when bhe was chosen by Northwest- ern uiversity for the first. "History and. Entjoyment of Music" series three Year% ago, MÎss Anderson. appeared aýgain on thé second' series. Her concerti, here have been the sensa- bien of the Chicago musical stage. Simaga G.wmm Lieder :lnchatied on ber prograni Sunday %wilI be several of the German Lieder. soute Negro spirituals, and arias from operas. Seats are on sale at the box office of thie Auditorium theatre.' Resuming the Thorne hall section of the couirse, NorthWestern, univer- sity will offer the premiere appear- ance of; Engel Lund, fanions tu- ropean folk singer, at 8 o'clock Wed-: nesday. Jainuary 19, in Thorne hall. East Superior street and Lake Shore drive..i On this first visit to the United! tis States '-Niss Lund bringi a type of t recital that is entirely novel. By SU means of a few preliminary words i of explanatio,î, she sketches the con- j ami tent of each song, which she then ' brings to life through interpreta- wý tion. It mnay be a scene ini the Scot- il Of the hostess con, -1ttee'; and Mis rFrances Kearn, Miss . Florence Lin - nell, and Mrs. Thomnas E.. Roberts, members of the facuilty., Representing thée college: students at the tea will be Miss Laura Jane 'Marsh, presideait of the college coun- cil, and Miss Betty Sullivan, pres- ident of the freshnian class. TAintervais during the afternioon; the Glee club~ will sing favorite songs of the college girls and their guests. CHRISTIA N SCIENCEý SERVICES $&Lif e"t will be the subJect at the- services in First Çhurch 'of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette, Sunday morn- ing, January 16, at Il o'clock, held in the edifice at 1003 Central ave- F~UR COATS, CLO111 COATS and SUifs et @u..Tbird te 60% Of The finnt aelection in Chio#*o COUR Diu" T T OU WIOLESMU OP» ae. dIfm.ei9 &. ç6mw W wwww O pan.OWI The Houa. of JEROME9 Inc 310 W. JOcksow v. t. ivian Mc a story !rated writer, philosopher and preacher, Reinhold Niebuhr of New York at. the miain service, wvill make the ev'ening of January 16 a memor- &bIe nie. at the Chicago Sunday Eve- t1ing club in Orchestra hall. bcientist, on bunday Januar golden text was, "The cupE 9 which wc bless, is i.t iot th nion of the blood of Christ -J