Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Dec 1937, p. 12

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q :30.' a.m.-December 26.; Sunday school fand Bible classes. 10:55 am.-Sunday sehool classes for * children. three te live years. il am.ni-Confirmation cof the saduit catechumen clam5. *The chlldren of* the. SundaIy uchool wIll present ,their; Christnmas, Eve ýpro- gram on Friday eveninif. beginning at 7 oclocek. The children are asked -to corne fifteen minkutes eaârlîer. There will again be an early morning Christmas Day service at 6:30. Corne te ïthe most beautitul service et the year." At 10 oclock there will be a service ln German for those who prefer te hear the Christmas message and sing the Christmaa hymns ln their oid mother- tongue. On Sna there wiIl be onle. one- service, at 1il a.m., when the aduit cate- chumen class wIlli ho received into mern- bership. Twô wlll be -received by bap-ý tism: Charles Taylor and Mrs. Mary. Jane Burmeister; --three---by copjrma- tien: Carl A. Llndstrom, Cari Williams, Announcernenfts fer the New Year Comnmunion services will be received at the. parsonage on Wednesday from 1 te 9 pi. . Goold Tidinga' Handel Mise Aines OfËfertory-Verset.... ........ Frances. "A cordial invitation is19extended to those flot atteriding church elsewhere to' corne and worship wth us. Thsi a union cliurch. Its membership, includie people frorn varieus denoniinations. It proiaims the essential truths of the Christian faith. It desires to provide for the icommunity the service of worship, religieus education and social feilow.-hip. It welcomes the co-operation of al peo- ple of good wiii who wish tïo promo-te the welfare of the neighborhood, the re- alization of effective methods of philan- thropy. and the extension et the Gospel lnto al the world. T he Sunday sechôoo wiii meet at 9-:45. IThere are classes for* chiidren betweeni thé ages ef kindergarten and thé high sehool. Visitera are weicomë. Englisi, Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf avenue The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor CJIRISTMALS SERVICES Christmas Day-Early Service 6 :30 a.m. Second Christmas Day-December 26, Church school......... >9:4 5 a.m. Service of woriship .........il1:00 a.m. The music for the Early Christinas Service is a follows: Organ. Prelude The Shepherds' Carol......... Chubb Anthern Th InfJuant Jesus ............ o The .Church school mOts, Sunday mornlngs at 9.:30 Ôocock. Ileew enroll-; ments may be ziade at any,.tlime., The Intermiediate EPworth bague ineets Sunday evenings at, 5 o'clock. The High Schooi Epworth league wil mneet Sunday evening at 6 o'cock. Al ,hii school -students are cordially In- viteti. A ChrisImas play wili be given Sun- day evening, December 26, at 6 :30. o'ciock in the Great Hall hy Theta Up- silon.Rho. The public la lànvited. .rirst Presbyteria4n Ninth street at Greenleat avenue James T. Vene-kiasen, minister *At the, mornlng wership service at il o'ciôck the ninister wiIl preaeh. on the view ot the past andl an anticipation ot the future. We Iivite you te worship wlth us. The Sunclay seheel wiii ineet in its varlous. departinents at 9:30 o'clock. The Aduit Bible class will resume its study et Revelation at 10 o'clock ln the chapel. The children ,will, present the mnonAy they have been saving during Advent, placing It at the foot ot the greatcrs in the chancel. This money *111 be giv--n, Wo the church institutlonts fer:ehîldrenh In Chicagzo, They will deposit their pres- ents In the great manzer at the figures representlng the nativity. ThAFse pres- entswifl be sent after the service to a ëhurch mission In Chicago. The midnight service *111 beginr at 11 :30 o'clock on Christmnas Ave and wfll be prereded by a . half-hour sinizging ot Christmnas carols by the choir boys. andi Mr. Allen Stahl wili play a prelude et hbis own compnsition.; The service proporwiii begin at 11:-30 o'ceock, andi the Christmas, communion, wiil.lie celebrated at midnight. Theré wlll be -spectal Chrastinas music. by the boys' vesteti choir condurted hy Mr. Chandler Sterlinz. organist andi choir- master.. The recter will give- a short Christmas -aMsegmss4 There will bc plain celebratton of tfie holy communion'on Christmnas day at 8 a.m. and Il a.m. withottmusie- or sermon. On Sunday, St. Stephen's Aay. there will be hoIly communion at g a.m. anld holy communionl with sermon at 11 a.m. There will be ne session et the church school this Aunday. Pagtorale from lust Sonat. . Guimant Anthem The Qulding Star ............ Rogers The Senior Choir Carol Silent Night........... ... Gruber The Junior Choir Postlude Chorus et Shepherds'. .... Lemmens Victoria MLeod-MIInistry et Music - . . .teif There will be no idweek serv ice on Wednesday eveninig. We will have a speciai communion service on New Year's Day morning, January 1, at 10 o'ciock. This la an in- formai service and we cordially invite T you t'.> w0rship with us. the A new class for - those who wish to Men prepare for church membersbip .will be on( betgun by the pastor next Sunday at nini 4 ::0 ococ.Ti vilii I-oly Comsforter (Episcopal) Kenllworth Leland Hobart Danforth, rector ristit3 m. of servic I elti

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