Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 54

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AND "Loksand Runs Like New", Mean Exactly That at ýCoù1e iti and Be Convinced 'l7 Cadilliac -Mod. 75 Fleetwoùd formnaI Sed ..................$2r,95 *3jj Cadillac Mlod. 70 Fleetwood Sed..................1545 '36 Cadilaàc '60' touring $ed.....5 37Olds touring p. coupe........ 796 '36 LaSalle tour. 5 p. sedan....... Il5 '36 Bulck Mod.> 11' 5 1). sed.....675 '5 Cadiliac à51p. sedan ............ 695 '4 Buick.Mod. '7.,p el...415 '35 Olds 8 tour. sed. s.rn. rad. htr 525 '6Packard, 120 tour. 5 coupe . 595 '3Pierce Arrow 7 eyl. -5 p1. sed 345 :10. Stutz Cons'. cpe. 6 new tires. Perfect...................145 '36 Olds .8 tour. 5 P. sedan.......695 '*36 Cadillac Mod. 160' ýcoupe.....1 '317"Lincoln Zephyr sedan......... 995 '36 Cadillac V-12 touir. sed ........ 1625 '35 Packard 120 5 p. sed......... 495 '3 5 Auburn coiiv. sed............ 495 r, Studebaker tour. ) !sedan .... 395 35 La Salle Conv. cpe~. ......625 1.810 Rýidge Ave. M'il. 956, WVint. 1673_ i 05LTN37-ltii * UbED (CAM Lowvest Prices flout vate. b beds. (or 2 able. ALLY le room th. Is Near E i Il;L:17-lt~> Large, well ,f urni'shtd roui. Close to transportato. Meals if desirecl. Wilinette 4919. NEAR -ALL'TRANSPORTATION. 1117 GREENLICAF AVE. WILMETTE, 1944'. 116LTN37-1 tî> WARM, SUNNY RMS. FOR GENTLE- mnen et tployed. References exchangei.. Wilmhette 3050 after 6:30,1p. rM. 116LTN271teý Bright F ront Roorn RKEASONABLE. NEAR TRANSPO-,) tation. 725 Prairie Ave., WViliette.ý 116LTN37-ltlî COMFORTABLE, LGE. FRONT ýBEI)- roorn. Twin beds.,,Kitichen privilege. One or two .women. University 792S. NICELY FURNISHED AIRY ROOMs for 1 or 2 people. Private fatiily. Garage. Meals optional. Reasonable. Wilmette 25,68. 11I6LTN3S5-4 tp1 ROOM FOR RENT FOR 1 OR 2. NEAR TRANSPORTATION. 860 PINE STREET. WINNETKA 2423. LARGE :FRONT, BM., LIUHT, W1M andcoinfortable. Nüar 'trýanspo)rtatioi#. Wintletka 846., 11 6LTN37-Ilp LARGE BOO'M SIITABÏ.E FOR 1 OR 2, at 894 Burr. Ave., 1 block to Hulb- bard Woods tran.sportation. Reasonable. .WViinnetka t2848. 1.'N37-It c COýMFORTABLE FRONT OO0,M. PRI- vate finly. Confeient to "L",and North Shore. Garage aaiaîe.Wil- mette 3828. 116L37-ltp ,ATTRA('TJVIE SINGLP B' OOMIS IN privaýte home, 2 blocks Eln street _______________________116L37-ltpl-) UNUGJLLYGE.,PI.EASANT BM. WI'rj-îFIREPLACE, IN PIVT HOMIE. Wl ,,1METTE 29101. I1LN7l FI'RN[S1II ïM BOOM NEAR TRZANS- )ort'ttioni. Aio gpkrge. 893 Elu St. 'Winneitkat 171q. 1161,37-ltp lis HOTELS FOURN --E 'SO.MOST AT'- tltty'suite in porivmte hotel. I e- Ï021 ènt-ral AeWi -te2.791.. 129 1,3 7 -ltp ATTRACTI VELY FURN. 4 1100M kitchenette apt. Avail. Feb. 1. Light, roorny, elec. refrig., near stores and transp. Garage il*atel Aduits. Cali iinette 3:11. 129 1 7-tp 130 .WTrD. iTO RENT-APTS. WÀNTE D-3-4 ROO,0M APT. BY RE- flned couple. Rent flot. exceedl $50. Write B-56 Box 60, Wilmette, 111. 133 FOR RENTr-HousES 'lîlEý HOM'%E YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ii)ay be listed. at miee of our thiree convenient local offices. Ask ',to -see our ist of fui-jshed and un- furn'aished rentaIs today., 1EWANSTON: 522 tDAvisýST ri 1, F- GI'eenîeaf 1855 . Hollveuurt 185.5 W'ýINNE-'TKA . 790 ELMI STIIEET Wiîinetka 2700 I3riarga te 185,5 f 1MI-1LANI) PM 5 S. ST. JOI1-1NS; AVE. WVinî,etkh 1802 Highland Pk; 8 13TN37-l tV NEXV HOUSE TO BEE13UILT FoiRF REN'I' IN WINNETKA jJrjv(k Colonial. 