Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 19

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Chnurch Jselles 0of ive lectures onl rte asvv' - Sixîce the carly days of Christian- j p)iece, of JeWish literature whicli le ity, the great, work of the church lia., dèlivered at the North Shore lias been concerned with the spiritual Congregation Israel, Glencoc. cluring wcelfare of its people. Hand in hand iit.- oiffth of January. wxith that work the chiurch bas beetilnprcdu s e r in o ii s Rabbi Slniîtiai lias discus:ed thie Bible. the I alnînd. the Midrash., and Ethical, \\ l,. a> the sources fJeih inî- ,p'qiratiot and lthought. This Suiida,? lie. will (levote binmself to an atialysis of the uraer 1book. a ani ir(talit SOUWCV of j ewishi insIiration and, q u i lth throughout tlie ages.- ell the socety. -- - - - - - - TRADE IN YOUR OLD RUCI For a New Oriental: Rug. durilng ,tih.lest four days of our A makUilaAI ad"%I SALE înloinlý Rabbi Shulrn«an ;aid: ý -Whlî the seru;t lii onthe irayer book coin-kch oers fne Orientai Rugs et sevings soucesof (evt hisirtionat(l' rom.200/0o 0/ thmt tbv no meauus exlrns *sucl i tr(7es. At soînv 11utu irevtie YOu May Duy ou ,Our. Budget Pion %ut shahi agaiuu (lelve jito the rec- ___________________________________________ o rds oi, tw ti thousand Ivear15*of tx- ' U W~ perivuwce te nreyothér bo(:k- that ~~ W have I>comie j ewish classies. a mè Rabbi Siiuniiail conuducts ami ce atthe t.1-wregatioi) ra Geer REenIO@f O70 Ph@fl wIn tka 672 rui(l- ornhlg at Il cck and Siio aru alwavs w~clcoýniv, hleat-- 'ii (ence.607 DAVIS ST. iuiiicd. héie teple is loated t *VANSTON thc cornerol I Lincoln andl Vernon0 Bisop Waldorf dte.otc.d W mnnsteriflg the p1h'yslcal needs of the sick and the poor. Set-vice of this nature in the churcli w~as the forerunnier of the gret chdar- u>hosptaIs of toda,, Wv li suc.h ait insttution Qi cha'it inourown tointmuitnitv llie. i d:at:;~ hospital I:st vcaralotit cared for hundreds. of patients fe tho(-usa1nds more who came to the hosîtas rec dispensary. or out ~iatieutt departnmeft. It is difficult for . i to realize the good that. is ac-u coxuîplishîedà by this charity-what it ine ustO have these people so. cared for. \Vc cani measure its worth beèst. jurip.only l)y trying to put our- sel.es iu the place of onie in trouble %%,ho find<s a kindly., competent guide j/ for Iis rcturn to health and secuity. 'App1licantts .rnust ha~ve nhru, i the past 10 ye ars,, at lcast 3mots expe rience in operatiflg elevatorS. Theycý must have reached their eight- eiîtlî but nmust not have passed their fiftieth birthday. Full information miay be obtaitied. f roi the secretary of the U .Civi ,Service Board. of, Examiners, at the local post office. Youi tI hhnN am, --- . v- tyoutr 1 LN Go U EA E for i I &MIL «Il plw ai~ý

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