Ail comnmuications andS contribution@ intended for publi-. cation muet bear the naine and adiSrets of the auta.r~, net ncccuuarily for publication, but for our fil«., Suda mta"eal muta readi thée editor by Tuesday iioen to be i&. ime for thre curent iceue. AN AMERicAN CREED During the speciat sessi on oi congress tast -,,motith a nio-"potitical address tO, the people of the United States ivas writteîr by Democra.ticý an Rpbia mmer'of the senate, and pre- setcd as, a guide to future ýgoverinnental action. It is a creed to which wc believe everv Ainierican cati subscribe. Its dectlaration of principles is, reprinted herewith. in full: 1. The capital gains tai and the undistiibuted profits tax ought thorloughlv,% to be revi-sed at olwe without reducing revenueso as to free funde. foi- *inivestmentand proniote the normial.tfiow of satvings' Into profitable and productive u., e, not for the sake of capital, but for the consecluences !il expanding business, larger-empioyement and il more active con- sumner demand for kgoods.. 2.. Steady approachnmust be ruade towari.a balance *of the public revenue with the publice xpenditure, a balanced national budget, tiid*,anii nd of those( fear's wh4ech deter invesýtrent. The publie credit must be preserved or ilothing else inatters. To undermine lU le to defeat recovery; todestroy the people up on lnfiationary high cot;and particularly to ruin those of our peopie who are on relief. There le nothing but. a sound public credit between them and- disaster,' because they have no other reliance for theit' subsistence. * ý This means reduced publie exIpehditure at, every. point, practicable. We muet have certainty of taxa- tion and stability of the currency and of credit. Before increasîng taxes or broadening the hase, 'we would exbaust the resources of ;an intelligent a-p- plication of economiy. We intend that a consistent progress toward a balanced budget s;hall be made- s0 consistent that none mnay question the coneum- t mation in due sea.son. It muet be a paramount objective, since it underlies certalnt3', ,etabilty and *confidence. 3. We propose mest relation., between Capital and Labor, and we seek an end at once of a irietion, eflgendered by more favorable c-ondition, . that now serves none but injures ail. We advise that gove(-rn- ment take a hand onlY as a last resort, and lft te must, that it shall be Impartia¶r. We insist aypon the constitutional guarantees of the rights of persont) *arid of property-the right of the worker to* work, of the, owner to possession, and of every mari to enjoy In peace the fruits of his labor.l:-" 1The maintenance of law and order is fundamiental. IZt dôes. Labor no good to obtain hewbneit if al orderly.ý society in whieh to enjoy thein, ledestroyed. Coerion and violence in labor' re)ation.qhip.c MUSt a l stop, rnc)matter by mwhom emiployed. Ënlightene Capital muet deitk wlth Latbor in the light nf a new w conception of legitirnate collectiv*e bargaîning and th( 'LIi rlght to organize. Enlightene(d Labor miugt deai witlm h Capital la a due. appreciation of. intual esn-i bilities for t:he success of enterjn'ise indcséqbet both. pnal 8. Ia a counfry.