iiotilced receiitlv -by F. Donlal1d F ~- Little rest 1 vas 1 i 1)rosp ect* for 'the and me n 1)iîcerety atc in ýNliidl 1 ms atid other house cleaing. hIle. faceulty sponsor. Ne Trier varsît wmigta ~Cak At Chiristmias tiie a ,illli)er of i ekastelcastîe hr- cefrst- place wifners against tets erpacdi tuoav His exploration ý,vork iii lie far thi vekase oas k3e i M aine. Tlîev shouli repeat this ,i(iIitwr lcdi enoay :îortlî b.gani when hi 'e(j Ill te selve.s for the suprerne effor gantpositionsS helping ivith the hiolidaV forces of Admiirai Peary and eeîui Lane, city champs, who iiivadc. the ' e-nl rush of business. Oîîlv rc'ul iy becaine captain of hIis polar slipTIrevin pool at 8 o'cloek Saturdav i.i, No Set Up deîpartiuwnt h as had all opportumlitY Roo~vel. Duing Per~"ssucesLaile,ît called 1)3fiaIiv the co rs to be of service to sevural Xcw Trier. fui <ash to th é nlorth ipole iii 1909. Nex\' Trier bowcd iast xvek to Ins ihsho em 1!ntfî ruaexhoav heîfredt Capaiî P~rtltt ~itî Itni Niine 4 to35,buttoo teseh- up sCtl)at Xew 'Trier, even. though (Irol) out of college. far:as 88 degree: îorth latitude. 51hCileiii,3.t 8 ie aeudfac nihv lt Ii ipartnttis. imier tht di - Coachi Edgar: B. jackson %va s becilcl cisely presse(]al ycar.reib fanelVrùixvosa During the w ar lie Nwas coll,;nuiia icet -thexvîîat (i ne M irctinei tif tht' cine <Icpartnîea sioneda lietenan-conéwaI)(er ,*isal)l)inted at the out- luianîct li (a3'heoreth thie, sionido aie ofe thet-Maiiueiameet. Hsilce aafair, NeW Trier romi)ed to easy I . n that time lie lias. (Jolie exteniv wr k I)avis copeéd- the di,'ngask v x- victories, 50J to U) fîî, the varsitv îp .îttlcsoeo i eiisv(lNvovii -a %vs cservice reuidCre(1 to the sttîdentfs(of in Bffil LildandGreeia(lSand.i o14ù h rsiit luBfi .îdad-pecte(-and(. J err 1-Irak takeil -a eveuîts a(12 14i tefshan- e Trier aul(1 tIbf' ciz i/cii of the third, the gray ai rensoldhv o[hOIllOi't' 5Wiini. -'ie 0Jpeiieft WScîînit: wmaaco tinu h roa(lui KOPPËRS' D.SteSS COKE i held a oule-poôitt advantage 38 t o 3-, Provisit. li said veé terdav. In tiiis coliI lect 1011 3-ton loitils S1 3 lier toil MreDve 13 A s IF, 31FET paens iîo (esire lîigil sciîool girki, (Cut eelvry lut its tocilate ,îow s;, J ackatîd 200-ya rd lly Wîih aue (Sdf-to> act as niiers*liîeIper:. ni car Iteflueel jîrires for tisi J wr lUy ttin moe.vesroShî, . .elle liWerst). Tinie bu ciiildren areciîrgeid thi aul r to tîeirddi epermoresit t*Oli re()aStte rkei. r r.Vrona heiil sho. ta McCULLOUGH COAL CO. trucate dives t h'rrprors enna h ii col tai GrenlmI.f 6690 silice the execuitiouu of the various (.N');> 2.Sù u:1dg M) . }Ie-tuue residents,<if the, toviîship have (ldives lias îlot i)otiiered thle, but the meister (.M). Tiîne: 1:10. a uîeed for lieip wiîlich caui lie stîp- _________________ 0-yard free syt':1. WU't-t \C. 2pli nd bhxaa iîglischooliboy or £gîrI :25.1. itiie% max o1)taiui sut h lit lp bvx aIiîng- 200-yard free styNle : 1. saf,';trolit cm. Ithe higil-hi holadskîg fo-irMr '2. .Mlinson îcM>).. .la:per (NT). TiIflie \ ertion, ît xas addied. 10-adbacek strolke :1. rucee>'( NT),- J: W;e& *NT~~'. 1îa (1) I'rn.Pick the Villain Is 100-yard fr'ee style: 1. Stegiier C(M), 2. Oatis (NT), 3. Henuiett (NI'). TFiimt,1 rb m o :5 6.(9. rbe ofD a a l)iving : 1. Bontout < 1 . iavji (N'I' i. (Clnirbutcd) 3. 3icDonald (M). ctvrmav.yés, MAPR C S.(Drucekr fenschel'Clark)Time: 1:.2s,.ofgorydetails were thrilled hbv the 20edIeS' relay : Won by New Trier Not x er i . ausly icars ago, it! rsc Yo 'lsa ecn idealy b(Mahie ' Jones, Wildor, Nlenary).