MI AND LOAN ASSOCIAT OF WILMETTE When youi, saveý fori anew ho'me -oýok'for the'se threethns 1.AUractive fRe(urnt 2-v Inuured Safrtv1/0I$i.0 3.Availability Start Now on the Road to Your Financial Happiness Trhe attractiveness of any plan for iiNvesting savifgs begins with safety. Yet safety alone gets N'ou nowhere finan- cially. The return niust bc' worth whjle.,.Yîour *funds .must be available w*ithin a reasonahie length Of timle. Yriou enjoy ail three of these features wvhen you invest smiall or large ar-nounts in the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Wilrnette. A4nd your investment is nof subject to market fluctuations, either. The rate of return cur- 0F WILMETTE Chartered and Supervised by the United States Govern ment 1126 Central Avenue, Wilette Telephone Wihnmette 1623 WILMiETTE LIFR 't