-The men of the First Conlgre- gationaIl church uili have ýa;-ther. 'gc-toethr" Mohda y e'eting, Ian iary 31, al 8 o'clock. The fea- ture. of the evem#k. ng wilI bc Dr. Seynour Burge, (above) '7ho is xpending his vacation with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Burge, 924 Forest avenue. Dr. Burge -wili seil of his expert .ences i . t te Grên-' Aell hospital, NwondadJIP . and Mrs. John Fisher, 826 Grcen - zvood avenue, aretheI: hosts. l'ht, mien of the parish arc cordiailyiy u- The Metropolitan. Church Choir. of one hundred inixed.negno v oices will give a spe cial prognam ' at the 'early 7 o'clock service. Thèse. singers, un- der the direction of J. Wesley Jones, have achieved: considerable distinction in music, cincles, and . brings, many visitonrs to the People's church at South Parkway and'41st street, where they - sing 'each Sunday morning. They have been heard in Soldier. Field, at the' Cleveland Music Festival, ini a numben. of promninent churches. in Chicago,. and at, university, chapel services. Typical -neligious songs of the1 deep southland, and folký melodies will be given on their program next, Sunday, includitng "I've beeiî . 'buked and. Ive-been scorned,." "There's a, littie wheel a-nollin': ini my, heart," "In bright mansions above," "Swing low, sweet chariot," and others. Nine sôloists will be heard wvith the- choir, At t-be main service beglining at eight, Clifford W. Barnies will preside, and the Club's choir of 125 will sing Panke's "The Lord is mny light," and' Burleigh's "Deep River." By special request Mark Love. soloist. will sing "The Holy City."- CARS COLLIDE About 2 :30 o'clock Saturday morn- ing Mns. johanîîa Pearson. 2821, ber of fields those activities in which they are interested or in which theY have special ability. When they have fulfilled the re- quirements and passedl tests ini their chosen activities they are given badges indicating, their proficiency. The*,list 'of Girl Scouts proficiency b)adges includes more, thian fifty dif- ferent titles, such as" Photographer, Child.Nurýse. Houisekeepen, Junior Citizenù, ree.Motorist. WNorld Knowledge, Dancer. Ministrel. etc. These badge courses, will be an- ranged for any group of, second class Girl Scouts who are tnterested in a, panticulan activity. The: leader of a troop may arrange to have. an, ex- amine-r come in for a part of a regu.- lan troop Meeting, Or a group f)of scouts may be excused from, usual troop programs to take advantage of a curre nt l)adge course. Any nequest for badge wonk cati be ma(le.,t the, Girl Scout office. Trhe Wilmette Council %vill find the proper persofls to instruct the scouts. and will gladly do whateven is needed to give as many girls as possible the oppontiunity to have instruction in their intenests. Courses Now in Progress:ý In. St. Auguist.ii'e's church where Troop Six meets, Mns. Bunnside bias stanted a ilew course in first aid which will last for ten weeks. A course is scheduled for Feb. 10 to Marci 10, for those intenested in the hostess badge. -Mns. -. W. Fisher is instructiug the girls Iluu D.IA Troop Six a group of eighth gradc girls, is ruti on the club plan rather than on the patrol system.- h president is Betty jean Moulding, vice president, Jean Scheibel and secretary-treasurer, Mary Lamb. This year, we. have donc many interesting things. , We had a.trip to the wor k- shop at tihe home Of Mr.ý Butz, onie to tluv coast guard. station. and a break- -fast hlike to Dam No. 2. At Christinas dîne we1 gave a partv for so me children froml the welfare' station . Our troop bas now beeni divided ilito two groups. The mem- bers of one are working on their second class requirements at the home, of our lieutenant, Mrs. D. 'M., Lightý ner, and, the othen :girls are Wonking on their first aid badge for first class requirements -under Mrs. Harnv Burui- side.-Mfary Lamb,, secretarv. .-) R. Kabl)ec. has left for; California. for tliree îwýeks and Parck Vive is goîin- to miss lier. IWJN.AWARDS collisIon at Walnut avenue. W-th a car driven by- Mrs. Charlotte Oison, 1330 Central avenue. The damiage was nominal and neither driver was hield. George E. Hammneil of, Circieville, Ohio, .who is the father of Dr. Lucille H. Snow, 1 320 Ashland avenue, has been 11i tor sortie timie 'at St. Luke's hospi1tai and il, now convalescing at litstigliter's home. - that site had corne t it, sne stopped and attempted to make a U- turn. WVhile lier car was standing still itU was struck by that of James Tarie- ton, 1125 Ashland avenue, going south on Sheridan road. Mr. Tarleton ex- plained that iii turning out to pass the Pearson car lie skidded into it. The damage was. small. and no ar- rests were made. out thîe same Gir1. Scout pgrami that we have. Mrs. W. Osbunni, former director, plans to give a course on the mninis- trel badge about Marchi 10. Two examination dates have..been,set for those girls who have been working, on the housekeeper badge and ivili be p)rel)aned to finish ýit by March 19 or 26. Badse Examiners For Wilmette Plrst Aid 1I Home Nuirse ... Mrs, Harry I3urnside Linden avenue have visiting them for a few weeks, Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ackenmann of Mns. H-. . L ochridge, o, Washington, 811 Park, avenue- entertained their Ind. -. bridge club at dinner Iast Frida.y night. Mn. and Mrs. C. L. Keith, 222 Ninth -- street, spent Iastweek end in Chain- Mns. George Helmstadter, 104?' paign, visiting their son, Gordon, who Woodbine avenue, netumed atwe~ isý a student at the. Univensity.of 11hi- after spending a week-end iiiý New nois. -York. a hand-c anvect ttil-s zed lwheek m narle- b'otne -of the girls' fathers, Saturiday afternoon, January 22, ti. ship, Fro;ntenac, Discovery, Chargf.. and Nothern Light held a joint swiîm pool. Aften the meet the Evanston ship, Northern Light. was hostess at a 'tea held lin their meeting, room in WUmiette'8 Troop) Twob reoeive8 prize. At qfide, Dick 141er of th&e saae troop, wina medal for >lrat place in' the, baokstroke 'evei:t. Photoï, by AI Ackl- ermatn.