ý so large and so complex as ours, It is always difficult to fix unlforni national stand- ards for universal app)1licationi in respect t<. the lives and livelihoods of oui' people. Except wlrere .Stirt(' and lo-cal control are proven definlteiv inadequate, we 1fav\or tile vigorous min tenanc tie of States, lghs home i'ule an(] loval seilf-goveri niel] t. Othel.w Ise wf- shah eieate mr1)1'oblell) tlail %ve sie 9. We propose that there', halllie11(bn ,suffeiilg for food-, fuel, ciothing and sheiter; and th:ît pend- îag. the conteaîplated revival «f industi u.sêfl*wor' -shahl be provided to, an extent, eonsistent. wNitlr th0e prîncples0f t i ddress. The deservir2k rnus be- provided for when :and if tlheiir iPsources. ut' efergyý. skili, or funds c 'ease to avail.. 'o lie cone weil, this: must be done economiicallyr,, witl, the vielv to, rn- eouragIng individual self-reilfaîoe, the. returî to séa- dependerîce at the fliret o0portunîî.. , the naturai iin- Pulses of kinshilp and henev-ol.ncé ' looal lrespounsi bility lin county, city and State, and %without t'i. sl;ightest cat 1irg'tol)Oitie«Il favo;r. The ;tdminiistra.i ti 'on of relief ought to, ho non-îIoiiti(-rlý and, non- p)artisn, and temnporary. We hoid Cto'the conviction, that privaté rvsJ.r and persona] initiative prope'riveno 'ge viIl pro- vide opportunity for ali who are c-apable, anrd N-. pirop)ose eniffloyuîîent for' r .1I-who are cp >vas tilt goal of 'oui' efforts to jus'ify th(' illîv..stmentlt ol' Sa v, i ieln productive enterpriNe. >.0.We propose if>lîreserve anrd 1.1- uî.'trr iltI e.rd(oui' American forrii of goVFI*1meîrt lt le isnOl tiecessarry to claitil. fcto for theni. On tht. r'ecord tI1ov arv far supen'ior to 'IlClid inuitely to b.' lroferred to any other si) far dIevised. Thev c(arryý the priceless contenit of liberty and tue 'dlgnit ni' mian. They carry spiritual values of infialte impîrt', and whielh constituto the sourue of 'the Ameriecaîî spirit. We caîl upon ail Amrcrst-> renew their falith in 'hein and pross an Invinc(ibéle deand la thlii' beha i1f,. 1,We cari and wvill erect Ii(pit4'sfguîs undier the common laiv principles of fr.(-(-men withiîon ,s-urrendering lu any deLree (%the vital I'icpe i sel-rlint pîiton whlich we muet'depend. Our econoinie sysfenj nmuet lie stcbas to stimu- late ambition, afrord oppoî'tunlty, ami excite ine ol boy and girl a couns 0of rsosblt r lodIU,' to his capacity. Through indivItlual seef-reliin<e andstn'i<-eofflN (-an abundanee çeecut-ity, and i-,irappiîîess beati.î. Pledglng ourselves te uphold these principies, î( suniniioni our fei]ow citizens', ivithout regard to pnrty, to joln with us iniavacng uen s the'01113' hop. of permaarien recovery, and fun'theréi'or ~.Thev- %%,Iil serve to take us safely 011,0ou191 th(e p.eriod ofI ranîsition n,wsdv tipon us s they larv taken us ý througli 'every nereo .Tlîey wil nr, aýil us, if we adhero to) thin. But if wve shill abandonî hemn, thé, coneqeqtuencee wili far~ outweigl in pemaltY he Sacrifices we maY make to-)o-ur. faitiî in thenij. Týhe heart of the Aei-ri ppo Ie iW sonnd. Tley- haveý met every elmergencl' al( demeird. We -ui11 niicet those of today, and so hand clown to mir chi- n'our mostpireclous Rheritaa'c. nhanced bya <v rai major trophy of free lîstitutilrîs. Lot , us wit e ci.smayed, but protse on l1) the greatt IliberaI ta on and in ites ,j)rit of -olirageous e-rhn<. 