l M1iss Virginia Tobin gave aà Hallo- we cii party Saturday evening at be r lone, 2016 Scbiller avenue, for about ffty guests, most of wbom attended the party in costume. and active in ' and civic affairs. of Commerce NAMED ICLASS OFFICERS Cassie Ruth Empield: and Julia Booz, of Wiimette, botb fresbmnell students. at Grinnel college. bave been elected freshman class officers. MNiss' Empfield was niamed woteiî ' social chairmaàn and Miss Booz woîn1- en'es treasurer at ýa,*meeting Of the class tliis past week. Thereare 263 ini tbe fresbiman group. J y%,Uu----, .-.-----»,-. Mr. Mfesijian has .been eftgaged " that, a new series of hearings on the bus iness in Wilmette for 15_ years. Iwbnl '. Probl.m would 1w ctirt-d, sbortly. He is à resident of Wilnmette, a mnem-> Wilmette harbor. ôriPýdnally dug as ber of the Wilmette, Rotary c , an intake .haqin for the, tirtb shore Wilmette Post of the, American Le- channel1 of the sanitary district. has gion, and active ini Chamiber of Co1- beeni used as a yacht barbor for manv merce affairs. Iseasçrng No larze cra ft - hite.heen Attractive display rooins and a mioored there, but a number of spots- conipletely modernized ruz cleaning min owninz their own oîiall h oats, plant is niaintained at 511 Green Bay prinicipally of the star tnd sulipe saili 9' road, Wilmette. type-,.bave used it as a home port. in Mr. Mestjian is now displaying addition. numbers of sniall hoats have nation ally known broadlooms and found refuee there. during )ne -if the other types of finest rugs and carpets. j ortbeast trsCOlil ilta ake Mfidi- S e. Call and Deliver! "et Aýcqumi 10nted SALit0ý W. ore miaking a special drive to acquaint 1000 new customers witk a real cleaning value in keeping with any budget reductions you m.y b. forced to assume because of recent unsettled business conditioons. A LIMITED Ladies' und Men's Gormeuits. CIeoned_- KNI T DRESSES Our Regular Cieunimg ut :HATS Ladies' and Mt .Coast Guard Baw- IXIost impok-rtant. i the ee of mari- crs. lias heen the .,fact that.the harbor s the base of the local Coast Guard tation, formierly located on the cam- ms of Northwestern uiiiversity. Because ,reiglit ta0fic lanes far off shore. the ocal station is one of the hiisivst on ýhe Cireat Takcs. The liarbor lbas heifor imo)rc thanl tyear. alnost impossible to tseven 'or the sliallow draft veýssls ()f the oast Guard. Last suiniiier, the state of iiis hroiugh the departnient<of buildings and mblic works, aivarded a contract for liougli the local cuvic leadiers wvere iraged at the failuire of the' state auplete the job. it was atni onced idirect attempt wotuld. be madle st the support of Governor Henry sweek, ini Chicago, Captaiti Kar- uicer whose supervis ion aIl such ,ts of. a federal nature coine. re-