Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 10

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Deceniber. 29, Katherine Kendal daugliter. of the Leon B. Keindalls, saw, the bird in their yard at 440 EIder lane, for the first tine,, and every day, but one siuîce, some metuber of ,the fauiY Ihas wratched ',it (the pronoun will have to. serve. because nio.ore ktwswhether the visitor is a lady or a gentleman),return to feed. Feeda-on Appleaà The attraction is not a standard. ieediilk>tray but apoor grade, of old apples -left on an apple tree in the Kendall' yard this faîl. Somne surmise that the resorter. is a man, and a topr at that. AIl sorts of delicacies have :been offered-nice fresh aàpples, suet, grainsand crumbs-but lie re- fuses-e.verythiurg lin- favor of the ap- plejack. I-lis feeding hours are early mhorning, .occasionally noon, and sometinies late afternoon. Trying for Picture David and Robert, Kendal are as much intercsted ini the bird as thé other menibers of the farnily, and DJavidi is mnaking every effort to phloto- graph it. If successful we %vill print the picture, possibly ini the sÔciety colunin under the caption - "Dis- tinguished Trai cicr Comnes ho North Shore." Ornihhologists consulted about the phenomena say mnocking birds were reporhed hiere ini 1928, 1929, and 1933,; during january and February, but neyer bef ore, ho their knowledge, bas one been seen hiere. in Decemiber. The back of a mocking bird is gray, underneath grayisb white, and - all * and wings blackc marked with white. It resembles the cat bird, and is re- Iated to the brown thrasher. Because of its white markings iý mighit be taken for a junco when it flies, except. that it is inuch larger. The Kendalls urge north shore p)eo-, * pie to feied the birds ini the winter, particularly wvhen 1their natural food 'is COered by snoW -or frozen inl by- ice. Bread crumbs will attract oîîly sparrows and sharlingsl, but suet and grain may 7bring juncos, woodp)eckers, * bine jays and cardinals, aIl of theni "4wintering on the north shore." iroin 2 to 5 ~p. ni. After today voters who desire to Iýregister. will he cornpelled to do so *at the office of the. Cotnty clerk in Chicago, Voters flot registere(l under the r new >Iaw cannlot votè at -future L!,uiniicipal, cotuntv, state or national elections. S Register today! BoyScout News j The lfirst anual Bw scout swimi- ining nîeet for the MVilnette- district ~was held at the New 1'rier I 11gh school. pool Tuesday night. The troops, and inibers emtered, in the. contests were a: follows: Troop 1-I-'earson,.-(hronic,, Seigle, O)ppenheimner, Mellrath. . Trooj> 2-Lynch, Kramîpe, AlcKenzle,. B. Canning, Maesas, 1*1er. Troop 3-Rlngholm, Hlekman, Matson, Mann, Sherinan, Everuni, Smnith. Troop 4-Tubbs, .Weeks, Bazner, Col- ton, Johvson, MNickey, Sweeney. Troop 5-Keller, W. Mizener. *Troop 1i1-L. Mfurphy, S. Murphy,i .Rothiiug, Collyer, Hlekey, Stars, Harvey. $hlp 43-R. Wilson,,Smilth, P. Catter- uine, Reinhold. The varions events and wlnners-ý- were a' follows,: JIunior 20-yard free style .L'ynche Troop 2. 1 Junim, 20-yard back stroke - Harvey,ý Troop il.( Junior 20-yard breast ,itiokt-Mizenet-,t T1-001)5. - Senior .40-yard free style -- Wilson, Ship 43. Senior 40-yard .back stro)<e --Idler, Troop 2. Serlor 40'yard brea-st str<ke - S'mith, Shlp 43. . Senior 100-yard relay was won byt Troop 2s. team consisting of IdIer, Brereton, !Ringholmn and Sherman. The c4onhnissý,ioned officers' rave w.. wim by Piulý A. Stoker. SPrizes awarded to the. winners werec tlona.ted by the' followlng lViliiwtte busie ne fien Charles Br1andt, Minrette Pliel & Ma- terial Co.t Lloyd qliiie, 'hlhiWlnet Lire. Al .ensc.n, W~ilnette Battery & Eler- trie service.a Herbert L. O'Çonnell, Postinaster. c John Millen, Millen Hardware Co. v Jrs. B ernice. T. Van der Vries, ie street, Winnetka, representat lie Illinois genieral assemnbly fr seventlî (Ch icago subtirban)c t.,. annou,.