Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Dec 1937, p. 40

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artiss --eorges. Hatrrreilutuist,; M*scha Vlzoil, tlloiiîit; Horace JBritt,,vioionicelist; Geraki Kunz. violiet, anîd, Jerome Rappaport,, pianiist--Susnday afternoon at'the Keniworth Assenbly. hall. Let al loyeô f clianber Music aîîdot hers xh(# twould like to becomne acquainted with somie of its literature note this fact: aîext Sunday afternoon, December 5, at 4 o'clock the iîighly tstecemed and justly famed Gordon String quartet wvill give the. second program in, the Norl tr e Chinler Mfusic séries. Single tickets miiav ,be psrcîased-at, the door. The first haif of the prograini ctbisiste<I oi>cn positions by ,Hâiîde1, Brethovcit, Bach-a' uandt- (minus the viola), a' trio (minus the piano; and 'cellô), and - Baclh groûtp for 'cello ol.Thr wa.s;. peculiar pleasure in bearing thèse: ciasSir formns set forth in unfamniliar -but aito--gethler, de- light fui instrumentation. Also the literature for these comibmations being iess familiar conild but added to a well-nigh faultless performance, made the experience a completely satisfying one. Mr. Britt's solo group concjuded the first bali of the prograni. I was Bach 'just Bachr unacco:n panie(l and Bach in serionsmod Mr. Bri iii choosing to do this group showed liiuis'eIf ai t mi compromnising artist coîîceding nollung for popti1 lar favor; at the saie tinte it was a Compliment to his audience whv. to their credit be it said. illy aptnrerid hbth the nbiit~Uv of the , jjnnositimb, .1 pilsictil ti-a it.s givest Salurday 1l' 1,. Juaes C. lMer of 135. Chtirch rvad, lk'is'ikit. Jtprsneril' of Ililtiuete, to prescii l klt'r dauiier, '11iry Jaùý-iè.toii'a .ripli> IOI fi<t lie itinsîitul frieelifs. Silitce lier graduationt in 19.34). Miss Ei<Ier, lyî it \ecrtigbiÎ eminias c spranqo, bas d4 C started ber sît dela K.. Payne, aan Uarclii. tenor, wli s, progran'. MIN der. wbich Mr. 1Thomas is sîungg. For this reasonj Mr. T.Iomàas wiil appear in tlie Newv Trier High .. sciool auditorium on T.Iesdla% ev'ening, D.cember 7. iinstcad of the previoîis1y scbeduled date-Mouday, December 6. This is t le * third 'in the series ;of concerts spônsored i tii season by thé Artist Recitat commttée nithet inucîka Music club. Carroll Hollister, pianist. is:to assi.st %.r. Th(onîa.4 on the program., He, wifl be bis aecompanist asi wJ1il play a group of thre piano numnbers. Thriv * program that evenling willbe açifollows: Ir%, le- '<t Tii Io $ai ...... I'..r . ....I> Air froin -Vomusq"......1 r. -Arne. . .... ... t.... .. Joq(-p*n M arx De*r Toit.....................'<s.hMarx Johin ChaflIui-iiilîiena TIamîbourinî............. La Sibirée dn ranade lit~ 1iii.yiôC. rr..... . .iit* .N Barque ............ Nicube, »,. .. ... ....... Non il ver,. . . lv M1,. ', IBoy..... ...r. b; Lo.rd Uasàcall.... " Ithyeies of a Rovèr BI(bb White....... . Steîtl Awiay A I)avid l git] 911 i.ii ai tif i -4 t i > SSVÀ M~attvi .b ril set.4 *.Carroll Hollister .jacques Wolfe- o-r. by liai jéohIjs011 .NIs*rt Ilay , Malut. ir Min. (And wno ever lneard neforc of a Scnerz<> wvhose inain theme was fugal?) A sonata for fitîte and piano by Hindemith whiclî in spite of its a- tonatity and other modern fcatures is ciassic in forîi and was so stiavely and clegat.ly played that it mad<e a most favo(rab)le impression. By re<quest Mr. Barrère played as encore, and witb rlelectablu punity of toileand grace of phrasisig. the familiar chassie -Dance of the Jlapp% Spirits" front (lck *Orphcuss." The final quintet bY Ibbc te cFrench cîpr 1 çtnlg%., juait Ca%, slimuld îlot be hecard until mie is mtore. iamiiliar %wita -its values or cist it slîould 1>e played nefaretu te 1Iwginiiniig o i te îrogratilwliite,. the listeiter's immid is îrcAher. One eau oîîlv say tai it was inimeresting m ius modernt way but seeînled ;nimlu iety i ideas .an.d treatiteîui. The Northt Shore Niusiciaits club wvill lold its Decemiber meeting next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H-eir% . V. Ducker, 1125 Mohawk road. Wilmnette. Serviîîg as assistiig hocstüsscý %vill be A. F. Crit%. \Ir-,. Il. 1-». Muttord. and~ .A special intuiiber où h rgai ii] Christmas mu.s;ic by the North Sliore 1.yric -cil- 4 WJLMBETTE LIFE p 'I 40

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