Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 3

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ýr Plan* for DL1scussion. DEL>NQENT TAX IGLENCOE NEWS' * Attent'in,,of Tai.dy Real Estate, OWners s Drece to fi ciaI4. -Reoird .11 tlis weck's isýsue.of ('umc)F' NF%%s is ptublished the sdelincquent real. estate ta\, 114 fr N Trier townlship for the' vear. 1936. riihs is the first imie that- thec-delin- (tuent list bias heenl publîshied within -the -i tnhip~ and iis appearance at tbis * imle I.s. pursuant to a decision (if County, 'rreasuirer Horace : C. Li'ndheimier 1<) uifake' the ' tblicationi iii a local newvs- p.Piierinstead of itl à Chicago luewspaper. a s haàs l)eefl the customi. * I he expressC(1 purpose is to briing the Ji11t h.iefore. local .real estate , property *owlcrs in a form- less *volunxinous thani usuaIL so. *that the îiifornxaàtion sougbt tay -be more* rçadily founid. Mr.Lnhie' deeisioni will be *hghly ajpreciated, and lie is. comînended hy mlan. ci.titzelis for adopting a polic% iii line. withWýthe principle of înakiig taSifornxatio.n a.vaflable wvitb the lcast pos- ý;ible ilc()f,iveiéilce t', tiiose wh1o pay Copies.of I.iýN-coF Nï ls ay he o>h-; taincid at the puhlcation office of 1lo-vd * Hollister Ile ,1232 Central avelit e, .A Proclamation I al the attention' of thc citi- EIZPEAhZR the lcl'illictte L-rpac teagur ana - th Wýfiliictte League of Wonen P oters Monda y ee Jig anuary 24, at the Shawnee Couphr v club. His sub- j eci will ,be: "The Village Mlait- ager andHiLs Fiinctionis." Dinncr wîll lie served at 7 o'clock following hicli there will be the ad- dress of the evening and a general dis- cussion of the village ilianager plan as applied to Wilinette. Those unab'.e to Better Humes Expo at Woman"s Club is -Set.for March- 8-10 The aninual three-day Better Homes ex*hibitat the Woman's club of, Wil- mette wilI bc held March 8, 9 -and 10.. Mrs. Arthûr, J. flixon :and Miss Rebecca-Fitch will.again have charge_ of tWe affair. Last year' s exhibit wàSas a plendid- success and requests for spacein the forthcomning exposition already bave been received f rom various manu- -facturer% and retail concerns, it is Space. for exhibitorsý is limited, it is pointed out, and prospective exhibi- tor-S are advised ly Mrs. LMxDon to mnake their reservations promptly. Trustees Turn Down Zone Body's Report At a recent meeting of the village b)oard the application of Geralcline Lee for a permit to erect a store building at 929 Ridge road, just south of the Coni nt, was referred to the zoning cornihssion. Th e commis- lite ffect. the commvission rcported il li ^ile Ilhis particular property is ZoPed Class «,A", residential. mnost of the l)roperties niear by are ii,;ed for commercial* purposes. and it there- fore recommeided that the permit bc' The board refu.sýed to take th is short cut.* and gent the unatter bacl< to thec commission for rc( lassifica tion of the property iii thie regular man uier provided l)y law. _This ineanis that tHc coilmssioli will call a public hiear- CJVIC LEAGUE, WOMEN VOTERS9 SPNSOR MEET Din ner at' Shawn ee Clulb Next Monday to Precede Discus_ sion; Hatton Speakeir Silould the municipal affairs of Wil- mette be adniinistered by a. Village, Manager, carrying'out. policies laid down by the legisiative branch (Vil-. lage:board) ,underý the supervision of the President ? Or ~should the local government go along as at present, with administra- tion by the various dlepartment heads, responsible to the President and the b)oard of trustees? if the former,.why? If the latter, why'? It's, a moot question, highly con- troversial, no doubt good arguments favoring one side, and as good favor- ing the, other. The point is, what do the people of Wilmette, those who pay the taxes to support the govern- ment, however admtinistered, think Wornxel Voters will endeavor to find out atI their joint dinner meeting to be held Monday evening, January 24, at 7 o'clock, at SbawneeCountry club, At a means of-bringing the subject into open- discussion, Dlr. A. R. Hat- ion. director of the department of political science of Northwestern uni- versity. will give an address on "The Village Manager and His Functionis." After the address there will bc an open~ forum.i during which it is ex- this proclamation and the or-. dinances.' The cooperatioli of ail citizens owning dogs is earnestly solicited. HARRY, C. KINNE, Pres,. Village of Wilmette. Wilmette, Ill., jamiary 183 1938 The police department received mn te etue fiirs, hsisewl cnanpCue several complyaints Saturday and Aogohrfctrso Sunday., f automobiles being parked, of the more than 200 new residences constructed in New Trier in the driveway leading to the water- township communities during the past twelve months. works, and also in private driveways in he iciityof akeandMiciga * WILM.ETTE LI1FE invites villagers to make contributions to the avenues, without permission., In-% news columnns of this Building and Real Estate .Number. vestigations. were e and several Watch, for the .1938 Building and Real, Estate Numnber- crowners were booked for traffic January 27!. law violations. il ----------

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