Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 29

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-1jq. seu LWILc vachi ta>' GREAT AIR SHOWe "Cavalcade of Fiight," a huge mu- Airpianes are being inistallcd in thé sical and dramatic spectacle based on International Aruphitheatre this week the histor>' of aviation. ior the International Air Show,, Tt i hwwl rn oCi .\îerica's greatcst aviation exposi- Te i hwwl rn oCi tion %vhich wili he hield from januar - cago ail the, leaders of the aviation 1Yýto February 0.- iidustrv and such famous fl3rers as Iiai, sonie .75 airplaanes'-.%-ii le'Dick M cfNI ur, Jinmie Doolittieé, Frank fIa'mks, v Panghorn,AI. Wil- assenibied under thé roof of the vast - . .de ;a lianîis,, Eddie licketibacker, an( maniV am1phitheat.er and ail but, the largestth.es..: 1 1111 planes wil bc landcd on a special (othr gs. r d sai ns a d th a landing strip inîmrediatel>' adjoininiglit -haoahottisadten- The, Chicago.Air Show is the offi- tiojial lradtcastinigchlaiins are plan- cial 1938* exposition of America's lead- ning extensive special programis dur- ing, airpiane manufacturers. AUl the iP19 ir Show ýweek.' ncw nmodels will be shown. Iii -adl dit ion, the Army and Navy and other, LANDING, goverlîment, departnients are presentý ing- exlliiits wh ich i vill .oîîstitteta icte Sates J arn e Sl ive 0ff t Ieiwof the national. aviation ex-Lof thed Sata eserNaviaextivonfaer lîibits iii the 1939 wvrldl's fairs. o u îvlrsreaito aea StraopreSi Curtiss airport, Glenview, made: a Iaîdîg.ti(ir iffcut irnmtace TIui çrmv yvil exhibit two p ursuit, 1i(ii-,.i(e.dfiutcruitne laîc~ ndtheiaotv sratspier Nondav of last. week, it -vas revealed pt aie' s taidgthe, p ici whichamv fie-res ycterdav by Lieutenant CG. A., T. haVe rcTaclie(l altitudes of 36,0(K) feet. Wahbni aecmadr t %viil 1)e the frst tiine this shIl 1 Abouit to niake a, regular ialdinlg lui, bern sliWi to the public. at >the field, Lieutenant Slitie - foulid. lmr air- tran.4fort tine-iitc.tat ~oe of the whecels wvould not Amecrican, TXVA and P'ari Amenîcan drop jîlto place. Rather than tise Airw\ays-in cooperatioi with the olv\ one lie wvas able to retract both l)orîîlas Aircraft corporation, will ecx- intcithe fuselage. bîi *oîîe of the large Douglas siteper Obhvn is 1 pliht, the base trans;ýIort.s 1vhich are ini transeon- radioed the i iaval1 training station at tilieiitai service. Grcat Lakes for ambulances, doctors,. Variolus manufacturer> wntll . \il'blt addhospital corpsmien. wokig lmoistratioT1ý ifso nhn 11t1) eret î pelnomna as the radio Xîid as flot inecessar>', îouever, 1) aîîî arid otlier aircraift irad]() du- bitau e il Iii iiiîg to a dadigte Vietlhéa utoinatic pilotxîiotor:I offici i cul biis speed to a riiimumiii 1) opullurs anid floats wh îcl permîit iad tic up*lanie skidded for 150 yards conversioni of lan d planes for laindnîg ,lýO'v U the silQ 0v and ice of the field on ater. A special section jý,iI 1)e bfore coming to a stop. Except :eod.to -model aircraft but j> j for a broken propeller blade, it wvas vrosjuvenîle and aduit organizta~- tîidaniaged. tios. The exploit wvas hiailed b>' Lieuteîî- Cavalcade of Flight ant Washiburn as an example 'of ne-I ant added attraction, the Inter- sotirceftlarid skillftul flving.. I 711 Church St., Evonstea Blanche Richmond GREe.l.of 170 To ,ele(*t 0 restnîg place for your lo)VeduMies. prior te) tIkltime o ine.-d andi whiie voutr mmnd is free froin0 burdens is te) act wiwely. 4 '. ND UP Relire yosirst.lf fromi future complication by having* our PEGAV trainti personnel ass .isi yin, in imaking à selection now. piopULCR Memorial P'ark For information cali Edward 1. Devlin UNlvers.ity 4266 Not Guilty in Motor A ccident? Co'nsider This Timely A dvice, [f Pon are invoived iniian. accident. and have \-iolqte(l no law, (Io mot fflead guilty to any change, miereiy because 'Hold Gra duation Rites at National College Today at aSpeéial1, assemnbiy Thunsdav afternoon, Januar>' 20, sixteen stul- dents at the National College of Edui- cation gnaduiated aften the success- futi coupie t ion of their college cours- r fyourchlde are now between 4 and 8. club ad Iiability for civil action on collision, W/. M. Branch, 422 Abbotsford road, personal ifjury, or property damiage, Kenilworth, ieft last Thursdav to * Mr. Braun warned. visit his soit, J. C. Cherry, in Parking. "lit case the motorist pleaded 'îîot Ark., for 'several months. guiltv,' the findings in the case can- .11ot 1.e cotisidered, even though the Doniald. Craft, 304 Melrose avenue, driver wvas 'fined for this offensé," he Kenilworth, was in *New* York last said. week-end on a business trip. Ask now for moré de- tads of this savings Plait that can tnake that col- lege course a financial certaint>,. 1MI1 DLOAN ASIPCIATIOP OF WILMETTE 1126 Central Avenue,,Wilmette TeIephone Filmette 1623 ý 1 ý .1 a

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