wne8re1 uu-atia .&ws. nrown uad luVed for about twenity year%, an.d mwhethey are aburied. Both had. many friends on the northý shore,. For. tmay years they lived mi Evanston, where ail of their childreu were boni Anus Mulford Brown was the grand- daughter of Ma>. Edward Mulford, for whoni Mulford street, iu Evanston. 'is named. The ol! hoinesteadin l whch three generations were bora,, StI stands at the corner of R~idg~e avenue and Mut- ford street. Major Mulford was, nue of the original pioneers of Eva«nst o licon- ing to the iniddle-west froin Philad- plas and lhe and bis wife were amnig the founders of the First Baptist chiarcla ini Evanston, in which there is a iue- norial for tue., forme n I ,îM3i whch adoptedoy-IaaWs and elected officers in, have a miore permanent organization. The purpose expriessed ii te by-laws is: *T~he object' <or which, this' association .is formed is to promote social and bene- ficial intercourse between its menm- bers and to collect and preserve im-* portant facts, documents and other, matters relating to the early-bistor>y of our village and its pionecers." Many of Wilmette's Well -kinowl) citizens have served as officers, and at the 1937 meeting J.. Robb Harpeir waschosesi president for. the current year. Last sprinig Mrs. Frank ~. Joy, who had,; for man y years served as historian, resignied,;,and Mrs, Loriii A. Bower wvas choscu to fitfiaI office. Although manv itemis of. historical Id Town 1FolIcs work art conimunicate with the as- mliuaI .achniîo*y la lIWineweIl reaa4 ~. Dvoralç marie JCuhn... éudIOc rt E Fiat . .... Chopin Pwckiog nun Lane .k .....Godard kt LulIta Jy Wood trarea... .....tUe 1 ju eamu was, and Resi- isa Lake Forest Young Peo ple Will Give - -----Two PFa ys ini December i the floor, yet on thle side- to Assist Pilgrim Fund elows like Stani and Oscar 6.Andaloi '.Noctura S. Second