Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 10

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SEREVICES 9:15 a. m-First service. 9:30 a. mi.-qSunday scirool and Bible classes. 10,.55.a. m.-Sunday sehool classes for ciudren of three to five years. ia. m.-SficOfd service. MEETINGS, ýLinon circle, today, 2 p. m., with Mrs'. G. A. Reinhardt, 1431 Lake avenue. Iartha Guild for ýgirls employed Pn horth. shore, toda>', 3 P. M.- Open bhouse, today' 8 to Il p. m. Senior Walther league eKecutive coin- mùittéee, toda>'Y, p .,.M., ln thre pastor's, étudy. Sunday.school staff, Friday, 8:15 p. n.. Chàristian educeion -classes , Saturday, 9:30 a, i.; Wednesday. 4 p. mu., AduÏ 't catechuflef class, Monda>', 8 P. m.., in tire pastor'5s tudy. Churcir council, Tueeday. 8 p. m_. The order of service ntIlt o'clock on Sunday willi .nclude the following. Pre1ude -Adan te cantabile:...Mat Introit--L"Wors]hiP Him, AU Ye His Angeis".......* .....Schmauck, Antlbem-Gloria In Excells" .Mozart OffertorYý-E1evatio.'h.n F . .. Gulmafit The Sermon-I'SetfyIf g the Meýek" .........., Psalni 22 :26 Postlude March ln F ..>..Gnfliant Beginniiig Febillar>' 6 the senior divi- sion' of thre Walther' league will meet ever>' Sunday evening at 5 :30. Flurthei particulars will ire mallèd to ail Our Young people in a few days. Hol>' Communion will be celebrated l n the 11 o'clock service on Februar>' 6. AnnlouWicORTIOts will be rocelv<d atter next Sunday's service, or on February 4 hlntte pastor's study. «'0 taste and see that thre Lord ls good; blessed is thre man.'that trustethf in Ilim." Pgflm 34:8. Engliish Lutheran Seveflth etieet at Gréeeiaf '«A HOTYSE 0F WORSIIIP", Thre Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor Church school 9:45 a. in. )Kornng worsrip ..... 1:00 a. n. Junior Luther leagfle......-00 p. mu. Senior Luther league.....5 30 p. M. The music for the service. of worship next %unday morning 1is as fllows : organ Prelud--Art Thou Wt Me Tii..Fa.eBach P'rom 1My 'lns ...Sllivaf TheESenior vchoir Quart 0ahrOHear 1I!e Handel Jo'Wlso Dreseler. Mr.s. J. il. Popp. JAr me Nevins, ranlk Dorband Mohers' and DaughterW b1anquet - Tuesday evenlng, February 15, at 6 :30 o'clock. Those wish.ing pastoral care wil please get ln touch with D. M. Warin- ner, *Wlmette 2039, during the absence of the pastor. Attend church regulari>'. St. ugustine'S, Next Sunda>',,January 30, will be the. foùrth Sunday. after the. Epiphany.- There will be hol>' communion at 8 eirn., church schoole. at 9':45 a.m., and m.orn- ing prayer with atddress.at il d!clock. On February 2, the church clebrates the presentation of Christ in, the temple. There wilbe holy communion at8 a.m,. The annual parish meeting, was held in the ýparish house on Wednesday eve- ning., After a dinner served by the women of the guild, the meeting began at 8 o'clock. Henry Fowler was elect-2d senior warden and R. C. Jennings, -jun- ior warden. Thefoilowing were elected to the vestry.. C. MceQuide, C, P. Dahncke, -C. L. Drake, L. G. Haines, J. B. Christensen ' and J. C. Sehumacher.. The vestryý had.already elected R. R. Jenness treasurer. Mr. F'owler and Mr,. Haines,, S. B. Roetand Ro~yalith were elécted delegates to