Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Dec 1937, p. 38

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WHAT IT-MÉANS The sale of Christmas Sealcodtd truhu Cook county by Chicago Tuberculosis institute, 1s now in progress in ail New Trier towishliP villages. It 4s through this sale that the cýaMpaiggu to'vonquer tubeculsisas a hlealth and ife menace has beenl carried on nationally for thirty vears. perhaps there is no more logical rasonWy er citizen should buy Christmas Seais than the progress that has been made in lowering the death rate, especi- ally amnong children of the poor. f rom itis malady that was once accepted as'iicurable, and its victims hopelessly lost. Science.refused 1 to accept the fatal- ist idea, and great strides have beci made in metlh- ods of prevention and treatmieut, withi the resuit that zbe deatl' rate has dr9»ppe hy more thail 70 per cent. With further progress iii methods à~ is the luope ü1 the national orgatiizatiofl ai the Chicago Tubercu- lsistitute that tubérculosis ivill be a-, completely stamped out as yellow f ever. That is wbat the purchase of Christmïas Seais ,,neans-a continnuts and intelligently directed battle against the most insidious disease that children and young aduîts have to fear. To, have a part ini this canipaign is a privelege that every villager shouid ti., nd n onnrtuhiity none Wshould miss. The. railtroada of America have mnade aIpplîcatioli to the Interstate Commerce commission for an in- .erease in both passenger ani freight rates ini order to partialiy meet the increased cost of operuation due direvtly to recentlY imposed laws. These applica- tions are now under cônsiderati0fl by the commission. The usaj reaction of.ý the average citizen to a dollars a year, shotiki be perinitted to sink into fier- .manent balckruPteY. Perapsanincreasc ilu tariffs to met increased costs, with measures Comnpelliflg truclcs to fIairness iu compe!tition by, bearing a, just proportion of highwaY construction and upkceP, would permit the "empire. builders" of other days to again attain a pros péroi station aniong the industries of the nation. THE, PROFITS TAX The hue and cyfrrpeal or drastic e rci-ýiio*-if the lundistri ,hitcd profitç tax has inspired many to itivestigate the-ProvisioflSof the present law to flnd out what it is al'ablxut. nontl. few-have the' capacity for digesting thc e*niasure or eveji of, gras,-, ing the average explanatiotis. Cotngressnlati Evercit. M. Dirksen of the l6th Illinois district, blas giveil who really want to unclerstatid the nieasure: "What is this much discussed tax on undistributed profits that is blamied for the present business set- back? Here it is in a broad way. SuIppo)se the net incomec of a small corporation a! t&r deductions ir materials, labor, sales expense and other deductlblc items is $50,000. On this amounit it pays a corporate icorne tax of 15%. This tax together with the inter- est which ii .may have received on governnment bonds "' AA1 *1A ro the 50.00. The halktnce is referred the adj corporations itli adjusted net ilncomvesle 5000 per, ycar. That credit.atnounts to $5,00 difference betweefl $5,000 and 101% of thé ad- net income. The hat ancc 15 known as the Un- mted net icorne. ppose therefore that the net income is $50,000, justed net icorne after the above deductions' -94-r al Weicomne to the worltrs finest specimlefl5 of fann animais,- now being exhibited at the Chicago Live Stock excposition. Its the greatest showv of the year, *No nmtter whether the View is straight front or profile, the makeup artist who achieved, Oriental, siant eyes for the co-star in a coming mnovie is guilty of cruel and unusual treatment ýof his victim, if the Modus. operatndi as repo rted by .one of our. favorite newspaper wvomen is to be beiieved. -Shè.said: "Those siantcyts you will sce in the picture were achieved by littie Strings glued to the. skin near the otiter edges of the eye& that were then pulled up and ticd in a Imkot on top of ber head under her wig." That would be suffBcient, we opine, to.not oniy produce sianteyesi but bulging eyes,. mach asone mgtimagine pos- sessed 4y the of(springi of a Chinamüan and a wvall - ceectpike. week when they alighted on electric power trans- mission wir'es. Its ail riglit so 10ong9aS, thte lj.reat American eagle remains alive. The suspense is ended and the country, at leaut' t>u8E* naIf of 1* lcnnwn as Wisconsin, is saved. a fourth terni. Ai but who can expll specWa session as intînated t slipped away on a fishing triî 'to take the "rap." Announini tion had no intention of doitn would do, the Senator said: " the country into believiiig w r ue Iç elex 5Walu~884 . and ieft the Sensator that the administra- what it had said it 'here's no use kidding can do something we, nt with a terrific wal- Rv'oamt ~I : f )~ decided to run for .plain a LaFollette.,

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