Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 35

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J anuarv 25, under the sponlsorship of <> it~ at tlie W\Vilette tlue Social circle (If Ile Lad(ies' A Panisli Methiocljst chulrh o()Il edu(If the chlurch. ,Those w~ho wish to ]I~«;\- aimarv 26, at 2 o' Y m atndn aiake reservatiouus xith " aile, I.Bras ,jsid of tîis, Mrs. \Vinicett1 th, 2 wlt artit. uaeeauthor..l le>cturer ý fondYour lecture vmrvdiver t iig ai d js ltrti l hi.,aî v and Illutaiiiig. -atr 9 au- WthcoloÈedý Sî te rt i Ilîg f i d 111 tu 't 11 11 nPj1j ic t U e :, N i r.. C a m p b e ll w il] .. pý , coiles. >eak ()Ilthle Nvild ife andl -Itor*ous çotiilent Gaies of laughter'swept in c'; rvo t1nodiad es.Mr, rapid successioli oVèr the audience (mlelrpeeusfi hcg whVliclu filled the hall' to capacity >a'14dNrî esenriwy it fllo~edthetravels of this spirited faniily but the fun and A naturalist, author, lilotocraphler, origitulitNv of the lecture does i oradio lroa(lc trattd publliCc- -diru the lovelifiess andi artistic îîîeîizjt ttfferlie is otue of the~ interestitug of the pîctures. Aita ,Bturilihaîuf 1cl. dcters of ou r day. To'sec Iatre verbal 1.îctures are vivid ; she takw0tt~OIIders 0f tràvel, %vild animais, asparkling ilnformaI mannai (lî i nd huaniity ilthoug htle eves takes lier lecture out .Of the seU)tl!uî- thîuker is to find a lie ýw wrhî ty-pd cl- 1 it, pcttres amil talks are îilannied qigvorfind o n iu-lor audienuces, of aIl ages', and his 1100,!] of funii, travelogue, alid social1rfi. 0 iepInt and ready buà- "ea 0pouî(ored te F-ifth, divi ino r are sai( tO make this: prograni of. the \V'onuant's gtiildl," the di visit il petdid enitertajumiient aniid,,,tifor-. urge Nrs. 1L C.Greigg is car~ta>eisiain mati aud Mrs. B, L. Mitchell is w-ays and(Illeaiîý chairman mincharge off ~ervaion . f rge orgeAttendance ~ Da t eeting of Division .n Te auuin tusiness and Professional W-omen NERuth Mannow Olsson, 415 Tjenth street, entertain ed twelve ineml>ers of the' Alliance of 'Business *and Professional Women of Chicago at a luncheon in ber new home on Saturdav, January 15. Miss' Fay Gliatto gave ani informaI talk on bier recent trio to Italy and an interesting mus ical I)rogranu was furnished by Anti Mari Hanson, soprano. At NeighCo 1 1 Clb 'l'li heHst(ivisiohI cf tîe ilmettel P rish NIet hodis 1t Voi 1n 1guknette 'lieeét.,on January:27, at I10 o'clock in the morniîag- at the hotne of Mrs. W W.Rogers with Mrs. Joh.n Canuph eli and Mrs. A.' B, Hussander assisting flostesses. Mrs. E B. Snyder, chairman, urges a coinplete attendance for considera- tion of imp)ortanlt business. Mrs. Ver- non, Faxon, programn chairmnan, is; in charge of the afternoon session. Mrs. Carl F. Geppert is acting as ways and nieans chairnin i the, absence of _Mrs. Elmor Davies.. ,._The ._.sev4àg. -i« the niorening is for Lake Bluff Orphanage. Northrkdge Notes: The literarv denartn Mefore nmembers- o -The-Neighbo-rs of Keniil7vortht next Tuesday a! ter- 400on to give his "Personal fImpres- sions. of Current Eutrope." Mr. Smnith-, duirintg his recent six kiiô;lths * of travel, visited every important, coulitry Olt the coninent but Spailt, agnd talked with many men of Promsi- 'lence. .of ' the wood Ave.. rG FARM SCHOOL Sonder's Rd.. Norfibr ool. fie. Chuldren 5-12 Y.aof Âge, For In formation Tei. Gient... 928 -now she sends ber loundry to CMbef Wash S'HI'R TS"7A SeOutifulIy HodPa#~ in*ied Th'ornAwood avenue where two sleiglhs SUBURBAN PHONES w - await to take the guests nerrily on. Afiér. the ride, refresh- Ilinswill be served at Mrs. DavidEN R R SE 5 0 Johnson's to be followed with a so- M R IS 55 cial hour of games and dancing. Res- N OICAG eaios are tô be. phoned to Mrs. N OLCAG Ray Oughtoin of 2221 Thornwood avenue, social chairman. i

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