>, l:t ouii save1u:51.7y. attire,. tippleiiet.ite,(l1w vtlleieitb 50-yard breast. stroke : 1. ('obb (SNT1>, hajidleb)armioustachle.Times. have ta in ýdv ntgeofths2. A. liackineisteî' (M), :3. Buenger (NT). ciiauîged. Th'le thuilli IIwconsrou of hi Tnier3'1fr'ee style :1. Sullivail(N'), trvinig deteet which 0of a varictv oi taking advantag. 2. 50-yard).subtiey siister characters 15 reaIll SPECIAU. WUEK-END SALE :26.9..(I.th ili.Jutscaxoprtnt 2.()0-yardI back stroke : 1. Hieuliner (M1>, tevlal.Js uha potn 2.'%(Kotie (.NI)>, 3. IdIer (NT). Tinte: to test pow%%ers of deductioîî is offered :31.2. fre tle- -NT,2. 'liC Jade Godl, the pa~iih 75-yard fresye:1MNenai'y (NT, th le Players 'Group of the' Nt'uw 1Tricir Suliva (T),3.VoightlaiidlerCM GENUINE 1937 SPRUNG Tinie: :43.3. . dramiatieý club wvi I resellt mu Pcb: Diving: 1. Ba yar'd (NT), 2. 4aleIe C), rary Il and 12. * /3C . Wilians _ __) LEC O LAM B ý1b. edley relay: Wou by Maine Hug- 'lihe cast of the play i.s as follIoxvs: 12Cner-, Hackrneistei', Br-ude). T Iîn V 1343. rkin . . Alice Crowdel* 8Jaük, Derrick........Bill Lazear, Edith Derrick . * '.Doris .jean ari _______________________________________________________ AnnDIc. est&of Mrs. Thursky yMai-y "alléeagha i-iflflOUflCe i~.eSUILS .Johnî Mrihiîs ;'g>' 3iilij1eneanJeanue Eversout SWaPTS PREMIUM ALL C140CE TSI ntramural Battis~'trLuk iglyBv By'initramutral basketball scores.......,. .Peter (leihard POT RO ST.. lb 1 '/ C at New Trier Township IHîgh school Johln 3illieent........Dan Seidenl for the past w%«eek weu e auîîîotnced The play Uiuder the directioni of PA~YN. esedav byDeorrest Showlev, \Mit]r Coburni, assisted by Miss Poil- lactultY imember 111 chareof theFue . 1obcîrt I-hamrîs And- C ( LL. I'1~ u x~v lb ~Y 2c vîî. et Jones xilsuperiiiteuiti thestg O ~~ O H e a vy w e i 9gIl t : leaot, 1(tfigaî ihtig epetv1 8 ta 10 lb. average JPrcndergast, 7; Harper, 18; Oaks, il; DA Christensen, 24; Grater, Il. CEG A ~o.yNo iPrtn e UoIlsII ghtweights: S c hlil i a c h e , 4,5; A1.)rQxinliately 1,000 pupils and par- tEnkaisr 9; Ramu, 12; GaniîaxVay,1Ierts took advaîîtage of the college CIIC ICII $..... 16I.29 1,/2c 9. auer day recently arranged by the student ________________________________________________ 1Featherweigfîts: Whitlw, 14; Gan- JcounIci 0of the high schol î naivay.8; \'an Deursen., 24; Jones, -.Iol lix t.'o'esVISITOR LOIN ovtrtîîîes. ' .Bes îe'Carter Ranid.olpl LAM £~ P . .u» î:' of 'HoIlins coUlege, Vîrginia, was LAM B CHO S 2 9c B F. P. .v isitor atNew vTrier iUigh schoQI Sat- (fr~WUimmedi 1 jbd' o 4ijugh 1 22 --- - i i 1 1Dault 1 0 FO ORIT cS 1. 0 0 0 Pit Ainan - 0 1' 4 Richard SU"Ilva snofM. n 7-- NEW SEÊST'R psijkll, lOcal fraterniiy at Lake For- Those prices effective of i109Central Ave.., 401 Lieo.u Ave.. WUl- The first semester at New% Trier est college. mette; 813 UIm St.. WImtka; LiJdipe Ave., Nubbard Wuods§ High school ends Wednesday, Feb-I und Park Ave., .Gl** ertary 2, and second semester begins SUNDAY MORNINýG COLLISION W Moniday February 7, it was an- Early Sunday morning ives Wal- ________________________________________ nounced >esterday. do, Jr., 415 Birch street, Winnetka,' driving west on Lake avenue, was - HOBBY SHOW struck at the Seventh street inter- ' Th'le student counicil is working on section by the car of R. J. Delandier, plans for a hobby show to be held 1407 Gregory avenue. Mr. Delne later in the year, it was revealed yes- a, hagdbyplcewt aur t terday at New Trier High school. observe the stop sign. A& P Food Stores ýài