It niust be con- ceded that s a 1 c for the last six moinths of the year were not as nîany inor idnot (average as much S i value per, sale, - as ini the first six mnths .,of the year: llùt' on the *other band, one office obtainied al- most .twice, as ma, iprosI)ccts Arthur eedge in, the ,l1ast. six mnonthis of the year . who a ,re ihi-- terested iii purchasinig as wVere regis- tered l inthe.first six nîontlîs. D.efinitely Interested These -'prospects are defillitely iii- terested. They faîl as a general mIle into three classes as* to wants and n1uniber-( 1 ) those intercsted in the purcliase of home for amnounits up, to teil thîosanid dollars ; (2) those i- terested iii vacant uipon wliich to btiild; and (3) tiiose iinterested ini the -ptrchase of iînprov.ed( property in the price .r.ackets 'above ten thion- said dollarsý. Geueéralhy spcakiîi, aeiicliued to believe that preseil ut usinessconi- ditiols lhave aided rather than 1 iud- ered the, real estate market. \Ve *belicve as, some experts propotiîd that in the long :ruxii the so-called rec.essiou Nvill lriuig al)out a great deal of activity iin our particuilar pield. \lliost. to a person., prospects voluntarilv offer the iii formnation that *they r-e<gret tluat Itey did inot take soine actioni in tlhe piirclhase of prop- *ertv two or thrce vears ago---"whcïxl ail those lv ) , ais ere oni the iar- ket." That regret min)ur' oplinlinis prelict pol) a flavfor we be- heéve ithat tîtere'arc tznas îanybargains tôdav (an( mre iii the; uewvIvcou-ý strtictcd homes) than there hiav-e been iii the pa1ît1st ix .earS. Down Payment Plan Popular \Ve fiuid an exceptionial lnunibler oi propecs dsirnghoines tlat can be ii-ch sec1oii a iiialldou1aIiit modity prices are clown, but labor hiereabouts is adamant to receive the "scale" and it m-ust be paid or the home will neyer have the roof on- for long. We thiik that the recession, gexi- erally Speaking,hlas beein an aid. Jit surely lias aWakened initerest in'real estate. People invested in the market and soineone else pulled the strings. Ini the words.of Bob Burns, "That'Il larn 'eni a-thing or four." Everyone înust live somemvliere and with rentai occupancy alinost completely filled,. it is l)ecomnig more and nmore nec- essary to buy honîes-new or -old to be remiôdeled-in orfier to keep relit vvithixi reasonable, bounids. Thle nmarket as a speculation 'is slowly disappear- ing, but as an investm . ît will always rernain. Meanwhile, people are be- conîing more and more homne oivilng conscijous. We are not forecasting- an "cex- treinelv active miarket" in the spring, \Ve thiik it's hiere now, recession or no1 recession., Monitors Warn of Fires and Thieves. Recent developments in fire and 1burglary protection nieclhanisms have made it possible for the installation of fire anîd burgiar mntitors to ýbe distributed in isolated sections of your hômies, especially the accessible opetiings. In event of trouble, these nionitors will so-und an audible and'visual alarm dcsignating the location cxactly as to where the entry of buirgiar or the Starting of fire. It is a. Nvellý knowiifact that the iiinan eleien t slhould, be' ininiriiized in bothl ire and burgilar protectýioni. An autoPiatic device slould be used s ,o as1 to precltude the piossibility of being trapped 1l)ccatIse f tlhe maniy inhcrent qualitics vhiîch the lhuman Clenient iIcludCs 1. Forgetfulness 2. Sleepin . .. eliminof'es the Ire imzard of accumuloted waste. . . . banishes the unsightiy, un- sanitary garbage poil. * .keeps your gardie, free of burned rubbishand 'pape r. The. Ewing "Dual-Draft Garburner", is an efficient, portable incinerator con- structed as a3 complèe. uni!t,ý compl.teIly .ss.mbled, -ready for installation ini eith.r aid, or riew buildings atrio, cost for brick work. If is lined on the ides end top wit, aà special heavy refractory and-inulating material that reduces the radiation of hoat tola minimumn. MR. HENRY G. ZANDER,» JR. says: Iarn very mnuch pleased with rmyGarburner instaàlle J some lime ago in 1My home in Kenilworth. Il works per- fectly, anad eliinai>tes a Ver>' serious ire hazard. Now I wis h 1 had installed 0# sobger! (Signed) HENRty G. ZANDER, JRt. When Building Insist on *the purchase price 15 moderate 0 The imstlooion charge is low *the operating cos*is1 EWING INCI NERATO RCOMPANY CHICAGO 2430 Irving Park BI1vd. Irvlng 5165 'lt litle gem of four bedroomsý and two baths showNv iii the january issue ofI "Homes and Stuif" as costing $5,211.42 will cost. considerably more than twice that amount ini this avea. We believe there sbould be a law against 407 Jindeu Ave, Wilnsette Wil. 437 746 Elus St., Winnetka Win. 3603 WiImetfe ,Illinois Patented U. S. A. end Canada 'I