Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 42

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Sponsors Premiere of Motion Picture The north shore is wvide1l- rep- resentedoii.the board'of direct- ors ýof the Grove flouse ýfor Convalescents,t 1729 Uvingsto-n street, Evaniston, whîch is sl)on- soring the Chicago Ipremiiier per- formi-ance of the Titentieth Cent- ury Fox picture. "In OId Clii- cago,," shiowinig at the Aoll theatre on Saturdav evenling, januarY 29, at 8 :30 o'clock,. Starririg in 'the picture are Tyronie Power, Alice, Faye, iMice l3radSy, and' Don Amiectie. Tickets ior tie benie- fit. premier e may be obtained by * contiicalilig with Mm rs. eic H. Scott, 17,5 Sherridani road. Hiub- bard NWýoods. Grove Hotist for Convalescents lias leen establislied -for marnv vears. and has lonig had the loyal support of north shore and Chicago beniefactors., * The home is equipped to render that important convalescent care, just at the.tintie'.%%,Ien recoverv fr.om an ill- nless:is tbeyNonid.the hospital stage but niot vet coniflete eiîottghl to. permit apatient to retuiru to the, strenntouis routine ýof dailv lîfe. Hoiorarv directors of Grove Houise are: MNrs.. Heyliger A. de- \Vinidt. M.rs. Hiernion 13. Butier, Mtrs. Ci. P. Fuller, Mrs.. Merritt Starr, Mrs. Alexander Snith, Mrs. Ewr L. Ryersoii. Patrons' and patronesses, for the bellefit include : Mr. and Mrs. CyIrus Hi. Adains, Mr. and Mrs, Philip 1). Armour, Mrs. Cyrus Bentley, *Mrs. Etnmons BMaine, Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal, tr.. au(] Mrs. George B. Dryden, Judge ai.d Mrs. G. 93. Ca'r- penter, \Ir. and Mrs. KelloggFair-ý baik, Mr..aiid'Mrs. John V. Farwell, Mrs. Robe.rt. B. Gregoryj Mr. andl Mrs.> Cvrus McCor miick. Miss Mary Pomierov Green,.MIr. anîd Mrs. Carter. Harrison. Mrs. ýWilliami GoId .Hib-~ * bard], Mr-. and MNrs. Robert G. Mc- *. Gauni, Mr. and. Mr-,. Potter Palmner, Ill, Mr. and NIrs. StuvveNsanit Pea- W~iI Be Cuest of Honor at Luncheon IX'tv L<ocke I lamniltoi, folind. c 1-o f iKap1a ApaTheta. na- t imnal college sorority, %vill bw guest of honor *at the annuâl Iin(Iers'I)av luncheon for, thit ;îluîuinac ehapters (',f.Ciai and(l)tirl)ýs. to l>t held iii t11c \Wedgwood ,ruotu (f Vie1Ns.ý Saturdav, Januiarv 2,9 a t 12:30 * Otlier liotior guests wvilI be NI rs. 1). B-ligh Grassett, 797 Walden road.' * X\innetka, -national l)resiIet of Kap- pa Alpha Theta; Mrs. George Banta, Nienasha, WNis., past national liresi- dlent, , Mrs. Court Toci, 1230 Clen- <e;ning roa(î, Wilmiette, statc chair- mnan, and Mrs. \Villard' Griim. *235 \\,ar\wick roa<l, Kenilwortlî, district nrcidntand 1formier president of N 11-.r1. Butrt Coclîrati. 1377' Scoitt Îîîlstrc,çs; and NMis",lielen IIcdgus. 377 lia~vhuneaven le, (;liiO& wll Inchaigeof arritgeii ~ reevtilsare Mrs. Lhe 4iu AV. \Vood, -929 Forest aveinute, Fvanî5ton., aîdNr.Richard W.Kituý. ,360 Ridgu 'l Ri l il r o((ch ai l . w 1377 S (1i ' i l fie, 1J! /Cilk. -zi cItl w t~stilcs 4 s for the ANappa Alpha T ihclAmnikdcrs J>ay banWwquci itheIl q<'dyood romn of Fiqld's Satirdlay, Januarv 29. ai 12:30 olckBettic' Lcwkci-1lmiiîo,. fiolind<'r -of Illw sorprity, is (o k fbc é-!flIIXÇIf lon> 'r far thel0t«* <'<-a i Alpha Omicron Pif Will> Engineer îo Address. Have Annual Escort Party N. S. Vassar Club Tlie >uthShore e oi utChicag.o Allen B. \1Il)aitl, 4 t ilti Alti na of ~ A liIi.< <1,nuroliPi IAili t>inepr 2and i lrectoi-r o a ti o Alpha Phi Alumnae of U. of 1. Plan Benefit lie lumaeof Beta *Mplh la ter- ('Uniivcrsitv ,of-'lli of lAp; lii, sor-Orîty are having aln dane Fl)rarv5, il) ttll( olr>onî11 ýif the Brevoo)rl hotel ini ' u 1,1(;e eVent is -to leîr"etda NiglIt 'ini Iixie'-I witIi 'Tin v I>raî anii( his, Tune Totiiti' Swviîîgter>. A colored floo'r sl)()w gives <îtr taiiniient .at the evetit, wieh. jr>m'n -, 11 util 1, vill be i 1aar et > t' e îng l 1. 11 U , ' .. i - L * Ah- liai r - n.riesî IRCckitt, Mrs. A~rthur \V. Rogers, Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, Mrs. Arch W. Shiaw. Mrs. 71. E. Sheridan, Mrs. Robert T. Sherman, Mrs. Paul Starr, Mrs. Howard R. Stonle, Mrs. Johnii Stuart. D)r. Katheri'ne 'rue, Mrs. C. E.. G. Tuthill,, Mrs. Clarke Washburne, Mrs. Cornelius B. Watson, Mrs. L-eslie Whleeler, M.\rs. Morris K: Wilson, Mrs., Walter B. Wolf. Wiiiette, and of Ev'anstoii. 'il b -spri - la, i lg IvýLc r. loiiu)rU>k, cnaîrinîan of iii~~ be spthlaig e civics and education departmnent. sses for the- daN A card party will be giveil in the iley H.: Knight Of afternoouî with memnbers as guests of Gtiy Packard Of the 'progr.ail com-nij.ittee under the sG. W. Teusclher supervision of Mrs,. .Albert J. Cox, program chairman. WILMETT E LIF -E

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