4 bedrooins, '2 ath.s on' 2nd;extra r<om with soc on I at. I jou)o-' iIl have every modemn facility. j 'lias rea(ly for inspect il :o thIis office, YORTHSHORIC REAULTY INIA;N HU4DISTRICT ON A SUI1PLY I3EAUTIFUI LOT, ATA, hleav'ily voo<Jed, is ont' of Winnetka' choicest (ool sne\er before ofte for rent. ;- master bed. :1 1. plus rv ants* quarters. Large lihrary,' i'e"-rea tion rin. 1w . Mweis will giv.' a long is,. with no alsclause' seef 421 Rmehnnnd Road K4eniîw4orth 52S8 I BLOC.K WEST 0FSFI)1I)N D. Wlnette-7. ri, brick lhou. Largejj9f liv. j n.,unusuial fireplace, :3,large.sunny. Ibedrmlls. with cross, ventilai on. 2 atti fully colored tle. bath, , spacjou.,tah' waS', lo\'elY sun roonii. Drapes and ('a r- i)t .alue.Enc0ëloed Eglig4h gitrdeni andi Ientiel. Long lease if desiioti. (1mose to transtportation. Rlentai $1140. Wlna'eýtîe 4990 for appointmlent. 13 LT[,[Ni37-11f \WINN[,'TKA RFSIDENCE. :~SO( brick on fldouble Corner loi, 1324 S-eul I AI. bedroonias, 4 bath. breakfast and 136 WANTED 10 RENT-HOUSES RESPOINSIBLIE CLIENT, WANTS 5 bedrai., 3 bath; home, $125 to $160 per aionth, Kenilworth or Winnetka. \V7e also have many inquiries for stualler -houses on the North Shore. Be sture do list.your bousewith usn soo asposii)e Referlices' carefully, checked. ;384 Lincffin Av enue Winnetka 177. 136LTN37-1 te 1X'IBEMFL Y -DESIRABLE. GENTILE client wants modemn 7 or 8 roorns,. haths.. WTeII furnished. May ýto Oetob.'r. Pret'era biy n'est Xinntka. :128 P'ark, Ave., fGieni-oe Glencoe 1:: 1136LTN37-I t.' P"o 11 NIAY 1--HOUSE XITH I3 Ib- :111S. Pret'er (lleneoe. Average 5 years n fumnier honses. Give fimîl information and rentai in first letter, Write 1360, Box î;o 'Wlme 11,II. 136LTN37-1te,. milit option ti) buy. ("ive full de- tails. A<r*s B-57, Box 60, WiI- meteiI. 1 ? 6 LI'N17-11 p- 138 FOR RENT-GARAGES. GARtAGE 215 Wood, Court Corner Prairie Ave. 5 - Caîl itte .3091 40 FOR REP4T-STORES & OFFICES WINNETK-A STORE, EXCELLENT OCI' () t~~~~~~ t:iiall'fo 1. e Il tenta is. AIso s5fil, tIlt','. 13.'asçîîî - 140L"j'N'17-1t OFF I( E M.,d'n ot)(or"s office, 1I 1,:tx itjoE 'I n -fi--fi'Ctot1hall. Pau'k Ave-., 'a l . . Rggus& (o.Wî 6 1 4 Of TN:1,7 -I1 147 -FOR 5ALE-HOUSES THRVE C'00)D1BUY7s 71< nj IMVtAN' AYV j. : (I; DtS. ba ls5Ia-ÇIw>chdlot. VmI sîî.îIld se'il b,Iie'a s4' il is $><'ntora l at Iii itio'Iikt' and<I na bw' î>îîîiaso-d l'or Ni1' liEl . b .m , -n in -:1. c 10. TP. O SU-AUTMOBIES arried couple or sin 106__________________________ Wlnnetka location.A %NANTED -. USED SMALL CAR i,, netka 2304. runnlng. condition In exchange for àSRiOOMH-EATEýD A adult maie buft cocker spanici; chain- heat. At 1937 Wi pion sired, biouse tralned. . Baker, for sale, 6 room houi 524 Maple Ave, Wllmette.. water heat, garage. 106LTN,37-ltp mette 4978., l or culuiLUIx 8 tOJ(hV, «MIJLJJ±kN, -STOflY RRWCK erzon. Cholce residence. 21/2 baths, ';Un root.1 break- Mar. 1. Win- fa.st i'oom, bot watet' hea1t (oilI) 2-vai, 128LTNZ37-ltp garage. RenitaI $115. Wjjrnette 2024. [OT WATER ____________ 3 1TN 37 -1 t. ýe Ave. Aiso A GOOD SMALL. HOUSE FOR'$55 n porcb, hot 2 car garage. Good nelghborboo.d. M. Catil WiIm- Others $60 up. Wtlmetté Realty, 513à 28LTN37- ltp 4th St., Wilmette 192.. 133L37-ltp, Th'ie idi'al location naar terminai, lake, Publie and Cathi- <u1ic scl'ools. '-,bdrnms., slp. pcil., Stiled bath, oil ht., 2var gar., 0f t. lot. A l»eai u i $12,00.Mm.lOtt. TUE ý-4BILL1S REALTy, 1c C 5 29 Davils st., Evanston <ienleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 147LTNS7-ltc K.' I [I

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