"I'here is every that 1938 will be a butildcing ,,activity, shore," accorditig maniager of the branichiat 1224 Emei tonl. From al Iindications th is, actîvty .'il be, înanifcstcd nil o t &Oilv in illte esi- detîtial field b)ut c oils t r ni c t i o ni, IIuaîîîtaînîniIg t Ili S, ; Ir e;I: rùprtation aVs the arclitccttir- ai îîad<ise of. thle ~Vr 1(1. Crucial. Situation NýI r. (.tlleiî point- C(l mit tlîat the. iiurtli shore 5 s110 coUltriyat large l)articlàlr, îîanielv. làig iii the past de abouit a cruicial sit bc <rrUcted imil v leet tuc ealid lie i Iieuývs tllîat thel aii )i it oi teiilCl re(It'iire(l t.b1riiîg1 to -tiue -poýintWb satisfactorv state o Otferi:îg l)stvt tivîtv as a;Ipossible il tretndl, 'Mr. Culleni lias etijoved an e: vea r.Craie bhdi reaso to bheve reat deai of activity fir the field of year of extensiv'e , 'r i-oniinigiiconjunc- along the nor th tio:i with cold water secirecl through to C. J. Cullenl, Crane p'înîipinig equipment. The tern- Crane companv perature of the wvater ini this north ,rson streét, Evans- ,shore area tends itself admirably to this nîethodl of summer cooling. 00e Manv home owners, architccts and builders' have fouind it very much tà itheir a(lva Itage to place the.responsi- S b:l:ty for proper sanitation and air- IL..conditioned heating .of. their homes Nvith Crane companlv with, i+s 1)cl,- grotln(l of nearly 83 v'ears of quaîitv 1lodllct.s." Observes Some Trends Mr. culh*n observed soine of the out- standin trends taking place today in'the e onstruetion as wvell as in kitchen and laundry eýquipmnent, and 'Particularly the Atrides beingtaken n the heating, vent- Ray Phorto ilating and air èondltioning sphlere. C. J. Cullen 1h mdmhomne dernands plunmhin.g cxc'luiO1 ,-e<ltîl>Iwîîtof Standards whiclî but a ex cIRet'ew y ears ago were regarded as un- in (on(, important ati~iI; said Mr. Culleni. "Our e- seaehfiddevelopinent divisions flot tlîat t lie( ldn only have sras' those, standards -cii.lia-, broughit but ar'e about to revéal sensational 'in- niovation.s hîch ill enhance st lI fur- tiat ion vic Ill % Ier t th tI health aknd comnfort of our, I)v erection or nns cories vhIch ill , Crane dsinrshve acconmlishied adqatl.Also, 1îîew feats (of designing ivhich maike to- da'slluiing fixtures flot only m nodels re is a tr-enosof entmanci(ing betuty but tbey are so i,, and repairing stylIed that thoy fharronize readl wt srsn ,truictures available tccessbries and miaterialis- [)teF CS ,i 1 )- àThere is a newefficiency and economy in ther 'vii bea nday'-, quality heýating, ventilating and i efticienlcv. tir conditioning cquipmnent > whichi far irassolder installations in ail- afs bsine>s ac- kjr0jjjd avecomplishnient of the tasks for lidication of future whivh they are intended. obsevcd.*Ciaîe Builders tocday in any fleld are reap- ing thet harvest which Crane scientists xcetîoîaly oo( jhave mnade available in plumbing andj rooinin.stallat'os heating unes.". a .~~:~----. The Cradle Society of L-vanýrton plans to begin reconstruction sooet of thel $125 .000*ti:ree-storv buîIlldinj showss above. . This modern scientifically de- siqfl(d structure is expected to be the Iast wvord in sanitary care of babies. It wI replace one of.tihe thrlee rcinsodeled honses uioiw used by.tise Cradie at Rdeavepyue and Si»: pson Street, Ez'zaistont. Thirty-sir babies ýare to. be carled'for- ou onc flo or, eiichisjn airi-coniditiouied, glass cubicle. The bid suq u îýill also ho use a lavette shop, diet kit chens, laboratory, offices, boiler roo ns. etc., ansd zill provide space for 24 additional cubicles if sseeded for the- fuluri. S'clsnidt. (Gardens and Eriksopn, hospital construction specialists'of Chsi- cag. rwthse plansý. Tihe building is beisg. finapiced bv gifts to tihe Cradie ýSoc et v. Garage and Remodeling Jobs on Wilmette List Tw'No building- permit,ý, one for a private garage and the other for a ~renodeliîîg job. were issued in \Vil- m ette durinig the past wéeek.L X\illiaun Schivall is biuilding thie garage at 2343 Lake avenue. at an. estiniated cost of $250.> L. B. Sager is renxodeliig bis resi- deniice at 501 Laurel avenue. The es- timated* cost of the improvemient is PENNSYLVANIA COLONIAL Mr. and Mrs. Johin P. Bailmanare conifortablv settled in thieir new -and imlposing Pennsylvania Colonial home at 1133 Seneca road, Wilniette. The e- rior is of Inidîia limestonie. Thiere are 9 rooms, plus recreation Toomi and lil)rary, and 3 baths. MI~. 1225 CENTRAL AVE. y .5, y.y, ~Mi J Ai WILNIETTE 4S6 or 3513, DESIGNING-' eLLLLL 9- qf