îccd Tuesday that Mr*. Bermbe T. Vau der Vries. woul(l dbc a candidate for nomination for re-elcct iont at the April primaries. Petitions to have lier name placed on the Repuiblican ballot are being circulated îhroughiout the district * * rs. V'an der Vries Nvas. first chosemi 10 bc 011eof the. di1stricts tlîrete represenitat ives in thie lowver bouse: at Springfielin 19,34 and wvas rc-elected ini 1936. Backed for Senator Recentlv lber naine ivas j)roninentlý suiggestedl for thc pos-t 6f sen.ator f rotm tht. district, %vhich enbraces almnost ail C.ook comnîy. oîtside tbe cities of Chicago, l Ivani;ton, Oak Park, and Cicero, but* she aîinounced that be- cauise of lier association with tlie bouse during the pastthlre years shec felt- that she iwas better equiipp)ed ho serve the district andtIhte state ini that b<xly. Backers of lier candidacv this week asserte.d that she "bas, in cvery sense of the word. 'liersntdistrict,' *and Charles Weidtuan, with a group of fifteen daticers, will prcseùit tm7,o l)rogranis in Chicago during Febru- ary. The first will be ini the. Audi- toriumn theatre Friday eveniiing. Febru-. arv 11, 'and the second in i Tiire hall Saturday evening, Febrtiary 12. * ),oris Httuiplrey and Charles %Veid plan are amnong the 'leadinig dancers of: the decade and. through, their theatrical productions and their re- citaI creations ýthey have' awakened the public- to a realization i that -m'odemt dancing is not duil and esoteric, but lively and cnthralling. Froni theéir hundred or nore chiorC- ographic creations, Hunîpbrcv 'and W\eidîxîan wýill, select vivid andti in- po rtant numnbers rev.ealing tlîeir abilities a-,1)oth conmposer and dancer. The prograin in the Auditorium theatre Friday. evenling will be a fully costuimed and comllte. recital. That in l'homre hall on the. Chicagyocatît puis of Northwestern uiiver.sitv Sat-, ur(lav cveniing wilI iw *a lecture denion.stration designed (lpriniaril v for ,tu(lClts of the danice. Ticket's for eitlier prograi n ay bc ordered .h)v tuail at tlic Uiiiver.ýitv- college, 3 13 E~ast Chicago avenue. The ULnîversit%- coJlee o, N 'rl Western tunîversi.ty'. is plsrigtm two prograns Iii cociperation vvith the Auditorium tlheatre. GUIDE-LECTURE TOU 1RS "Meir of the .Old Stoile Age" ai t3 p.r.on Monday, January 24, ik fic sul)ject of file first of iiext w e k', gujide-lecture tours for fil(: genleral p)ublic at Field Museuni of Natuiral Hlistory. On other.davs at the. sainle ho lithesubjects vill be:Tedy "MineraIs of flic Uniitcd State s1 Wedcsdy, Pl N ai.ive 1 to it Amecricas"; Thursdlay, a.gen .ral ou of ianîblropological, boitnical, geo.- logical àtnd zoological exhihits, and I'riday "nimal, Life of the Chicago Area."' These, tours, ,con(lucted ,1w .Staff lecturcrs, are to î10al l iii-. ";cu 'I visitors. Partiesasm lii- side tlic norîli entrance. CAR BREAKS HYDRANT Sunday aftemnoon Chris Roberts, chauffeur f or A. 6. Talbot,. 32 WVood- Jey road, driving on Illinois road, skidded and kruocked down a water hydrant in, the 1000 block. He was; held ýby the police on' a chargeo'f ,4amùaging Village property,. k -- )rr Chtmîas SeaIs the resu - it Other mnemblers of Uthe lower housc Vernion. Faxon, 1018 Eleventh two-fold---you have hecn jir ito, froi the district, both of whose h1erms sîret, ilmette, handwriting expert, -4mic boy o ir girl victin, (of tubercu- ikewisc expire this year, are Frank gav a ilutrte .al o bs or 4lsis, anid'. v>u have acquired a iFoster, Harvey Republican, and' Em- gave tht. metretig talo ie Vinnek warmislr feeling n ithe. heart that metMcGrathbBrookfield [Deinocrat. nohigbuood anrd tnselfish dLeed *The seniator is Charles. Bau' rtcker,, Lijoîi club on Monday of- this wcek. can brimig. River Forest. Democrat, who was* *Harld . Pacok, f NrtIfied, here is still tiie--and Wlet seated by the stàte' senahe in 11935 Health. Center is still $100 or s ferhsReujia pponent, Arthu chairman of the club's program coin, short 0'f its goal.Bdl,,a eeiosed h istrict' nuttias ln charge. 1 i also ho select a senator ti is vear.

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