*Sh.mpoo, Arch or Trim, Fingerwave, manicure ...... 3, for 85c :426 Lindon Avýo.., WiI.mtte Phône- WiIm.tte 4454 AU. WORK GUARANTIEED HYDROX 3-LAYER. BRICKý Butter Pecan, between 4 fwo loyers of Butterscotch M c Ice Crearm. New York c 1c Ctearrn withPT Cherries. P. 2 Ridge Ave. Pharmacy Lake end Ridge Road Cati Wlmette 316 Snider-Cazel Drug WiImeft. and Central Col! Wtimtte 400 I1CE CREAM FULL. QUART 3 ~5353., survev. Involved ini the question of zonling is the ilues4ion of litigation in the courts in land-use cotitests. *Would Str.'ngthen ordinances It is feit by rnany.that suchi litiga- tion and- resultîing legal. expense can be beld to a minimum. by adoption of a perfected Wilmette plan iin which Il village propert), is classified as to usage zones, together with passag e of proper. sustainiing ordiniances., ,ýOn the other lhand there are. some wlio lelieve- that the character' of future developmnent, population and. trafflc trends, etc., cannot be. fore- told aidthat, each future landuse Coni-, test will- be tried on its individual mierits with, or without a Village plan and despite tlhe zoning ordiniances. .; The Village Affairs committee of the Wilmette Civic league is in constant, touch with the present deé-elopiffents. They t--ed 'ltîtat tlîere-nmay ie sufficieitý developutenits. in the iiext few nionths to justify another zon ing meëeting be- fore long. *The: subject ofthie >Noveinber meet-. iig of the league ivas parks and playgrotunds. 'Discussion at this meeting centered abouit the fact' that only the eisternl portion (if the village is, within the Wilmiette Park district. Want Wet Area Park& Maniy.of the residents of the west- erni portion of WVilmiette îeel that ways and mneans should lie considered whereby parks c'an ble provided. in their area. Thev seenmed to feel that. Following genteral discuission along these hunes, the 'conlsenisus seerned to bç that those outside areas desiring park facilities shouild seek annexation to the present Minmette Park district byineans of pet ition and the ballot l>ox rathier, thuan .tiakitig ant attenipt to establish .a separate., park district or districts. * Sitîce this Noveniber meeting, hom.- ever, the Minette Pa*.rk board lbas use d a large portion of its bonding, poer to acquire ali addition to Wash- 1tnlgton. park, 1having increasedj its tures of thie*Park -board and tne pro- presenttcl at a local meeting instead posed expenditures have -caused the of the monthly luncheon meeting of cessation~ of activity in the question the Civic league down townl. of extension of. the Park district DicsonFIwngine westward is a matter of opinion. lHow icapomFolwngDne ever, no action along these suggested he point is eiùphasized that tho.sè hnslas Iately beeti taken.. who do not care toattend: the din- New uPS Ian~lmperative iuer are:privilçged te comne, into the Asin the. case of zoning, it is.:qliite meeting. afterward. l11 botli cases, genêt ,ally felt -that the question of hbivever, it is stip.ulated titat reserva,- setting. up park buffer zones, th.c tioi.s shall be made ini ordcr Ithat exten sion ofItlie present Park district proper acëomùmodations m iay.I)e pro»- aid 'the establishmîent of ne%%, parlk vided. districts are -al l uestiotnsrelated t() Aiiother,'advanitape of dîss(-,sIing th e l4rger question -of \Tillagé pli - :h!' ubjet.atan-ee-in 1m1eing, ing. The Proi)onents- of* the'. idea t 1 it, is .-aid, is. that: there niced l>e no: a lad-ue su~'e helevethatit. limitation as to time, hicli is ucecs- would lie wise-to defer decisions in srWttenona esos regàrd toe-these questions, whichth ayttenodyssin. feel are of a ýsul)rdînate character. Reservations may be mnade- up to untîl1 a iconiprelleti-,siive latid-use sur-: Saturday, January 22, through Mrs. vey has been muade and, until a réal L. A. Bower, 1216 Ashland avenue.. "Wilmette Plani" lias htent devis ef. Wilinette 345, or George F. Scherzer, _____________________________2135 Thornwood avenue, \in~i I RECJTALIST j Fernand de Gu ,dre Phioto 1Greet-1 *Arrange1 Series of Meetings Ili October, 1937. the Civic inaugurate& a series of openl-foruni meetings for the purpose of ,tiinilait- * ing interest ini village ;iiatt(-rs, of pararnount importance. ..111 previous prograni .s the quecstions of -zninng and parks have been freated. It S officiaIs. beliete thaï the sub)jcct of Village M1anager is o-f equaî intereýt »and im- portance, and is thus providing op- portunitv for its thoroughi considcra- FRACTURES:ANKLE - Mrs. Fred Schroeder, Jr., 1000 1Lake avenue, who fractured her atikle- sev- eral M-eeks ago, is recoveriing f romn hier injury but will have lier foot i a cast for several more weeks,.'l'he accident happen' ed.while slieai,iî Nr. S chroeder were Speding te Christ- ter resort in Idaho>. andi M\rs. Schroeder Was skiiiiug,Ill spitc of the injiurv, which -did n~ot ,liapien until -the latter part ýof their >tay thev enjoved a woriderful outing. r ?%d -Ago Il >1l8,; ers L8SVyargue, are the only oiieS phov, audin ceoertil d,. v Who have any hope of realizing a re -________a__concrtfelds turn1 on the investmient through an effected increase ini property values. HAVE SON There are many who feel-that the Mr. and Mrs. George Norman (of Park board bas expended all that it 1020 Linqleii avenue are the parents should to provide and p rotect the lake !tonwows onJnur l front park and that. tue remiainling at the Evanso optl hyhv bonding power shotild, beconserved inamed the lbabol. onPald Grerghe. iuim tnrs aiecting an3' part of the navy uniform iwere-. warîîed that arrest and punishnient would follow further Violations of the provision forbidding, the prac- tice., 1Parties and entertainments ga- lore were rep.orted in the- society columnns. military c uchre was a popular, game at Quilmhette Country club.