Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 8

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Test. TAYLO liga , imuette Ave. AeI'oss4fron Vi Mr. and Mrs. J. Mionday on a tripi clude a week ini Darlitn, a mionth i Winter Ha ,will also visit Captiva returing tb their hoi ford road. KenilWorth. Chi/renEnjoy MELLODY FARMSI just as rnuch as enjoy being out-o f Extra SURshin .e llodv NIETABOLIZEL nees oy growiflgci il WE! RETAIL AT WHOLESALE Pl ~a~25% frIo,33%Yo Fcase la ORANGES r:; Nw-a79 270 he 131Lake Ave. 1600 centralSt. Fruit Car M'& . *Sheridan Rd. 1717 OakAve. Truc I Uni. S$1U Gre. 8797 WII. 5428 IWII. 542 ....~~IVNSTO -WlLME I L. W which I [aven, Fia. They Th subject of. Dr. Bradiey'sa- ,a islaild before dress will be "Education and Life." lî me at 244 Ox-C ___________ MILK they -ido ors! ne Dr. Prestoni Bradley- A large grotîp heard Dr. Bradley's addrcss before this association last verand his returrn visit is aniti- WIImtte cipated with a great deal of initerest. 1143 Dr. Bradley is a marn of nýationial promiiieice anid is knowni for bis ____________broad vision and( delightful per- soniality. 'The People's ,church lias ati average attend(atnce of. i ,SOQ every IRICES Sjînday moring and the. service is broadcast. After the genleral meietinig, parents Will mieet Nvitb the teachers, iii, their. cii1dreni's lasoo Thle Second ý series of 1book reviews for tbe'year are' to be, preSented Mond(ay, afternioonis, February 7, March - 7, and April 4 at 1:30 ol'clock ini the .Howard scbiool library. Mrs. Carl Johnýlst!n Ofinn'lletkla %%Il' gie the reviews. -eativo 'ihinkerel 1 We aini to cling to our habit of seri'. ig ibis cominunhity eli. Tbat habit coin- îndi5 creative thinking and planni.ng. .Contributed by E.C. Col & J. B. S.yIer of -the Solde-Cu'e à Ridg.eme.. ness here 18 years ago ini the saine store hie s now to occupy. vill agaiti become a factor ini Wilmcettc commier- cial circles. The. store is .to be omltevr0- nodeled and redecorated. witb spù- cial reference to the -front, which %vill be changed to 'effect a recesscd en- tranie, "-ith commnodiows show î- dow's on either side. EitranrIce to the store,. whicli is slighitly above strc et level, will be over a raimp. designai,-ted( to make almostçý imperceptible the rise from.sideWalk to, doori. The Ilwer part of the display windows wvill, be of black glass. with, the, ulpper part nt clear glassý for better, liglht. :Mr. WTorthen States that the stoc k to be -carried %viil comprise a fuîll iné of dry goods anmi notions;; hosiery, iun - derwear, leather goods, bed and table linens, llkets and a litmited i ne of cotton dresses. IPolice Radio Experts I Found Communications IOrganization Monda y IFollowing a prehmniniaryI meeting a few weeks ago, permanent organi.za- lion was effected Monidav of the. A- sociation for. Police Comniiiticationsý in the Chicago Area, of ivhichi Fredý 1-J. Sclinell, h ii charge of' Chicago. police radio, wvas elected permnanent chairnian. Thirty-tvo. cotimuniiities. iicludinig those of the nortl shore, vere rep- rc.sented. The associationî territory embrace the entire Chicago area and niuinicipalities in adjoining states who arc it.terested. Tbte object of the. organization is to co-ordinate police communication in theareà deýscrihed. and particularly iin the use of the radio. Among those who, spoke at tlhe 1meeting were H.D. Hayes., inspector, iii charge of the Ninth district of the Iederal Communications commission: Glen W'est , supervisor of Illinois Po- lice radio, and Police Co mmîntssionier Jam es P.Aa. of Chicago. The six coutcilmen of the assoca- tion elect'ed ai the Mna meeting statin at their home .t 214 Nintil street, W ilinette. MIr. and Mrs. Purcell L. Smith, oif 219 Sheridan road,' Kenilworth,> re- turned Monday f rom Boca - Raton, Fia.., where- they attenided a conven- tion for ten, days.. 1

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