Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Dec 1937, p. 3

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SEN. WHEELER, FOE 0OF COURT BILL, PAE Vigorouq: Li.beraàl itoAddresst SunayEvning Club on' "'State of the Nation" cAtwiin IIsÇIe(iule rînigs .i, it -0 Sates. Seiator Burton K.Wlicter to tihe \eN- Trier Sündav. venling club il l Ne1w Trier High school audi- toriirn I)ccrnler '5. Senator %NI heeler* exciiange,. place with Mrs. Gisa (Mar-1 tt i 'oJ oh n s oiifamed wonaen explorer. who . 4rgiiilv'scheduled for Dieceml- ber 5. 'vili preseilt her prograrn .1 Dccerlw)tr 12. Seciuitir \\'Iieler :iJJ adre-, Iieý stundaY IAvening club1 on the verv! tixneiv ýuibjcct, -The State of theý Xatioî. Long ait outstanding liberali, ini the United States senate, Senator helrcamee forcefuilly to public at- lentiloni)in recmit months by assuming the leader-ship in preventing the. pro- poscd ~akig of the Supjretine Court. Sviiatoîr \VhIeeier wvas bonsi ilk .Na.ss-aclitietts and graduated iroin AT Haîrris & Ewlng ~tJ1bD hrt.,,ix:. l'h'Ic of il:,au.,zill uudess the \' S'~*~.uildaY ! *;Iiiuiclub. Pi.- Date Is. Changed to ýTuesday Nigkt ýAinotunCement wasna(ic this we ek of ti e po tpone ,î f the e n ntJohn Charles' Thomias retital. at 'New Trier auiditoriuto .1*tuesdaà- evening. De- cember: 7 Postponerncnt of thie re- citai, originaiiy announced for ilext Monday, imght, was nmade nccessary becaus eof conflic t witi Mfetropolitani Opera cohipaiy dates. T'le ioliowviig important sta tentent is directed to subscrîbers to. tue Artiý-t-RecitaI series: * To-our subscribersý- "Due to ah unexpected confiict. of dates wvith the Metropolitan Opera copasix, h,,, Jolii. ,.CbarlesTJoinas concert lias been changed to Tues- day. Ucecemnber 7 If yotu cannot use *youtic kets or thit concert, or the Iat oetof the series, a recitai by Hieifetz, iwillIyou please notifi.v our secre.tary. MXrs. Eloise %Vortley, tele- phone Wùînmetka 1113. We hiave inany requets for guest tickets. If you tvill niotif v Mrs. Xorticv preferably a day in àdvanice of the, concert, tiat' tvour ticket is avaïllable, it :wiil eni- CALL MEETING ON QUESTION tFIDAYNOON Vîllagers Are Urged to Portici. Pate i:Discussion nt Lunch. con The Town Meeting ;-poni. ored by the ,Wiltneit,, Civicé league, will be held tomorroiw (Friday, December,,3). at 2 oclokin the English Iroom of X arshall. Field's C,,hicago meail, store. IThe, subject for discussion W*ili be Village parka.. An urgent. muvtation is extended to ail viliagers to attend and take part in the discussion. Following its policy of briniiginim- portant public qu1estions iorward for full and intelligent consideration, the league offers at this time one that shotikt engage the attention of 'ait çitizens, President Harry B. Johuiston states. He addg that parks are a public service requiring longtinie planning because of the i necessity of deciding upon locations, securing of the required propertiés. and other vital considerations. of the Iliter-Sýtate Comi tee of the senate. Hie% sponsible for the Rail bill and the amcncledI ýAct. %which outlaws col and the yellow dog activity Mi helping to bi defeat of President R a La>or . [y. unions act. iiS) about thei rett's Su-i he mciii-( -- . - -- - -&_ V- - R % I TT lai st-, -.--- --id. aI , 4& RETURN FROM TRIP Dernonstrate Craft lfacilties, andl whet is thea.tum'ef \l. anîd \Ir,..\V. E. Dnn have Mrs. Frances Conflon. noted author- that uuquiuem.mt? jiiNt i-tetirriefitotsi tir homne in \ Vil- ity on spinning, wilI visit the Central (2) Shah uesdnt. of thsat area of iiitt(,irm a niotor trip to the, Uni- and the Howard scbools in Wi1mlette Wiluut.te US nw in any Park dhtviet oc~t i \Niinnetstta at Nlinneanol is, next week to exhibit and demi- aue h emelezant. "-esde Wliîre tlîev visiteil their :On, Ray, onstrate her work. . *ra o heetabIished WimIee. u no sm the factiitv as assistant in She117111 at tlt-.'. 'Lu;r l arkdisrfict ? XII irai

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