inîstalati~on of a permanent registra-, tion system that is termed by ex- perts "not the first, but the finest ( system in the counitry," After ex- > tensive study and observation of. "honest ballot" plans operating in other parts of the nation, Mr. Flynn icch aedthe ,best features o cac into his own. fool-proof, fraud- proof system. Chicago has had its, permanent, but the rest, of; the county initiates. its own1 setup in the. forthconiing April primaries. "Already it has eliminated dead-men's votes,' dual registration, and other illegai ývotes fromn the election lists," Flynn, said, .,and above :ail has disciosed -that thousands of aliens have heretofore been casting ballot>s.regularly." Surprise to Màniy Pt-oîinient men including doctors,ý *laivers, dentists and even some im- portant, public officiais tiever knew. * they weren't citizens until permanent r ,egistration chalienged theni to state tihe date of their' naturaiizaticm papers. *and the court wherein they . were îssued, Mr. Flynn declared. A conmnon misunderstanrling arose When a son beiieved his -father had conipleted naturalization before he. at- ained lits majority and it later de-, he %vas over 21 when hi$ dad's. *last papers were finally awarded., StilI others thought they had the *right to vote because they came to this; country when very younig. Many mnoreý were mnisled by the beliefs first plpers made themn citizens. Expiains.Operation \Vith the pride of a fathier extolling * die virtules of his child, Mr. Flyinn points ont the superior featuires of tlie plan as it operates fromi his officeý * i te*Countty- building. Prouidly lie u xplains the operation of his' new sIafe-likeiý. fire-proof nmaster 1files wherein is kept an accurate -and' up- to-the-mninute record of ýevery voter registere(l in the 82 -country towns unerlus jnrisdiÇctîoni. Sust caîl off a naine and l'Il have Ii, conipletc voting record for vou iiis thaît five suconds." lic :clal- Installation of new officers for th' Howard school junior council toolc place at a junior assembly Wednes- day, in the, school auditorium. The new president is Lee Butler, who testhe office formerly held by Jim Ludford, Jaick ,Chester is the vic e- president, taking the place of Patricia, IDone Y. Shirle y Johnson, is. repla .cing Jean Stewaft as secretary, Gene I Iartnet is succeeding Jim Crawford as treasurer,. and Helen Graper Will be the new program chairman, replac- ing Doris McKeighan. Several years ago the Junior as- semibly. was organized. It. had' had its, nucleus in the citizenship clubs w hich.had been a part of the. regùiar- weekly activities in each room. "Since formai meetings had been held cach week there had corne a respect for organization, and :co- operative effoi-t. Many difficulties in the room, -in the, halls,. and on the school ground had been.discussed and taken care of by the boys and girls during these club periods. As- semiblies had been put on by each grotup. and by outsicle talent. as wl, one teacher said this week. Withi this background, the fifth and sixth grade cliildreni,-under the guj4- ance of. the homie room teachers., the records accurate. Immediately after the registration card is received a personal canvass is made to check the validity. This is followed up by a îîon-foi-,wardable card sent, through office and consequently invalidate the registration. Uncle Sam Taikes Part Uncl(ý Saut also checks on voters wlîo haven't cast a ballot for four or more years as revealed by thieir record o,Çil the registration card. Th .ey are sent anothèr rnon-forwardable card,. ývlicl1 if returned indicates that the registratl as mnoved from -the precirict. *Printe<i precinct lis;ts liaing eacli voter in tfli district are prepared J1v Flvmî iicIlrks. for free distribution, 737moAVA ff8e5is The officers of the junior council take charge of the àssembly meet- ings, observing parliamentary pro- cedure. An usher caîls for each room and escorts the children to and from the auditorium. The junior po- lice, h are a part of -this organiza.' toassist the upper grade police boys at: reicess in thé« halls and on the school ground. "The children are finding this re.- lationship, to the whole school: hf e pattern a very significant one. As this procedure ýdevelops it seems to function naturally, efficiently, and creatively," it was said. ,An instructional film entitled, "Speaking of Safety" has ,beeni ob- tained from the Films of Comme rce company, New York, to be1 shov;n soon, during «thé assembly' perio.d. Doris McKeighan, program chairman for the past quarter carried on the c orrespondence necess4ry to procure this film. SON I8 BORN4 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norris Burch- more of Evanston announce the birth of a son,,Mondày, January 17, at the Evanstoni hospital. Robert Norris,, Jr., is, the, name they have chosen for the baby. Mrs. Burchmore is the former. Margaret Wegner ýof Wilmette. OFFER MEMBERSHIPS SNTri chigan ar Ish-1 ing, andl golf are il 1~ ng, hk on the 710 Ml UtnSt. EVOusto.UNI. floO Ski Tine at ý Musky 'Inn Up. here in, the, Wisconsin high-,, lands there is an exhiliration in the- air that gives you new energy for Many days, to corne.Musky Inn ski courses are laid out over fine siopes and trails. Our ski instructor is a vetéran of the Alps and the Tyrol. There is also tobogganing, snowshoeing and skating. Excellent lodge ; delicious food. Cali your North Western agent for funl information, on ali-expense trip.. CH<IRBISON'S Wire or phone Sayner,21-F-il 3! ogrI 4111 I e club. I- phones Universify 9 WiImette 1332 Winoee*ka 1332 mnaster file; the second into the pre- ciiict file for county electiolns, and the third is kept by, village officiaIs for local elections. Each contains the voter's signature which miust be, attached. at the polis bef ore he ne- ceives a ballot. Unicle Sam does his bit iii keeping goo .9q .. ~Mr.,. Flynn asks àll interested1 sons to- eal upon lm freely for information théy may desire rela to the election system.. The ser- of his, office are at your commu hie says, and he will1 be more t willirtg toanswer persoflalIY al ters to, himn on that subject. 1135 Central Ave. WiUmete Wilimette 2406 Fireproof Warehouse. Chairs and Tables for Rent inciui