Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 44

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Arden Shore to Give Garden Club Series The Garden Club of Illinois, ini a Ail-Day Sewing. letter to Mrs. Charles Van Dusn Thé Xilmette commliittee ýof club, announices that the state or-, the Arden -Shore, association vviîî ganiization will present a series of lecture.s ini February to be given by be the belneficiary of the ail-day Ms lr rnneto o sewing meeting iield at. theé.. els. *he. lecture dates are Wonani'S Club of Wilmnette Fi- Thursday'afternoon , February 17, at day, .Febur 4, un der auspices ý2 o'clock; Friday morning, February of he lubs pilaithopyde-18, . at 10 :30 o'clock, ,and Friday - afternoon February 18,.at 2. partment. To that meeting, at isCoewtwoetlswI which_1Miss Anna Belle Ferrier, be free to members of the gardjen superintendent of Arden 'Shore clubs wvhich 'are members -of tle wîill > seak, and at. :wihich the Garden Cluibof Illinois, are also-open * Gîe club of the* Alrdeli. Shore to0 non-mýrembers, at a small fée. The Wintrýcàiip illsing, ail ffiemi- fornia, is:becoming nationally known bers of the Wilmette ciiite for ber brilliant work as a designer an d f riends of, Arden Shore, are, Of ability and, as a colorist -. She has invtedcoriaiy.just returned from a lecture tour ini the east whiere she appeared before The annual meeting of the entire theGre>C so New York an d .Arden Shore association W.as held inl New jersey federations. Chicago on .january 10: At~ that 'Miss Crone nw ett. bas a studio in meeting, Mrs. Robert B. Gregory, the shadow of the' mountains just honorary president of the association, east of Los Angeles, where she holds gave a review of the beginning of her "art appreciation" lectures, which Arden Shore. lit 1901 the camp start- hv eoepplr ed on the lake shore in .Glencoe. In ivbeo pulr those early days a few non-con- In her garden she raises a variety tagious cases of incipient tuberculosis of native and sub-tropical plants to recommended to the camp by a well Provide the materials with which she knlowN Çlhicago doçIor were inçluded works, as, she bas the feeling that among those brought to Arden Shore, the locality, as well as the season, (then called Gad's Hilli cinp), for sl1guld be expressed ini the "rnood" rest, fresh air, and nourislitng food. of the arrangement. At present Arden Shore bas a sum- Miss Crol»enwett will give three mer camp wÀhere two thousand wom- lectures explainiflg these principles en and children are given a vacation. and showing how they apply.to 'the period of two weeks each, ini groups three schools of arrangement most of about five huiidred. Tbis fortiiight---Often used-The Victorian, the Mod- include.s rest, recreation, classes, and ern, and arrangements witb an summer nature classes, sports and Oriental feeling. plenty of fresbi air and wholesome food. Iii the, winter about fity unider- nourished.boys recommended by the istituf'e Chàirmcin * ChcagoBoard of Education are 'sent to Arden shore, whiere. they, too0, undergo, for the winter months, a health-building programn. Their school work is continued, tbey bave regular hiours of> rest, supervised recreation, The niewc groutp of alimnlae of Gomma Phi ýBeta, form'd-' v fthe mergiing of three other groups. at its orga;zi.atioii metinig Monida y elected Mrs- Hayes MIcKiinney, of [Vilmeffe chairinan. Mrs. ,IcKii-* nev î.,ill have a meietling of the niew lwardlat lier homie Moinda.v, Fc- rmary 7. Dancer Brrigs Unhique Parodies l'o Drama Club Lotte Goslar, who bias daticed (iii A the prinicipal counitries of Europe. is briiiginig lier unique repertoires ,of colorful exotic dances to the Evansý-. ton Drama club for its.next meeting' on Thursday, Ja-nuary 27, at_ 2:30 o'cilock at the Womiah's Club, of E-v- Born ini Dresden, Germaàny, and trained by Palucca, she was danicinig i i Berlin whien Hitler camne inito power. 'His disapproval of bier ex- ceedingly original style oif eurtythmnics of New Croup of Camma Phi Beta Mi. -Hayes McKinnlev of Minmette was elected chairinaîi of the iiéew group on Mondax' when the 4-vanston aluiiuiae, the, North Shore"group, ani the L4ake Cotunty group of G<.1111MR P>hi- *1eta nierged into one.. Miss Mary Harris, the, provinlce (di- rector from Toronto, was the guest of 'honlor at the meeting whiclb was lield at. the home 'of 11rs.. Duianie Peterson, '1014 Starr road, Wlinnietka.. The other new officers arc: Mrs. Hubert Hardy of Ev.anstoi,- first vice-chairmanl; Mrs. George Grànit of Wînnpetka, second vicç-chairitiain i charge of nmembe)rslipé Mrs. Toi Leeming' of H-ighland, Park, secre- tary; . .,Mrs. IHarold Lundberg of Wil- mette, treasurer; *Mrs. T. Edwar1 Ryani of Wiinnctka and Miss Dorothy. Somers of Evanston, co-chiairnmen of. thé social comnmittee. Mrs. Hlarold Brown of \Vilmette, chairman of tlit advisory committee; MJrs. John Kirb'- Of, Evanston, chairman of lublicity; Mrs. D. D. Wa:itley of Evanston, bos- piltalitychairmnan; Mrs. L E. Scriven of Evanistoni, transportation chair-, latiMs. John tHalgemalin of Evanis- ton, chairman- of magazine subscrip- tions, and Mrs. Edwarcl Otterstroin of Evanston, editor of the Crescent Chiatter. Mrs. McKinney annotîcd a micct- ing of the new board to lie beld al her home, Moinday, Fcbruary 7, tu comiplete plans for the aniual baii- quet which will be hield at thîe Drake botel, Saturday, February: 20., *After the:. business. meetingiý, Mr >. Douglas M-àcMillaii of EV*,A-nste4*- re- viciNved "The I)aîgerotis Yas'I Gilbert Frankaiu. Chooses World Events )n jantiary A, morning at Books 't tell o'Clock ii GcorgIan îiotcl Mr. and Mrs. Walter. F. Shattuck of 528 Warwick road,, Kenilworth, will sail fromn New Orleans on Feb- ruary 26, on a Carribbean, cruise. o'clock. ickfets for the even, with its talks on înterior decoration, table settin gpart y menus, and other features of interest to the home- mnaker, may be obtained from Mrs. Jacobsen. give .cons Parodies F will be sei gue sts. 'a these two artists will ts of "Twelve Dance om Lif e." Afterwards tea ed. Members niay bring duests are Welcome, and tickets miay be procured by telephôning: Mrs, William A. Osgood, 424 Washingtoni avenue, Glencoe; Mrs. J. Fraik Grimes, 2747 Eastwood avenue, Lý anston; Mis. Kentieth R. Laing, 6041 N. Talman avenue, Chicago, or Mrs. Fraàklin Wanner,, 128 'Robsart road, Kenilworth. WILMIETTE LIF E

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