J îerika and iulencoe, accUUing t a re- -cent survey. Evils on North Shore "It is t. ue, that purelyi cotr c- * ditions- cani perhaps hardly exist i a ýarea so close to a city of 3,000.000 1 1r- sonsý but the evils that.have arie frorn lackx of intelligent outlook to the future .are .ail out of proportioni to jwhat rnighit .be termed. the necds otf these nortb shore commÈunities,*' said Mr. Beânett. "The whole north shore was coun-ý try flot mnany years ago. Today, b% compIarison, it is in somne aspects Vr. in *its conditions than the city.. This mnay scern as a Strange statement but it snust be. rcm m'bered that *the very * ojl)Cllfls5 of the counitry, lefl(s itscli to anno>yinces îîot icît so keenly ini thC, city. Tihe evils of which 1 speal art shared by the whole north shore. 'They ar - the resuit largelv of the, e xag g er at io n of triisportatdonl througb and to some extent localI Rail and road problenis. shotuId bcl deait with as a whole on the nortlî *shîore. If 1 rightly understand it, ilos&t of these offenses against civilized bc- ings arise out of 1-I.ack oi gradei * separation; 2-Continuation of steain operation; 3-1E'xcessive sl)eed based i' on illusory self interest. I~~~~~~ z II~ I~vlae oning &ct to ie)tu ~ prc>perty in Ztrea larger than ap- I)t*6xiIflgtely.one-half acre. WJthln- tbeise owaî*Iàhips;:Ihere -1 a great deal of open I eûtywhere the danger constantly *,XÎ.t,ý o tir adc subdvision develo»- nment. *InI9J~,Ui (enerRl Assemb1Y patsaed rua.zon 1 1%eniablirig act. A bogrd t.sbe P,)(inted,.for Lake county to Iipare a rýurgtl zoning ordinance by, to)wns'hiPe, Klanie, DulPage and ilII 'outit>shavngalo appointed zonling krd.Cook county ishould follow sut.. W ..ld Ieguate Lanid Urne "Suëh regulat ions as inay ho pashed shoéujd. be designed to maintain the rural dIharaetei of the- country àide, by re-' -tricting Uthe subdlvlsiôn of lan& Wzi înaintaiînng the big aéreage. properties. *Inside~ village roads. may ho other- Wlebeautifuldue toindividual reslden- liai front developmtent. On the hlghways, :î comprebensive sceme iii.et-ýiàv bt let' - 75 to ers foi eise"nt -r- - - - - - - I ., - . I JAM-ES. C R AB GEtfiRAL CONTRACTOR Saldôr of FINEST NORTH SHORE HOMES FOR 40 1015 CENTRAL AVENUE YEAIS WILMETTE 466 or 3513 soulul* nuy De termed '*El*ectrificatiotî wotild eliminate the vportitti(onii owe% steani noises .ol puffing and. exhaust i resid..mtia.I :< steani and woul reduce the roar 1 "11(l 11", fort 'I' *ý bout tdais trîaIy reasou i oligbiter equipmnent. .Grade the northshore separation eliminates the whistling the effare reid< and if accomplishied by the lowering Of 3Mr. Ieennett ai tue rack insead f elvatias fg>t, Lake thetrcls nsea o eevtinquiets 1:,,wktandf and almost eliminates the growl and <oipreemiv-%e p our ~~n !~ivelnes at COK Why Nt Bu a ome? en. of