Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 40

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Elabo urated1 asticelg for the 1,incoln mnan of the'Ev2 Alumna mna, .ha< mueeting bers wl 1(leasv gestioný -Teé d altiiitiae at the thouigh. be lm ade *, place. The b-t Coulntry *t Its ighl tion of tl twenity- f ing arrai anl unIASI entertaitl and escci vite(l fci Colonial 1 .avorite play for1 M rs. B ing to W; .,ciyrams r i..iia 'jalIimm- _ Za--- Mss Evilyn Silverstine, third vice- Reunion, Banquet president, is the d elegate of the Chi- cago section, National Council of rat plns ereinag-Jewish Womnen, to the Thirteenth last wveek by an enthusi- Conference on,the Cause and Cure of ,roupofDlaG ms War held ii Washington, D. C. fromi xr nnul runin -andJaîîuary 18 to jantiary 21. The as-. t t b hld arh 2.sociate delegates will be Mrs. Michael, ~.. erc BrlY, 22 Suppree. Mrs. J.. Willens, and i aenu, Eansonchar-Mrs. Oscar Newberger. A special th scil omutee0fmeeting of. the Forty-.Second. Couni anstn an Noth Soredelegates.will take place in Washing- ae chapter of Delta Gain- ton îusaJnay2,Ms ar A a delightful luncheon*- JL\;fyer-,oit, president of the Chicago .g . at her hote f or mein- "sectioni,.announces.* ho are serving with her. Mrs. 'Maurice H. Weyl of Philadel- m-ere discussed and. slg- 1) ' la will condutct the Council sessionr. Mrs. Weyl w.ho is chairman of the s interchanged. pcec miteo teNational ay's entertainment Wi ll start Council of Jewish Women, also serves large luncheon for ail visiting (in the executive board of the Na- This will probably take place> tional- Comimittee on the Cause and OrriIgton hotel, Evanston, Cuire of war, the National Council- dcfinite' annouricemetit wilil for' the Preventioin of War, and~ the elater as to both time and National Peace conférence. The summnar.y and recommendations anquet will be at Shiawnec of this session will also be discussed club, Wilmfette, :and one of at tîte Rond 'fable on Peace at the lights will be 'the presenta- Fifteenith Trienîtial convention of the his vear's piedges, numbéring National Cotincil of Jewish Wonien on five, to the alumnae. Interest- january 24, at the William Penn hotel ngemients going forward for' i Pittsburgh. The Triennial will con- ually attractive programi of vc 'ne froin January 23 to Janiuary 28. tment, after which husb)ands' Mrs. Mversoni will head the Chi- irtsof elt Gamasarein-cago delegation at the convention. ýdancing and cards. 'l'le Ohs iin attendance will be Mrs. Club Orchestra of Chicago, Benjamini I. Morris, Mt-s, Ralph A. of the college groups, wil Reis,' Mrs. Fred Bernstein, Miss $11- tedancingý versttie, delegates; 'Mrs. Max 1_. 1h 1.oewenberg, Mrs. Benjamin M. Gasul, ,radiey has asked the follow- Ms Benjamin Brattde, Mrs. Hermatî vork with her :- cormîittee oit Ecbeson and Mrs. Williatn H. Sqahudl. sMrs. M. MW.Velsli,..Mrs. alturnates. Robert Blessiflg, Mrs. Robert War- r en, Mrs. Richard Welsh, and froni the, active chapter at.Northwesterii Miss Marjorie Bishop and. Miss Amy Starek;ý committee on arrangements. Miss Mildred Moore,, Mrs. Robert Warren, Mrs. Richard Welsh, Mrs., FPaut Date.; comimittee on reserva- tions and admissions, Mrs. Wallace Christopher, Mrs. Ralph