represent St. Augustine's at the dioce-;an convention in Chicago, February 1 and 2. The following alter- nates were eiected: Mr. Schumacher, W. G. Moore. C. L. Douglas, Roger Jensen, and N. F. Webb.' The Church club of the diocese of Chicago wlll hold a pre-convention di n- ner in the Louis XVI roomi of the Hotel Sherman next .Monday night at, 6:30 o'clock. Tickets ma>' be obtained from Mr. Fowler, club president. Methodist Chu rch Wllmette avenue at Lake avenue Rev. Amuos Thornburg1 'mister The mnlister will be ln thre pulpit at the 11 o'cook worship service next Sunda>' morning, January 30. This serv- ice begins with the organ prelude at 10:45 o'clocIc, and the Introlt is sung Just before 11. You are invited to share lin the entire service. The special music will ho as. folows : Organ (10 :45- "«St. Anne's Fugue!' .... Bach 'Chapei of San Miguel' ; ,Seder Marie Briel Introit-"The Lord Is in Hlis Holy Temple" .. ,.Harrington- Anthem- "The Silent S4ea" . ..Neidllnger Offertor>' Solo "Then Wili I Jehovah's Praise" Fjne John Thut The Womans Mssionary socie.tLy n.aking a tour of Halsted Street Church. Ne'wbury Center, Marey Center, and Esthier Hall tomorrow (Friday). Mrs. C. Rollin Smith le ln charge. A United Methodist Council, observ- Ing the 200th Year of Methodism. will be held in the Stevens* hotel on February 3i 4 and 5. The, council Is open to any person who acknowledges the. M ethodit, namne and faith. The côst of registration* is $1, payable ln advane., Bishops Cushman, Leete, Waldorf, Shaw, Lowie. Keeney, Moore Hughes, Magee. Brown, Blake, Leonaiýr egd,,and Oxnam vili participate. Other rpeakers are Oscar Thomas Oison, Robert G. McCutchan,, T.ý Z.' Koo, Henry Hitt 'Crane, Francis Bowes5 Sayre, Edgar Sheffield Bright- man, . IHarris Franklin Rali Albert W. Palmer, Harcild. Case, Branch, Ricke>', KnrI Downs, . Georgia, Harkness. F'red- erick Brown Harris, Merton Rice, Roy L. Smith,. Richard Raines, Walter Dili Scott, *EdwiliLewis, Frank S. iclkman, J. H. Straughn. etc. Our own organist, Miss 'Marie. Briel, has- been selected as the counoil. organis. t. Is hoped that man>' Wilmette Methodists xvill attend. The Womnan's Guild will ineet on Thursday, Fehruary- 3. There will be sewinig at 10 o'clock and .the executive committee meeting aM 10 :30. Luncheon will be served ,at noon bv thee.$Jxth. division. The businesq meeting and pro- gram will hbe id at 1 :q0 o'clock. iTs .MaybkllIeMihuland .will discus.s the "Protestant M7omil's C'hurch Pro- tectoratp." The Lyrie neml of the North ýhore us iaosCliub wi l present a mnusical prograni. 'rhe Rock River coiifereniehordo the W. H. 1 m. S. wili ho held in the" Pileanor vcli' OoW f the Stevens Building on Wdedy eray2. There will b- a party the chureh on Pridlay ivenineg of th NIp eek. an- uar>' 21R, f<qi il i oner f th)e Second division and t'heir hus;band--. The following scout.ý troo)ps for boys. and girls are .sîiopsored by thi, chiirch: Crirl co.ut Troon lTurdyeveffings at 7 :15 0'cl"ek. G11ilScout Troop 2-Thiirsday-s at -:45 p. ni. G'.irl Scou)t Trnop 4-Tujesd;is at I - 45 .ni. *B"oivnie P.ick 1-ededast 2:30 p. M. Boy scout Troio 3 -Tûes,ýdays at 7: l« pý ni (nocte <biauge). PFirst Co nare, lationaI. Rev. John G. Hindiey, mninistéer SIDAY SERVICES, Church School :0a.m Becinnerq -ind Primatrtes o . .. Morning Worship 1 : 00a. m. TaPPa Pi Phi . ,2530i) . woa avenue,........ ti. t THE WOMEN'S GUILD The Northweet cide will meet at thre home of Mrs. M. G. Bush, 1518 Wash- Ington avenue, Friday January 28. The as ,sisting>hostess wIl ho Mrs.George L. Mittlesdorf. .The Northr End circle will meet Mlon- day, Januar>' 31, for-,a 12:-30 luncheon at the home.ô f Mrs. Bruce P. Owens, 714 Eimwoo0d avenue. The a.qsisting hostesses wili be.-Mrs.,b. A. Bower and Mrs. E. J. IRohlman. Mrs. Ross Moyer wili entertain- the Lakeside circle, Friday'. January 28, in her-home, 1127 Greenwood,.avtenue. She wiii be assIsted byMrîs. 1>. S. Wlim and Mrs. Victor E. LaFa ve. Thre Central circle wili he enter- tained in, the home of Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes, 474 Sèheridan road. Evanston, FÉIday, Februar>' 4. .The Crescent circleiii meet Fr"i day, February 4, in the home of Mrs. C. W. Cozzens. 7721 North Sher-idiný road . Chicago. The assisting hostess wili will he Mrs, C. P. Evans. Thé CIB 1SVOITTTS wiii hold their Janiitary Pack meeting thi!s Firid.y 3ve ning, Jannary 28, -in the junilor rooin o? the church. Cuhs are fse o 1hroing tir- hobb)iesý. Parents are corflially lu]- vited to be present. KAPPA. Pl PM Francis OketaL, a Japanese student at the Chicaigo Theolo(gical sýemnàarv.wl talk to the Kappa Pi Phi -rot;i this Sunday evening at 5 :10o'cloek. Hf- wiil give the Japanese sie of th ,e Chino-. Japautese war. "Snî;ook," is hfe is ralled by b is frieud, isa very ,intpr(,sttiug l)-rsnnality mwithj onidera ibe bhumor. This fiq a real treat for otur youing pen- nie. CGames ard refreshnients w'ili fo-) 10w the dsuso.Friends irecrii1 iuvited' to visit the group. In icco)rdauce with Piigriim Fellow- amii-> Week to he heIn frorn. 1ar 0 to Pehruaty f6, mnbers of our grou 1p ,wtil take 1nart ln the .morning worship ser'vice ti l Sunday. Wilmette Baptist Dr. George D. All"soil, pastor On Sunda>' morning at the ilo'lk qervice, Dr. and Mr.s. FacsC. Stifier wil11 be the guests of thi.s <«ngreg(tion. Ail of their friends in thje cotnmuuity are cordiaîly invited] to cone and re- new feliowsirip. There w--ill he aý service of song and prayor, with ad bs y Dr. Stifler and brk' f sermon 1).vpr. Allison on "e' uet, ontiniuing the. series in the 23rd Psihln that bas been so n.'ucr incite. hi, ii with thre chirldren Dr. Alaison con0ttinueýs the iL'ife of Christ- stolIes with th(, Parablfe of tbh sowt,,r. 1Lydia i 'ch ili be at tire organ, v. semina ry eacher of the cUlLss. that every imember be present and ntrlcrle en ta c u Maie QuRrtet will be gueenThate oIn emayturne, and tirat additional voices ire Crescofnt circle. titis occasion. et rtgso The Woman's.societ>' wili meet 'lhuis- added to thre grup. d&y afternoon, Februarv 3, at tire FNTOMULatSuayorJnircirav citurcir ut 2.&e'cck. MMs.William Melbye Tihe ireti )vision la meeigto'v Temnotire ongrEgaonl huci aesht ayour aJesuin ubit vil! present the, topic. A mont cordial (Thursda>) at thre home of Zrs.Oly h pn Wte.ngrgtonl hr W.d p i u passUsn rgv 4

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