oi vielt n'mi5eVV '*onu-ni em- kind-iîi her desýcription o-fpeopi ber,11ip. Mrs. Hodgkins and HrIrtvstoteWieH Mr~ Cares . hesonwiI as. at the age. of >seven iWhen. wt7rývWth Mrs. White on the Harrisons were in the WhtHo c4,mnîjittee. ber second,. during the Spanish A.luy voung woman eligible to mnem- weth. .cKînieys lived thert! ber.lîi,> in the D. A. R. who is inter- She spoke of the ability -t estéd ïlu joining this*>junior group in 'branches ofý the Roosevelt fat the Skokie. Valley chapter is cordially have. of, nôt forgetting- of invted, to get in touch with Mrs.' "locked doors" of the White Ho ýN71ite. Work for. the. southern at the end of the Wilson regil schioOl.supported hy the D. A. R. is when cards were left with a poli onc of the V., A. R. projects that mati at the gate; of Mrs. Wilsc ap peals to miany of the youliger phobia about writers, and of D. A. R. members. sel]Sible attue -oad the, pi Mr~ Rid . rolnson, regena of Sbown l by Nrs. Harding and N~ Fort I)earborn chapter,> was the guest1 Franklin Roosevelt, that resulted spcaker. She gave an enthusiastic accuracy in the things written ab îalk on -Junior Groups. 1tbemi. Tfie inembers of the chapter re- With the coming of the Hardi; reîvrd ait ivtfation n t nd th~e Jth~e gaes were- ttlfl7wlV pen and1 mcrtingî Tuesday at the Ev-anston White Ifouse, again becameie Wiasclub to hear -Nrs. Frances center of social activity. ht is mi l'rkn~uîKeyes, the editor of the so 110W than, ever, she said, w~ 1). A. RZ. national magazine. the Na- Mrs. Roosevelt always ready to wi tioîîal Hlistorical magazine. coule an outsider and to listen The ). . R raio proram toa;îotIier'à troubles and to lead h~ ~vein Chicago ini the itear oecretmven. 1il utlirt. are: Drarna: -Thie Star i Alice Longwor.th she described Spiangledl Banner" hy E. G. Opie, a great wit and a great beauty, pi JbeeIted the Canterbury Players. ( sessing great charm, brilliance, WktI-17flL. -'itirai Iii :r, ,)o mmv.ad narinrr 21 ou,. nà ways oise the lise; w both mil y the OuJse ,me, ice- the wess: bout Evanston "Business College ami ACCOUINTIflCOURSU. Day and Evening Classes, JIaaay 17 UIL]ELCAOWIaw "an-VAL h 1718 Sherma Ave. POedOCH A n.regular %weekly broadcast .(De- ised, thl er . w si i'enmer throughi March),. sponsored couple of questions; and by the Fourth division of the Amer- briefly, in. answer to req ICiai.,;ï eomimittee, is given every theiniembers, on the ci Friday at 3:30 P. m. over NVGES Seniator Glass and Chi f ,Pk i. lack.- -F. B. M. Hihland avenue' 'r of Fla. 'ý i UNlversky 8OO% ýacters of 1Justice FÀ immmb. ,ý 1,:>ne is Witty' ànld 1-. . - ý . _