at tile North Shore >1jjtý t tl ilae i fndgIdto, lLETELî" islati l O'clock %evrySund(av' !is rtespowi1iiist leilg nfid dtNi.ii iE ~oin.The ,,tele is located ai Il- the best ting to Zo l zong, re- As a rcsident and home ovner of1 th ortier of Liucolin ai Vernon visiIOn <i, l tue l)uildilig c ode. parks and \Wilmette 1 wish to congratulate you. avelnes in 111 c, a i viitors art-ilyroinsan ike jobs ntesplen did eiorial which ap- aW- cordially wvlcoie.'i. writer believes te i gCi1 171 ared in last wee's WiLiMETrE LiFE _______________ i> IC ll-dvi.ed Th. po~iîceof 1w 0n the subject of Zoning.. Thansgivflg estial 11Iriiî"1Y ii flVitijlies woly n eek- 1It is articles of this nature wbih b g <sut fo îîoninaiun Fesilagvalned to wake up somne of our village ,rgrc Set for Sunday iii is iis aiid wtpiimen i outstaid' )g ogaànizations and to infuse soifle iew \~ ~ , Tlakg' îgh îqa r ~ u ali ication.. for public service. anîtics and iew ideas into village activi- will 1 re it I4ù1 tk Sw iin akling those noinationls. for it to ~îutamtta h dtra a dav ýafi(tÉrt ôt)Ii,\o îîe 2 0wn jengage iii partisani i)vtiiieiits for or 1iutamtta h dtra a tl1c Chicago, 'Musical Arts Club. Ilic.. agaînsý,t cntovrirop)os.itionis would r itebtlU i seatYwa nîlcet iii the :Alliaiicv FràIîwaiNe Club proîniptly roi> it of >his usefuln)ess and w edad1 at thomlimen roofllu ili e Fine Arts buildliing in oudit'eahku you oni your courage andteat- On tV progra its- eamonytude expressed i iyour editorial. ranhivlagîoilt Har io. convention, whîch lias j 1-oIard M iller. - ic. the prog )V ________________________________ .ou .sa Ioc. soprano;diU . 8 e bac. I)iaiiist *,Nate Alice Mrei violinlist. and Olga Va.ltentitind Robert Baker' înturpretmng Inidian foIk lorc, lucosimn The gUests of %%-rIwl 1w Hu(rnllia ark, 11fr author of -"Wl 1 C11(hicago WXas Younig." loeie alazikian and Nelli (ardifii. \11->. SannIli V. Ro-0 buck s ei,,ntof îthee hl)lsand Here's Another Warning for Sehool I-iteh-Hikers Chiei of IPolceCloyd Ne ir s 1William E. Connor, 69, 'Passes Away at Home pased away at lis homne. 522 Green- LAG:Ub leaf avenue. \Vihlmette. on Tilesday of ths eek. Mr. Connor. wvho' caine to \Vihmette in 1908, %vas train director at the Chi- cago and *North Western railway passenger terminal ini Chicago for 44 year-s. havi;ig retir.ed iromi service N. head of the prison, and George Pu t- namn at Father Daly, the priest. Eleanor LaBonte is to take part of the valiant's supposed sister, Norm~an Fifer as Dan is the warden's assist- ant, and Frank Huffman, another at- -tendant at the prison. Sjimmy Mable will be Joei Tibbs,- the smali town resiclent, and Betty iMiller wi11 be bis daughter, Dora, iii the second production, "Enter Dora -Exit Dad." Other chars eters ini this play iwill. be: Norman Fifer as Walter. Ba,,nes, George Redding as the salesman, and Frank Huffman as o)ey. Theplays are being directed by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgar of the Chicago Theological seminary, the sponsors of the organization. Jamnes Bugthe property manager, and Suzanne Lyon is in charge of pub-. licity. Tickets rnay be obtained froin Miss Lyon, 1504 Elmwood avenue, Miss Betty Bruce, 514 Eighth street; Miss Jean Putrnan, 1117 Ashland avenue, and Miss Eleanor La Bonte, 718 Forest avenue. parinientt, et otbur viliagus te 1)1t!an end to a praticu %vich. thcv f ear, AUi reNt in Se ideath rw serions injiur of>4 ..mît et Ilise eflLýigC(l111 i t- larcnt'. ai~rt.e<-itstu(<i b (o their part al>o hy itinlrt ssig lg illotheir boys a1nd girl,..the dangers inhi-relit hii hitch-.ldkng. tiie North Shore Art league.. Tue cfirst of. the lectures -%vas pre- senied Noveinber 12, and the second *floson Decemnber 10., The namnes addud 10 the Eist are: Mrs. Andrewv NtaLeiNi r. and Mrs. \Williani T. Creuiier, Mrs. Charles Bulkley. Mir. and M rs. F.rust VonAmmnon, and- MIr. and Mrs. 'Matthiew P. Gaffney. Thîefinily n iglit classes in art toi Mrs. Gertrude Brann Summoned by Death Mrs. Gertrude J. Braun, a native of Wilmiette, passed away Sunday at lier home, 2121 Schiller avenue, after aillness of four months. She was lier noMe, 44 ', Mn artu, m cago, after an illness of four weeks. Funieral services, followed by the in- terment were to be conducted on \Vedlesday of this week at Lalcota, N. D. Besides the two daughters conniected with the Winnetka shop, she is survived by a third daughter, Martha,. and by three sons in North over