scored eight points ini each balf. hvÏbe ianne Àythe..s.uc.. s The Hawk Eyes, the other teani Refreshments wili be served during which bas lost no games yet this sea- the afternoon. The party is free to son, beat the Blow Outs, 35 to 19. ail regular attendants of the center. During the first haif, the Blow Outs The Dramatic club of the communi-: couldn't find the basket, and the Hawk ty center will aise hoid its Christmas Eyes led 15 to 1 at the hait. Theti party on Friday, December 31, which Lee Mitchell started shooting and wiii aiso be free to ail regular attend- scored 12 points in the second half to ants of the community center. give the Blow Outs a respectabl The center wiii be open during the score and to share bigla points witt holidays from 1 te 10 p. mi. daily ex- G.eorge Moore of the HwkEyes cept Saturdav and Sunday. according who also scored 12 pont.te Daniel M.- Davis, director. Furat V*ct«oY Mercury scored their firat victory of the season when they, beat the Cou-Ya-Müts, 21 to 15 in a bard BO LINGI fought gaine, in . which very littie scorlng was doue. ie Uknows are]j OUILMETTE K. OF C. LEAGUE theU 1 eùre r euls . . Chr;strnas $eals Lv8n. aor ere aoaini Ins............ 2They proteci your homo 011 ...... ........ rm T bec ts 1 2 2 1 te ralue an eyebrow at ail extra currieu Iverii..........i1 2 -lar activitie, ncluding late uiours an% ry.......... 2 whoopee ln general. Now whle otute:4 ,~ was the real reason? None of theni en Jr.......... 2 1 ire It was pure speculation. ,vice ....... ....... l 2 In an ffort os tai alu rate 1*facù ýound, changes iii adolescent girl. Our AmèérIean girls, therefore, must be carefully watehed froni chlldhood on. Periodiephysical examinations wIll help to keep, theni in good health so they: ean resist tuberculos infection., Your Respu>nsility There you have the bare, liard facts, nothing added and nothing taken away. Do they bring a sense of your responsi- bility in eradicating this- insidious dis- case that is taking sucli beavy toit in the' lives of girls and young womien? 1The National Tuberculosis associa- t ion, the Chicago Tuberculosis institute and Wilmette Hcalth Center are thé. "shock troops" in the campaigu te de- stroy tuberculosis. Since. the campaigit began in 1900, the deatb rate f roni 1Ibis disizase bias becai rcduced, by over 70 per cent, but it is stili the major cause of deaths. lr4' camnpaiguii s innccel through the sale of Christmas Seals, now being offered in WiInette hy Wilnilette Health Center, and in Kenilwortb tbrougb the public schools. Your pur- chase of Seals will helj> to provide the 66periodic physical exaninations'8 consid- ered so 'essential to the success of the efforts to protect girls and young wom- ic, the exceptionsi with all victories, the Demons, who gamnes. "C i s leave the 132 the Uknow m credit, and M, ost Ailtheir - vPresemts Two One- 1Players presented ;, "Pierot, Hia Play," spantomime, I"The. .............1 .0 12 Last wows ý