Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1938, p. 55

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L j $2 0,000. W. G. RUGGLES & Co. Eixclusive Agents 517 Davis Street, Evanstoji Uni; 6886 Hol. 6886 Wil. 1660, 14 7LTN:37-ltc Aie Yom iLooLknng FOR A MODERN SMALL hume fol* $8,5.00. Wre have.one, a White Colonial, --vithi delight- fui large liv. rin. and 3 bedrrns. ilii prfect condition. 2-car g ar. an dlange lot. Let us show you. [lave You The Renmodeling if you bave, you'1l want to sec this quaint 7 rnm. farin l'Ouse. Ils lunes are simple and leid themselves readily to re-, modellig. It is situated on. ai 66-foot wooded-lot wbere sur- rounding honesrag in value froîn $13.500 to $1000o0.l'lt, prîce of $9,500 -ina4<es it irre- sistible. 1 -lokanison &JelikS, Ill. 53Davis Street (Iruefflitf 117 14d7LTN 37-1 tr KE NJ11LWORITH ESSEX ROAD IN ONE 0F EAST KENILWORlTH-' .1 fillest blocks- We offer a delightful 8 roorn i esidtnc, on a lot 100x175. This is not just ain average eder bouse. but a THOROUGHLY MODEl-RNI7ED, COMPACT AND CIIAR.MING HOME. The price is only slightly ahove the v'alue of t1w ground. Shon 1P.by appo)(int- SMART1,&'GOLEE, Ime. EXCUSVEAGENTS 1,564 Sherman Ave. LVilmeîe 24 4 Il 7LN7-1î t' ANDI)MONTHLY IAY ET ',of less than preýsehîit rnti ill huy 2-.7 oomi1,4at f~r<fll, 11/2 balth enea i foo)t Voded'lots,. (Ilose te )111l aiid pàai-o(h i1ll $Ch0ols, TOTL'.i PRIICES $7.500 andI$.50 Call Mr. fl2yer. SIHO(RE,-TOW'NS lZEAIJ4TY CORP. 1603; hcg' vtnEvalîstoi <Ire. 27,00 ' i.1 log. Ph. 663t; ' I4 7 LTN37-t m.Colonial house, 21,z2 bats * g ......e $10,00 Fr»., 3 bedrooms, just decorateq 1 modern .... .$8,501 us for further information aboti and many others we have liste îs price range. *G. RUGGLES & C. 517 Davis Street, Evanston Uni. 6886. 1lol. 6886ý 147LTN37-1t<. OUT"-OF-TOWNOWNER MUST S.ELL ATTRACTIVE DUTCH COLONIAL nean lako In Wlnnetka; 6,bedroonis, 4 batha, sun room.. Large, beauti- fully landscaped* lot. :Offer. Mrs. Fleming. LD)'d1a iei 790 Elm Street, Wifnetka Winetka 2700 Bniargate 1855 147LTN37-1 te REAL VALUE 11N A RESTRICTED SECTION OF ..Glencoe. Lot .is 66x160. The resicdeije is, solid brick, bungalow style and ha.R 9 noorns, with .1 bedrooms andl 1 'bath on 2nid floor; 3 hedroorns, 1 bath ôl'oh1t' floor. Hlot water 'beat. Garage for 1 car. Real bargain at $13,500 as owner Ls leaving. city. Caîl Mn. .Buckmasten. MEAD &COE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 6*9 W%. Washington, Chicago Ran. 045Q 147LTN37-1t. ý THE ,PEALS HAVE TT!' COMFORT APPEAL, LOC0ATION APPE-AL, PRICE APPEAL, Thi.s lv home at .908 Elmn Place in Gleince(e lias 5 master bed., 3 b. and seraps'quartens. Panieled- den, Ige.. pch.ý, garno rm. Seo' SIý*A.RS RAESTATE * Exclusive 'Agns 421 Rlchm11ond Road Kflwrl 5288 1471,TN37-ltc 10,52 Oak Ridge Drive (S KO KIE R'I DG E) GLE1, 'O OPEN SUNDA«Y 2 TO 6 P. M. ýLovely -white Colonial residleîîe: I0 roonims,, 6 bcdrms, 41, baths, dressing rm., library, 2-car att. 'gar., autonlatic hepat. 90-foot lot in hiighly restricted section. >Have redluced prive beloiý $35.000. Be sure to see this Sunday' or cali Greenloaf 76)76 week dlays. i 47LTN37-ltce WINNE TKA * -....,.. 9..,....t. n ~IoutstandiUIfl valioe Offered Exelusively by Mrs. Fuller & XVm. Pickarcl 746 Elm Street, Winnetka Winnetka 360.3 University 74,44 147LTN37-i't(. A Y iOCCUPANCY' 1acre at Bannockburn,: near schools.' 1 story frame, 5 bod- roonis, 3 bathà.' 011 hot water heat. Price $15,00,0. 2 acres at Bannockburmn. 10 roorù brick farn bouse -, bath -hot water heat - gas an( electricitY. Price $9i200. More land available If desired. M acreat Glenview. New 6 noom homo. 3 bedroonis, I1 % baths, Pleasant living rooni, bhot air heat. Rostricted dlstitict. Pnice $11,500. WYATT & COONS Waukegan Road ellenview 81 -..147LTIN. 7,1t( fEBIT. OFF MORE THAN HiE COULD CH19W Owner-built, modem, EngI ish-type bome. Choice residentlal section. Conveni. eut to schon1as,. 