Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Nov 1937, p. 58

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- - - ur w V *w- www &w -Vt Building oe.in in the foiur north bhrr-village's ri iWiIn(:tt.. Jenilw,rthi, \innretka ýapr!lçnr during the; month of! October toitalced un 1y $141.1WO, the low( S't figure .(ji any mnonth sinre the firs t of thf 'ear.. Therc wcere six new ,mvresidences-, coSIting$120; 13 remod.Aieling .jobst $19,950) and 12 private garages, $4,- 410. Four ro!ý the :new residences würe in \Wilmette, and th(,-othc-r 1two,- in W)'iinntka. Of the four villages, iret-la with -13 permits for ipoeet costing !$67,ù10; Winnetka wascsc- odwith I permnits and $()2,95(j:-Ktrn - ilwôrth, third, with five pfrmits ani $1,SJan4 d Gencoot frurth, witih twr permits and $3,95(). c miss j!-afl 11Alen JIlrandt, fdaughtcr jho of Mir. and mrs. J*enry J. .Eranfltý f 81(à FI'r., cu,*f VffhI &fsab a mb (.) ,gfo"r tht William and Ma;Àr' viiliartsburg, V.a., Saturdlay ()if Wi7k. Miss Brandt k a sp ai the cojllege and a nrbro P'ic týf->ure b ovc i.a fileCie schiuu;nc tbc bl u Y MUcS ri' l~eI:ui!v.'rhGardens .disiiof r; 14 in'te fôr c unfdit<IQcd1 onp% M.lr. - rcbb statee that thi% hoise taius dcsiy>u'd iv ;nc!t he qrcal dciand for a '-ery mioderately >riced home ecm&udyinq thc besl feu! urcs of nodem icon:- çiructl4n . As indic.'ged MIh tic f o/i 4g brici specificaiosth&,r.bose zî,ii ave thoe sanie quahlitv e!rittiîr'n us he finesi homesv and vetcicm bc /uuilt re a mtrprt.siiiqIlv low rice. hilerofof ai iilsh uttLrs, tfil', rom j>a<t1 [hmek heairwur to eeron"-rrai of a "sall lhome w),ith largc roomr. The ivig roin itbits large bay wido as a %wood l)urniflg firep)lact! with reces-sed lboo-k shelves on eitlier ,srJe. Reception hall, powder rooini dîning roomir, modern kitchen and sc(reelled porch complete the first fl4-ýor- Carefuil lanning lias îjroduce-d three large bedIroo(rns, ail with cross voitila- titii , l-1 4 , âm bhe crl,.Žt.iA il)uurla);tt,~ n in the Chîcagc' r'Aniteaîe bthe !'tock rnark et s1unu> l), .is nt 1 )ýapparent in the total attflfUiiit of peýrmits is uedI in the Inol ith )of Otbrwihrea(h ed the 'suirrisi! " Un i iS3,239.932. 4n in- crcàeAe i tbre-quarter million dol- lars, or 31 j;er centt, over the ýSeitein- ber trutal of $,6M4 accordJng to the ~~~~tra exreeae uda 1 reenbaum Soi, fivt inttcompany. -Octobe r also %iw a gain (Jf 41 per cent over tncheCrrespcOfldiflgmonth >of 1936- i w,%hici the permits issued aimounied" t(> onlv $21301,638. '17heOctober increase of 31 iper Cen t ini the suburban region iS the more rernarkable in view of the fact that building in Chicago itself f el off 48 per cent, te*Qeiber totali n te cty being $138,980 as compared with furtheri45 i Septeniber. Jt niay be frhrnoted tfiat building i the suburban to,.wns exceeded that *ii the citv by S1,853,000. Hit. Homme Building The stock market seenis to haý (: lhad -t-.ïcectI owever on home ùbuilding. for the October surv-ey hows a sharp drop in the numùber o1 new~ homes for w~hich pcr-mits ivere~ taken ont. TI)e f lut lohvim4 l ayofut ior a rû tachecd garage This %voukuallF i miade in hebaem ecreatiu rooni. An at- 'adds the final detail 14 omplete snmall house. lInaIly fille rdesigui s the home~s is mucn grc-atcur prnl>ortion.tate- I.v than the decliie Iin the volume of permits issued. While con,ýtriuction \vas started on a much smaller: pun- ber- of hoines. those that are jn buit are on an average nitclh more expens;ive. TI-ýe average for Octoheûr is '$8.325. that icir Septemiber lcýs thaii $7.00. hisprescrits a probleini. T the stock nmarket lias 4w d cown

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