KI~1IIVVVltl, amhvisjle 0es whio hias been Miss Rathibone's. lotse- gilcst at lier home in Westwood. Miss Barr is the daughter of the jlate Cyrus A.. Ba rr and Mrs. Barr of 336 Essex, road, Kenilworth. Mrs. B3arr and hier son and daughter have. l een residing iii Bevcrly I$ills fdir thé mona collège and Lake Forest uni- UnTiiversity of Southerui Californlia. Anîong tie parties plaiined for the bride' is a batbrooni shower to be givein by Mrs. M. L. Mlino.r, formierly1 of MVinette, at lier lovelyý estate, .Chlewyîîýo-the-IIill, ini Van Nuys,1 L.. Mi ss- Rathbone :also is eniter- tiigfor Miss Barr with a lunch-, on ,at -ler home. She will be oneé of 1the bridge-sa-,?tteindailts at the, wed- ding whc iltake place on Satur- day nighit, Februarv 12, at theý Ail Saints Episcopal clîurch ini, Beverly Holci Annuel Dessert Bridgje at St. Francs The annuial dessert bridge party of thie St. Francis Mothers club will bc held at the! Wonians Club of Wil- mette at 1:3t) o'clock, \Wednesdày, £ January 26. The Party is being givein for the benefit of the .school f und. S I charge of the arrangements are M rs. 'Louis Beauvais, the social chairnan ; Mirs. Hloward .Hickey, whlo bias bee i niade chiairmian of the table pri'zes, and M.\rs. J. P. Reiclh- matin, 1224 Forest aivenIue, Nvhô is receiv;nig the reservations. Mr.Reichmaîîni is presidlent of. the club, and other ofthcers, are : Mrs. fHiçkev, vice-presidenit; Mrs. Joscph * Stedeni,, seccrctaryN, -a lIi Mrs. F.. C. Fitzgibbon, t reasurer. Those. w4o * xislh to attend the Party mnay reserve, tickets. I)v telephioning Mrs Ruich- Matnu. Keil, secretary of finance; Mrs. Paul Bleser, Jr., recording secretary; Mrs. John , Seîzer, treasurer; Mrs. Philip Sesterhen, social chairman; Mrs. Blen Busher, Mrs. Patrick Kivien, and .Mrs. Edgar Goelz, trustees., Acommunity food show and cook- ing school, sponsored by St. Mary's society is. taking place Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday -of this wcek in the schoolhall. An afternoon :session is being held each day at 1 -30 o'clock, and each evening at 7 :30. New recipes aie being given at each. meeting, and there are daily prize award.s. NfMrs. . M., Barker, well known home' econornist, is conducting al the classes. A snîall admission is being charged, and the food §how and the classes are open to the public. Method-is ' InstitutionsÈ Object of Chureh Tourr 1The womien of the Wilmette Parish Melthiodist church wîlmake a tour Friday, January ?8, to the Methodist institutions ini and around, Chicago in which-they are-'interested. A bus has beeén chartered with ac- commodaàtions for thirty-five people and vvill leave the church at 10 o'clock in the morning. Tickets for the tour rnay be obtained by telephoning Mrs. C. Rollin Smith, 1728 Highland ave- lne. ý,rs Jesse L. Murrell will conduct the tour wlîicjî wiIl include vists to Esther Hall1, Halsted Street Institu- tional cliurchi, Newberry center, Marcy center, Goodwill -Industries, and a short trip through Chicago's ghetto. Rev ..Martin Carrine .Catholic Club Speaker "ltC \ iaXcallholic club of \Vil- 'etewIl have ils nes.t regular ~1$Y I I i I À Special Feature! Serve Duclc Dinner A Long Island duckling dinner will be served at Skokie Country club Saturday evening, and wil be fol- lowed by dancing to the music of. Herbie Mintz and his orchestra. Dn-. ner begins at 8:30 o'clock. Dinner and Bridge Miss Louise Hickman, daughter of Mr. andl Mrs. Richard W. Hickman, Jr., 1322 Greenwood avenue, enter- tained four couples at dinner and bridge last Saturday night.~ special feature prices~. Lett, ti Right, printed batiste with lace,1 EDGAR A. STEVENSt Ince Evansto. J0000007