Christmas ýketties for receiving donations have been placed through- out. Evanston, or those wbo wish,. may:.mail .checks, to Major Asp at 13 Sherman avenue, it is'announced. Wwk Reviewing the past year's workç, Major Asp reports that 1,254 single persons were helped; 840 garments and shoes supplied f ree of charge;, 861 persôns were given meals; 181 were supplied with funds for trans- poratbon; 1,097 interviews and in- vestigations were given; 666 hours spent in visitation, :and lodgings were provided for 199. At Christmas time, 785. persons received food, candy and toys. During the flood crisis, 2,530 garxnents were sent to the flood area. Five unmarried mothers were cared for. 'wherý 'A for Dark was1 In boys are1 and werc ý' place is the aJong reigîoi religious orgý aim, and a sc religious aim., a University Students GULE TO TC SEX A Sing for ShUt.Ins Chester R. Hafson, 512 Sheridan Daniel 'M. Davisdirectur of hj- cal tramng, acted as toastniaster andl introduced Don Heap. captain (-f Northwcstertn's 1937 football ttarn. and Fred Vanzo also 'Oue of the~ star inembers of the, tearn. vho. gave( slort' talks. Awards Letters J., R. Harper, superintendeni of the public schools. awarded a letter and( écrtificate to every boy. Alfredlkr ens> led ,thie boys and <lads: in tlhe. çitigintg of seyeral sonigs whieh i cluded ' "School Days." "M an on te Flying Trapeze," "Secët Ndelinie". and' 'Go tU Northwesterin."*.MNrs. Gertrude Fanickboyier playied the pi - The banquet commnittee included Mrs. R.* A. î'tariaduk.-chaw-maii Mrs. Alfred Heere ns, Mrs. S. DJ. Flinn, Mrs. Gertruide Fanckboner, and mrs. E. O. Anderson. The P.T.A. inenîbers %who served were NMrs. L. C., l'orre'V, 1trs. Aarvev Cri 'Mrs. 1-1. W. Drucker, Lenoir Miller, MIrs.. Paul Casterlirie, Mrs. George Il. Rcdding. MNrs. Dorotliv Naethans. Mrs. Edward Benson, and Nfrs.. A. E.. Edenberg. The bovs who- were awardcd foot- ball letters anid certificates at t1ue b)anquet were: ram, Bonb ')ruck#. Redding. Ken n Ander.on, Gus like, Warren Hi111. Marmaduke, Fred ims, Roger Miller. t Anderson, Alden *Robert Edenberg. Tc-d Dudl Ed Lak Robert NI i Iuzan, IR Robert Go HePrens, Wilifamn 1 also os -ents, and, son's