Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 8

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Ciaonds&nac smAiLL TowNS NMany lisîingnished leaders of péople Vvere rea-ed n aali îowns. .The voting man or woman in thée sanler communîty seerni 10 get a çlearer: view of li e. Through more intimate contacts: with people. he learne nîorç of hum4ti nature -the inost imlpotant, of ail réquireinents for seeas. M 1ràk Twain negier Lould hagve found Tom Sawyer andl Hw klebe try Fin in the cdlv. Ubrahain Lincoln would have 'beea lost in i ety' ward otirs. Most of what je humabi and livable in the c:tNY was brought there bY those whn) Ieurned' how to live in enalter. friendlier comn)unities. We a re ail gad to be a part of tbis meal Amrica.. Contributed byA E. C. Caze*1&. J. B. Seyler of the 1 Salder-Cazel & Ridge Ave. 1 Pharmacies The Winnetka .chidren's hour wviII present a'Rip Van Wikikle". with the Ùanterbory. marionettes on Saturday ,norning, Japnuary. 22 ut 10:30 o'clock ii&,Rudàlph Motz hall of Wiinnetka corin.muinity- house., This is the siîxth o! the series of /Pro grains arranged specially for children f rein. 4 to 10 >earS of «uje Annual Boy Scout Dinner Is Set for February 9 An!nual Boy Scout week, February 6 to 12, will be obsr rved ini Wil- mette, among oth eenets, by an an- niversary dinner Wee$esday evenig, February 9, at th.e Wilmnette Masoilic temple. Tickets are now available and can i)e obtained f rom any Boy Scout or by. calling Wilmette 1330. Details cf the affair wilIlibe an- I LORIDA ORA GESwetand jtaacy .Now-ba$79 Fresh, sweet and iuicv....... ANSWER Jali. 15, 1938 1Editor; WiiLmETTE LnFE: According to a letter in last week's W[LmETTE LiFE signed I. M. Contented hie is satisfied with Wilmiette as it is. The Snug attitude he represents will. never adtïo nlrzress andwhite ninst Sonuetimes we are critical of the action of governrnent on m-any prob- lems. Yet right here is oie probleni,' that of No Man's Land, which bhas lai» for many years unsolved on our own door-step, se to speak, and for wbichi inactivity we hiave only our- selves to criticize. tre have been ulisuccessful attempts to do somnetbing about No Man's L<and. Ofly in unified action will we succeed iii settling this problem, one for which we citizens are useci as a display case to call atten- tion tô the stories about Negroes. The setting représents a southe.rn cotton' patch with a blue sky aboyé. Dinahi, a dusky cloth doli, dressed in a *red calico dress, a heàd cloth, and a whiite' aproi., bas. the basket of dlean wasih on her head. Mammy, the éther oi cralIes-a white babv on lier arîii: Grouped around thi are the boOksý ineW and 'old. 1Ezekiel, bý Ellvira Gar- ner, is the latest acéluisition. lt is' an amnusing- picture story of a> little Alabamna colore d boy, bis fà.iîi1v and, bis frieids..Tiefive NicodetmusMooks, written by Inez Hogan, are popular withi youtig chJildren and their story- readiîig parents. Aninie Vaughan \X'ea- ver ba§s several'stories which prècsett the buioro us aridfanciful iiimagiination, of the negro: J3ooch.y's Wings, Frawg,' and Pappy King. Fva Knox Evans ini her >Araminita stories writes of nîo<l erii colored childrenf who speak and act very much like other childréln. ILittle Jeemes H-enry,, by Ellis Credie, is a. littie fellow wbo treats Ille reader. to boti iaughitur andj tears. You Can't Pet a Possum and Sad- Faced Boy, by Arnia Boîitemps, art- written for the >elljoyient of chli-, dren ini the third anfd fourth grades, There are a numbe of. plantation, stories, for still oiaer clîjidrein. Ulîclle Remus and Little Black Samnbo iust always appear with a group of this. kind, sinice they bave been favorite for generations. The public is iinvited to coule down- stairs to enjoy the display. Ail of thu books mnentioned wil nlot 1)e ,visible hecause younig borrowers h)ave .takun i a niuniber cof them home to rea<l. Masoils to Witness Boxing Tournament George' F. Ilijif, master of flt. WXil- nuette Masonic Iodge, anîd his Corps* of officers. are anticipating a funl house this,.evenilig_(Thursdla3 a t a special mIleetinig of the iodge. whicli will be in the nature of abxn carnival. Not that the lodge niembers arc e xpe cte -d. to don the. gloves, un1less WiI. 5428 IWli. 542 o*,iuub om ~AJ ine viewpouiu t aI Mr. and Mrs. john Swansoin Of man. The information is hased u1pon' 637 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, an- personal ýobservrations. noutnce th'e engagement of their These articles are designed te. be youngest daughter, Ruth Naomi, to of particular interest and ' auet Williard Frederick Keller, son of Mr. nevaelue uecmmnty te and Mrs. Frederick Keller of* Mil- -nstallments wilî pa rinscese waukcee. The wedding date is set isuen of IL eTT in sccssie, for May 7,, cf this year. issues_____f __________________

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