'tores, e. choes and transportation. Wooded and landscaped, 3 spacious bdi'ms,., 2 'tlnted-tilo batbs, Ige. lavator-, ,;]p. pcbl. wlth windows on 3 sidos, breakfast nook, 8* large clst.25-ft. liv. rm., 16-ft. din. n.ý 15-ft. stin, nn.-ALL EN SUITE, wd. burnlng firepl., 011 ht. 2-car garage. ALI, IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAIT) FOR. Ideal for faînily that appre. * dates the space, froodorn of large room.t and dosires quality rathor than quant- iti.. FORECLOSED! Former montgage holder will sacrifice for less than $15,000. Show n by appointment only te Ibose whlo are genuinely lntonestod. Telephonie 219 1LTN37î1t( OXTER AN 'ACRE STt'NNING FR EN CH HOME with 5 bedrin.s., 4 Ik' bathlibnn ' 2-car garage, on heaut. lands.ýeapec(i gnrou.ds. Cost $ 75,000. Pï'ickd for in'mediate sale at $40,000. 'W"HITE BRICK Brand 110w Early Aniericaîi hoine. 4 hedrins., 2 batbs, tiled kitvihem wvooded lot. Must bo sold aton. An unù,sual opportuniity at $15,500. TNC 54Linvoliî Avenue BRAND) N Winnoetka 177 147LTN317-1 te rý,1I T ' WINNETKA CUentral se-ction, Colonial. Large liv. room .3 bedrooms, 2 batha, Ex. lav. lst floor, U.W. oi1 heat. Garage at- tached. Convenent to shopping conter. An unusual bu.y at $12000. (cuIsaclkR Je ]hy e0D 795 Elmn Street Winnetka 715 Winnetka, Ml. Rogers Park 2321, 147LTN'i7-lte VWO GOOD BUYS AT.BRICK COL., LGE.. LIV. RM., 4 bedrmsA., tie bath, lav.,*on lst fir. Oi ( ht.,: pchs., gar., large lot, nr. schls. Owner wants, offer. 113,500.. IX" A MUCH DESIRED SECTION ýWE offer a cbarming home of 6 rmàs. Large liv &di.. n., master bedrm. wlth firessing rm., 2%. baths, showor, o11 bt., gar., nr. schts. &transp. Priced under $13,000., ELMERE. STULTS INC. 460 Winnetka. Ave. Winnotka 1800, OUR BEST ýBUY -ON .THE NORTH Shore overîooking, beauti fui estates. New xtone house, siate roof. 6 lovely bed'rms.,' 3%, tile baths. Pino paÙoled.boys room and reereation room wltb .flreplace, *Gtorg.oeasgarden deslglled ly wel $30,000 ~BAUMANN-COOK 55,Lincoln, Ave. Winnetka 3450 147LTN37-îte i$5,250 BUYS.A 5 RAI. STUCCO BUNGA- low on over an acre of good land, 1west of Winnotka. in high class, fast -growing section. 2 bodrnis., hot water lieat. Bank will loan $3.000 on it. Want 'îuick cash sale. HILL& STONE à3Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 1541 147LTNà7-lte ATTRACTIVE AND COMFORTBLE' white clapb ,osrd biore; heated suii ri., large living rin. witli book cases and fireplace; bnkfst. nook; 3 large lied- roems ; I1'batbh; o011 leat. lu seetion 0f liew hoiles. Tredal $13i,000. <'aIl exclusive agentý Era uces J.. \\'inscQtt 41i' Làiîîdeii Ave. Wililletka ~126î 1471,37-1q) Ne%\ 1Trier CO., $1650 4 DR5.3 BATHS, SUN 'ANI) svéeened porches, H. W. oil, B. & 1G., attaelied gar, 704Ct lot, choicest East sevtion, H. O;. L. C. montgage1. Helnseti lity., Exel. Agts., Winnetka' 254. 14 7L374ltp 614 WAYLANI), KENILIWOfiTM. NEWý Egraily Anerican. 6 rin., 1% tie bath, Kohier fixtureis; att. gar.; air condi- tiotied. Only,, $11,750. Exclusive agents. WITZLEBEN REALTY 6;32 Gùreen Bay Road Kenilwvorth 5540C Inc. reentci t ion alliY7èï contrutd "'sucj on lbol- îow tile. $10.000. ' X ILMETTE R. B. WHITAKER, CO. 6 ROOMS AND SUNPO1RCH. ECL 140 Green Bay Road, Winnotka cond. 2 car gar. Lot 50xl25. Reduced Winnetka 35 RogersPark 7302 t6 $1.500.. Kenilwortih 5288. 147LTN37-ltc . 47LTNà7-lte ary, 3 pchs. a1194. .w.J..'I«n VI tere of ground,* Charming brik W1ILMFYT AN- s, powder rmi., lots $1,600 and ut 014 at sacrifice on easy termns. Frn V. Lang, Win- Odrnxa), 562 Green. 147LTN37-ltp 2016.' 1300 Wood.4

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