chased INIVRE TOUR VALUASLE PURS ough Batumamii- sp'i ne rveiCVdling LU Lme UIII citi;,ünshîpý For homie, owners and other re Iestate owniers it is likeIjy'to provol a new sense of what it'is thatgl IIMark W. Cresap sold his fourteen!mnni-CËok r epresented, the buyer. room . four bath bouse on 150, feet -at 1inek 239 EIssex road, Kenilworth, to Leslie ' The board of direcctors of the Chi- -A. 1Drew. Baumann-Cook represented cago Theological Seminarysdth bWh artin es dh i seven roomi three bath brick bouse Waren eas sod bs9fne room, on 100 feet of properîy at 905 Green- three bath bouse on 100 feet of pTop-wo aeueyinek, t inyH erty at 320 Leicteqtcr road, Kenilworth Smtof Chnu, igo. t SdeyI to alh Mrtn.George A. Way :-purchased a 75- George J. Armstrong purchased foot piece of vacant: oný Locust* road *from. Mabel Jiihlin the new white ~wnek rr oetF opl painted brick six room; bouse on 50 in Wnack Ra ty ompaobercpresentedl feet of grounci at 416 Sterling road, thesc eal ad aman-Coorep- e Kenilwortb. R. B. Whitaker com- resenteci the buyer. h ub pany- represented the seller and Bau- Thomas Payne purchased theHb bard property at 849 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka. This is a ine room, 3- Baumatin-Cook represeted»( both the1 buyer and the seller. Tl LE ~~The Woodley Road Syndi(icates soý4rl( Lot 23 on Woodley road Io an un-t disclosed purchaser. lBaurnatnnCook MIIIiD I E jrpresented . the buyer and] Richard B youing wheln the debacle of* 192,3 2f sciueczed l al the out of et estate. Thesc young' people \ith i-, spirit of the pioneer, actiwpr .Cnitly of thflIc oî, anid nttd inglIv huy vacant land in. a, ncù% rOlm nxunity whcre they build the horniù Of their dreamns.. They kno\v tht.-Ir family- nee ds', and they 'ktlov whw. they can afford. The -flrsýt dernand of the new crop is an acre or, more oln o their homesite, 'the desire for whiclh .is brought about by the memorv ofthi- pa st and the unccrtainty of the future. Thus, thcy flot onlly have space. to grow the thingý',tvhir.h, beautify their homes, but th 'Cy. cali suppl y their tables with . a .boutitiful harvesf. \ext ini importance aire tlie sclioIl,, for most of the new cro;> arc raising their families. They also want to know the children with, wiiom, their;, owë chfd ' ' 'if te raised. " too, they consider the s-afetîy of itheir chiildrcnl, who are more apt to reacIL womnanhood and inatiiood wlwère tht- congestion of trafic and speed of îlw- automobile are far distant. 'I'l u >. transportation, which used to be ;i prime factor in dcveloping a neu area is now mercly a third or fourth consideration,* depending on roIidI'. BUR.LE L S.Eboebe payrepreset IDonald, B. I based oné i~ >' natural dbthn a sr ri gested si have ailt i&often the d land thar e have stu( y' beâutiful homes and tings, is more desirable Il fifty-foot lot in a con- urb. Not only do they features they desire, but pay less for an acre 'of e fity-foot city lot. They A tbe tax situation and 1015 CENTRAL AVeNUE WILMETTE 456 or 3513