Mis" 1-34111q--. a sititterv iu5.w, ac S ie F.mpbi)lasi;,ed hv Mr. Delaprirte Wa% tlh- »;lbiel;mwi. and ap etsiaored novelist fat that while numerouç Diaces of flu- 1atre.drawn together under the speli îere%t are i,îclued in , thi% ,iierary. ol ttlie jade god to ant apparentlv tlIiIt. who tmake thWsçtnt>Wilt int folI,ý%w quiet F,îl ldgc. fîirtisbled with 4bilv tihe- rtgular tourist paths%.but iwitI oriental curiosities. zto à bi, independent excursions. v'ewing wonr4î,s atural scelles. indutginig hl s ~~ sprsadpastinies of the varins land:, istScoesn. .teetig çt'dents in tbese countrieL > cx- Boys' Cage Tourney ali .July 3 Week'sresulitsof the. intra-nitral ;!00 isotv* ivided itîto 0 eastîs and ten No rth (serintai Llnyd exoress steani- kh e * h4ip. l.uloii. Amsterdamn. Berlin, ~mui-- 1tife twheeliptd ths w jeul. rîlitul Vnic. Florence. M ilasi. I r u wy ebr'ftepyi Lucerne. Ti tisee. Lolrogne,. Paris. an d .,iues1ati. at i >a)rtiiîetit,. inicharge of> Ctîerhotrg are a few of the cities uwhicl **îiratî a ret, fis iet the tt'avel-eager sttidett.' NaiL i. u.'k-. 2. Flanfivamt. 42: *Ve% Mmiauu . .ilifetr -11.- 16: lHou'kimns .Nvisit to the palace of Sali,. Satîci ' t .w 7 ~ti.r.7 Iakn üreat iii Berlini. an inidependet texplo)ra- bru 13. Viii Kirk. -11: Omiadw, ' U'1. Deutchesinuswn no~îlI.'>d<iis '*1.-pe;W. ,;. lt,.wi, . 4Sanid- ii ofthe D.. s ;s -1:erj. llur. 7. Edwaîib d .s16: ~"npvein the woril (Munich). sight- W.I.4 %eeisig lby fOOt and gondola it n ic. iiuuw.gî IIil ~:I'u the bridge mef sigbis. doges' palace.* etc. ."rLt>y, 1; Sh:aîi 1. .I;- içeaYam1s-, i are attong the tlîrills awaiting niembler., wwav. 5. ut~.' t,.!. Arin. ipittte tour. 1t;: aloiu.'r 6 'u nn'.. I l Fained Lake Lucerne. the. art gallerie,, ~ 7I .'rra'.16. si 'Milan. the Church in which' is kept t 1 ê.:y.12: ln- L e martb.a aVitnci's immortal'"at . Io r.c 'lu: qu ç,i Nwod xsé in prtehe -'2"ong , CORRECT EIN* APOAIEL u1I1.p nperiv .Ireiied for winter nlding. And il youere ouîh.' **rd bounnd, a.' Iate ,mqint elv riding apparoi l )Outheru rhc. BAlLE 'Y !SIN~C 710 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON GREiI f 3 C,.jls'Clubto oJdRotIueilId unipire:* Levligs Cxiris'Clu ioHontrTobertsn meorer. Seddotu. "Priendly Banquet" EgibTahrSck Theteon animal -frîendly baniquet.-iE gihT ahrSek SponISiîrcfl by the. G~irls, club ofYý -i at Student Club Meet Trier Ili-gli schtool, wifl be lield -mn tlie- Iiss Laira Durgin of the New Trier evenistg of. january 19 at the Sîcha al. H i gli scbool r1.nglish departnient spoie the MW