Stoetzel, ,Mrs.. jarvis Shedd and. Mrs. Percy Bradle-, Reservations will be taken Up to nloon Tliur-,day, January 20, by Mrs. Emory Stoker, 2340 L-aNdale ave- tiue, Evanston. Jewish Conferences fo HoId January1 Meet ing The Conference of Jewish XVoxx- vii 's organizations will hiold its Iai-, JEvanstÔn, at 2 'cioclin tI noon I. Miss Betty Poole is the harp, and Miss Sué N;orth,%western student, wil reading. Tea Nvill be served prog-rm. , a e a the * Anojnceentis made. of l i i,igtigeinent of A'aryaretlc(teg) Marxrcn, dalighter of MIr. amid11 eS. J1. L. lIarxc;i! 'nso bIil- fred Blades, soni of Mr. ad .Mrs. fi. F. Bladies of 2215 Chestmit aveniue, W,,'lirette. The e;igages>îc ti ittas nMade keio7vu durin, 1w (r's ,mias holidays. D.A.R. to Sew for Schoo1 and Red Cross The Wheel and Distaif circle of Fort Dearborni chapter of Dauighters, of the Amnerican Revolution will mett january' 24, at the home of Ms Frank H. >T. Potter, 2708 Harrisoii street, Evaiiston.. Sewing for CaLrr Creek- Settlement School, Kentucky, and for .the Americàn Red Cross wi,1 begin at 10 :30 o'clock. Luncheoni will be served at noon; afterWards sewinig will be resumed. Assistiing lostesses wiil be Mrs . Thra C.( flr!IvT 1Urs.. lnnL. J±vanston, January 23, at 7 o'clock., Mrs. Thomas C. Gray, 2143 Lincoln- wood drive, Evanston, is chairman, of lte William Dawes chal>ter. of Shawnee Club A Iliceon at Shawlinec Cmiii- trv cili). TuesdlaNv, ttendrç11>w a pproxi innately forty w Noien, lifarkcd the close of,;Iihe irst 1937-38. tourn.ainent of te w~onîn'slowlinig.leaguie at the chl-, the aa(igolf lrizes, aîînot ncemint of, high inflivid- t1al scores, and highi net gaines. The luncheon was Preccde(l ly bowingin the mornîng anid by bridge iin thic afternoon. Firsýt place, tnttte leagtie %venlt to the Topaz teain, captaitned * hv Mrs. i.* 11. Johinsozt of t.attiand coin- Posed of M.\rs. \V. W. DeBerard, A ,r s. A. 1. )Ber*ard, Mlrs. \V. J. 1ig aiîd NI r~. f..Ilack, 'l'lie Sapplîire teant of whiich M rs (jcor9e \'\ôli of XViitiieka is captltinl iplaced second. '1'lîie mcn1bers (>1 itItis teain, areMrs. John Dobnai-lds(it, Mrs. J. Frank Grimes, Mrs. A'.,,C. Bain- mônd, Mlrs. J. H. McNal b, afd: Mrs. c. w. XV.itiîtg. 1Mrs. John G. Xitt- bol is captaiii of tlhe Jade teàamwhich wvas. thît-d iin the league, and Mrs. Donald F. 'Sinimons: captain of the Rhiltestone tearn wiiich wvas fourth. Thle highi individuial average of the legewas.imade by Mrs. Pauil Cook- 'If Evanston, who' is serving as chair- man> of the wornen's bowling, atý Sl.awNvee tliis svason. Tl 1e higli net pins prize %venit to NIrs. R. R. I,ippinicott of Xilmeutte for. a..total of 5293, anrd th e l iigh ýgross nu>l prize to _Mrs. WV < 1en ardfor a total of 4804.. Mrs. C. W'. Whitin1g rolled thec high net game ofothe tournanienyt, a-2'07, and Mrs. W. W. DeBlerard the sec- 20 o' ,i h netga mre of the leagile,> a f0, flv Uwo Points-utider Mrs. ht ing' srecordl. "i u--1vvomen, i, -ncago section is called for Il o'cloçk Tuesdlay morn- ing, January 15, and the following Friday, an international relationis cla1s will convene at 10 :30 o'clock. The meetings are in Room 504, 185 N\orth WNlabash avenue, Cùhicago. WILMETTE LIF.E

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