Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 26

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what nrlot ho do-and attained a skill in visuaL:zing thé- corn- plete ro-su1t that o)nly training is, capable of. That 1' why foir assistance is flot only h(lpfi but eûono.Mi.Cal. r~c~ !1ffij NINE-THIRTE.ENIUNDEFNI iii,11ll.1WW6LrJ W..OJ.Wunth5350 WÀ<tLd OUSEÈHOLD SERVICE? A Friendly ond Reliable Free Information Iureau for "Ail Your Household Heeds! ht may Le that you're lojoking for a inerhanic-t t pa ir !ýOme hüusehold uîtilitv or whivre to luý unshelled peanuts, o<r where lu get a *cateress. We iiaýe »TA the '4fswers and there is no charge for information '. We have organized foi your benefit, and want ti he kboîjh guidie and friend b atoseode~ Feciýl free to cüall us~ and take adivantage cif this, servile 156 Green Ray Rd.. WInu.Iha Wl.eto 1344 1' fas they were loiind in> ,rer ee- -- grecin ears tht }îve a~se î,t i s my opinion t'hat the present time the tact -that thev are rcgndas i i, best suited to greater forces than ever hejore imake etedmin blineg il IIecessary that thev lie ~vngreat- sdinbldg er recognition inî 1938:.a1ne r hoe. Building .:ActUiy UY lNeed ~nme xcn Theackowedgmet b 2 <l rl - <itions, w o r t h y authoritv that huilding activ ity is o osdrto vital to .Anîcrican .pro,ýlerit%- w ilf ot*hat ar avor- w-ithout ia doul)t bring falrérching able to building results. The desire of gcoverniiit t(>- t hepsn aid , he recovery of lite building tinte. Prices are wi1l bring resuits. The openling of the soniewýhat u in - possibility of home Cevnterdîîlp to- certain in this *fgreater, numbers'. hrougli greater r re.spectta Sorovin-gpower, iYhile critîci'zed by.I C Huggnîs gnrlcnrc somei, vill open the wavý for iüany to jtr are more, lexchanige rerît receiîits- for equities. iîîter-ested noiv in obtainin g, ,w ork.now The sanie opposition that greet.ed the Ithanl th.ey were a few monthis back. original EHA and the 801,énîortgage Any slight activity th 1is spring *%vili will greet the idea of 90%1 bor rowinîg. 5ta rt prices ulpward,-botli in materials Thé chances of. abuse 'îIdthie fluc- and contractors aniticipated marg'ins, tuating'of building co..ts are ,cited as Therefore, from, the cost stan dpoiîîî reasclis against the, 901¼ý financing. ihe' prospect will be able ho build aý Humit elementsmaetee things better home now for the sanie rnnm possible but after oui- 110l% to 1255-/4 or possib;lv less, -thai lie iwili six 6fina nc ing ôof postf 1929,cl aysl we should mnfiîts hence. 'ble able to go.aong wýitîî a minumnr-tnejn o-f suich abuse. Sii-lvý tlic highier I nancing Cnein stanldards incorporated under FHA fF înancing is still ver), Conveienît have brought resulîs tlîat cannot be and miany mnethods ýare available ho denied and 10%, down pavrients are h ropciv o1 bidr,îaig 1onoî it1 areoraizboîshpossible to finance a project 1)îy1 owning, real estate %0u) have often one of a nIumher of conveiiient tnetli-1 fouind buvers in that bracktar o substanhial tian wlîu ilie r. dawt- Desirable vacant property on, tlhu. par>-nenits are tnade' north sliore is beinig putchascd quite- Seet Sounder Valuesf rapidly by inveshors as well as pros- As in 1936 and 1937,*lîe, fallint, off etv ules hr is a inti- of foreclosuires aîid the lack of dis- muniii of desirable large residential tress real estate' point toward souuîîd- lots available in this sectionî, and prop- er values for 1938. It does îlot mnierty .ihout a considerableamiount of tliat values in 1938.will hjave any 1)11 - special asessnetits is almnost iil1. nomeal isc. b-t dos îîea wih lowever, the E.state section just wesh noninalris, bt itdoe men wtiof. Wilnyette cati still stupp1y the dlis- these factors lessening froîn year to vear a firmer basis for v'alue wilî criminating homne-seeker with beau- Le establishied and îîealtîîv ilîcreases tiful liomesites, ail assessnîents paid; assured. and property owners orgatiized t Niiieteen Hlu n d r e d Thirty-eight mntî hsscin fnds the Ev'%atistoîi-Northi Shore Real Estate board in the high bracketNT of activitv. The uliceasit . g effort of Wallpaper Patterns. officers, directors. and memî>ers in Exhibitied by Wood-Davis past years has brougl.t about this en- viable conidifion. The percentage- of The Wood-Davis conlpàny, -ah 1565- brokers 'who are not board members Sherman avenue, Evaniston, fias play- is fast declining and one of the fore- ed ant important par.t in beàutifying most reasons for tîîis is tîe recog- homes ail along the north. shore year dl for blems, Prompt Service Col V.J. KILLIAN COC> WINNETKA 908 907 LId.n Ave. H.ibbard Woods -Your Present Heating Plant Guaranteed Workmansiip For Prompt Service CoiI V. J. KILLIAN CQ. Winnefka 908 Nineteen H u i d r e-cl Th irty-ejght holds brilliant promises for the real- tor flot only iin material resuits but in greater appreciation by the pub- lic at large of, bis endeavor to keep real estate in a highi and enviable position. Great strides- have already been 'racle and continued su >ccess r 1ests on the shoulders- of each, real- tor.

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