St. Regia .a' striking ah o e. for' ail - occaasisô wearability ila-,this gabar- dine tie w ith aide sliis and leather tripping. In black or blue. Breton . . . A' sarut shoe buit on comfortable Iats Is this black gabar- dine tie tiimnwd witb black paRtent tripping-, Aiso in blue gabardine with bine caif trim. V-Neek ...extremiely popular ja thia gabardine pump-with patent under- lay on black ad gun- metai underlay ïn b1lie. Wieboldt's carry the Iargest stock ut Red Cross Shoes on tise North Shore. Nassau . àa amart. sandal pump with open aides. In black or blue gabardine with patent or blue leather trim. Wiebohtt's Wonder, for and Girls, Famnous for their quality and contruction! 100%o i eather wth Goodyear welted soles - acientif- ically buit to help young feet grow straight and for Men Men wiiI1 enjoy wear- ing this smart style because it is buit for comfort an;d long wear. Pitted by X-Ray FREE, PARKN Fittid by X-Ra y WJE BoLDTlSý EVANSTON I * 'j j s