UNFUR NI'SHED HOMES' I KE I LISTEN! LIST Wl, 421 RICHMOND RD. zNILWORTH 5288. TH SEARS I i 1INTEREST for First 4Mortgage,.Loans, un hnisiiiess properties in the I'oop anid choice outlyng. locations. Aiso iunds for lkiaus on tresident ial and apart- ment buildings at rates of 4V2% cto.514 interest. Resîd(enitial boans tip to 60,,f of apprised valuiation As au approve(l nortgagee of the Fedéral Honusini Adniniis- trationi we invite iinqliries for iiusired first milortgage oanis .*nnler the FHA p lan wb%,ich provides formnhvayet of l)riticipal and itnterest over peri.ods of from fO to 20 years. C.onstructhon, Reinaning and Reorganization Loans Broker.s' Co-o peratiop Invited R.EPU-BLIC REALTY, MORTGA GE COR.P. L. Mlorgan FIosl, W'iliitte arcititeci, dcsipncd the abin' Cape Cod cot- tage to, bebiit in Dccrfield. Thec extei-.r recets tasi (f ul siinplicitv, flic soit gray pur pie of the roof, and -the stronger. accents <mi tflicad blinds relie7Jing the, oftter wlhite siding. Tu loiv horizontal 1.nes of the' hoise are in con trast to the vertical trunks of flie trees on. the propertJ. -Color Is. Vital, Factor No-w in Home Decorating l3Y GRACE G. WEIGLE lu tc'rior J"nrnishinp (, )li(bbard jIVoods 1-.Verv llon]lc-buîlder siotid take a serîous inltered ni the, c olos ()l used iii the decoratiing, f.et loilloe. Mr. Yos t, whose offices ýare ini thel First National Bank building, \Vilinette, calls attention to the flexible plan ar- rangemenit.. The: librýary on the first floor is placed with. bath adjacent soit inay also be uised as a gulest*s or m'aid's_ roomn, or. as a fanijtv bed roo as the owner's family expands. The second fldor iS so planned so that a third bcd roomn can. be buiît ini the large storage roomn to the rear. This roomi will then openi onto the deck over tlheporec.l. Aux- iliary storage . space is provided(l above the garage. Ease of circulation fromn the service p)ortions and a view through the bouse to the garden froin the entrance were primary considerationis ini the plan. Vest W ashington Street, Chicago CENtral 4804. Loan~ Cor-respondent-Connertic.ut . Mutial Lije :Insurance Co. .4pproved Mort gagee-Fed eral Housing A dministration, q HAR1SHEAT The PERFECTED, C LiterallY, the ignition sNtein inakeso The kitchen blas a place- for every implemient, each i M its bogical 'working ordier, and even thie often n eglected kitchenl table bias its .plannfed space. Nielsen House COntains, Many Modern Features1 Arthnr C. Nielseni is, owner of the large niew r-esidleice at 720 Ardsley roa(l, \iinnetka. It is of brick, coni- crete and steel construction, and coni- tains 24. roonis and sevenl baths. the tegetierai coin- fiort and cnjov - Ment et a home.7 E ,.NO ueco 1 o r scheme twil suit theinprsîmlityv ut Grace G. 'WeigIe tlihC ilbu' it c a nl create ;bar- IIonv ogr dclîscor(lin the -cg eer 't scheîne : of things. \e\ knc wtiat inany of the big hospitals have real- ized its effect 11pon1 the patienit ini tlic sick-room, for they are cons;iderimg JACK SLOWN COMPANY. 111Greenleaf Avenue, Wilmette Wilmette 221 - Enterprise 1112 Winneeko 908 907 Uindei Ave. Iubf odd -u'. so*f~uia De uC U conistructively. it ýan be done, you know, and if- yoim re mnable to do it yourself, consult. ,n interior decorator to help you long the way. It is. a part of the ýrofession.