'hchlias *wnn through 'Iahl il te vicissitudes of 1 retpei'iudý and Ijas rade <mir countrv the atrongcest, hu que rgrsi- nd tt]>,est(of ntos that liereafter the anti-japaijese Chinese govern- ment wvi1t tot be recognized, and that en.tcourage.. mient 'will be giveni to the japanese colntrolled gov- ernment at Peking. NKow, who would. (ver have ex',pected japan to takc a stand tike that? "CuctDelves, Into County Tilt,," hea dliles a Chicago paper. HeyCounicil. NVou epot ehv had eîîotgh Pcpl el(Cvifg jîto the COtiiity titi.. Thi iierry' jin.gie of siciglîbelis. lias eri.ivened ltire cverxiîg1 air during tu *.st w eek. _Bu.t the horses! Say, <ht in't sece .that lhad h fe èenougli to rmn aw~,o r venr Pr go faster thani a slow waik. L.ea J.(rr. îîîaîagirîg engraver extraordli,,ary at thie plain of t.1 ,ivt Hoiiister I tic., andtt~'aq,<'s.î of tire \Viîueitte Optiniist Chlb, was 'att set. to enter a i>aits-l)ressiiig colitest tast week a lien tIle Op- tinîiistic gentleeni were gtiests < if the \'itlage il- ersai a Itirîrcheoîi!alid jri llitu jtt.lietd at tlle clcaninrg emîporinum. lie*11 imprepareti tor air erergetic:ies, our MIr. ( rr drapcd Iinîslei f intsit(I-r t * iii liIighily d e c o atix e t n g e r - a t w o i b t t e tire h u to t îs - e a r i y, oni the' day of the feast, tiience assuriiiet I ts custonary' oiter garb anrd awaiteti mriior 1(,,,ts piatieiitiy the cati to Iinicli andtihte attendaîînt conitest. TI(, sav tliat Mr. Orr waited paticntt s g r os's iulîdersfateriniert, for. our hero tràd. sciirceiy countedI rîpon a tf«a of ircarceration in the %woo)ltivîde- .gai-rtiiet'-i iii (oi mred qliar-ters-- inct, tong before Anlus i ad arriVeci lic w u, Ii tue throes of a fult- fkctgedl case -of jitters. Carne Iwîclîcor i ar M r, rr ted thé ormmunitv Sng i the <)Iltiists witlh nniprecedlettetl gusto, Ttwie, b ln ino \," ttiouglt Il '(-, l'Il sprilg the big surpriSe Of the day-» J'lie mepa:t conîctiud, a shr-îirelgrtein -arose ti inlrn the assenîbtedti gests that, due to ýtirre'xpecte<î action of the huard of cerîsors, the rparîts- l)rssii~conrs- Mtibeen i elirinatetl (reason bci;g t--,Qir cen ce of a C iStea i nuniber offascinating . fenae pants-pressers who Iîadl beell douibtiîg as T ilt,* dejectet.aîîI*,1 dlisillîs-iorîetî NMfm. O rr returnîed tii lus elîgraviing sanctary for anotiier session of ý-ifferiiîg, 'gairîst the tinue Men the gong shouid sotiîîd the signal for th e. h ine w~ard trek. Th feirdrig garnieilîtlias been turned over to a iltstl)to repose- aliliR' thre othier liilirnurits of raiiclpaýlppy', day. --A OT lIlýeR R PORTER. Whyv, for 2<îfl(Iies,.qq qn-. g erterpriat orgueinmeéut *' nopoly," gided safely ini ait.circu,-nstances and under all United States Senator I-arry Flood ByrdoVr Ing lanteaonalbie Profit -md demandlag vigoi' f conditions of traffic and weather. Returnirig to 9'nia is one Democrat with 110 woot over his eyes. enterprise. Our Arier'ican competlti ti 1en 1$ America bubbling over with enthusiasm for bis He sas that an increase in the "ordinary expetses" uperir to any forn f the eolletivist lirogranu. We aviat oa nîyb dof thre governt1 from $2iii 134 to a lhtend to Preeor%'e and fstn it ais the moans of of rnaking dog guides avial o a a y bid M 1$274000 fa employment, of iivelhlood, and on. màiitaining 011 persoius asposbe he entered upon the task of de- estkaed 5 WYWin 98oen'ok h eztandard of living. possible38shrtraed $look a O00old 6. phe sources of credit are aburîdant, but credit veloping the idea into a miovement, with what sc- lot lk economy to him. depends upori securty-the ;toundrnes ad taýbiiity7 cess is known througtuouit alithte cotintry. - H HNIMRPR~ thls 110