Winl- i'as Bcck. éffeld desip anud Cons~ w MRS;.. MARGARET KEM~Pr. Air- conditioned and insiilated. this eîght-?rooiz French colonial home weas bitit at 711 Park driv'e, Kewiliworth. ly: Elmier 14illianMarx, icho Icas also the archilecf. HAROLD W. CEZE This vicroom~ coloiial homn t 14-4 Grceen Bay road, Glencue, al- rno8t hidden by. surrounding heary f woc.irs bit fby 'Walt' Norris frein thc plans V Ulet e, ili Fred- transif.ers in Indian HilI estates, \Vest, in Xiimctte. This activity lias been wvel1 spread. as slown by the follow- ing sales in e xist ing resi lences. va- cant and buildinig, jrojcects lby OVtlers and also good speculative aétivity. Thc Hobart Haviland to Horace Arnmstrong t r ansfer of the residence at 1116 Locust road; the Dr. E. E. Graham toi Mr. and M\rs. Henidrick-- son sale of- the property "at 21 Iro- quois road; the sale oft Bernard Reinwialds home. to Mr.. and Mrs. Shipman ; tlei.) urchase b,. James A. Nolan of' the Charles Officer home at, 1148 Seneca road4; and the sale of 1054 Seneca. road bv, Ir vin A. Blietz to Clement Bruns accouints for approximately $115.000 l i resi- (lential. transf ers.: The .Bis Rcalty, hIc..' represented ýboth parties ini tbrjee :of thèse- deals and . vorked in co-operat'ion with the North Shore Realty company iii the Reinivald- Shipman transfer. Building ls Extensive Building operations have been quite e.xtenisive. Irvin A. Blietz, ini addition to the home Nvhich lie sold to MNr. Brunis, and his own! home. built to plan and specificatioii residences for MIr. and Mrs. Herbert. Gray, NMr. and Mrs. Ralph Wetzeêl and Mr..and Mrs. James Day. Mr. and Mrs. B y- ron Coon built through th.e office of \'<hite and Webber. architccts. a. lovely Earlv American homne. Tli, Buis Realty, hIc., assisted in thc ne- gotiatiotis of these projects. Jamies. Crabb, \Vilmiette builder, vas <juite active, bein*9 the contractor and bilild- er of new homes for Mr., and Mirs. Jamles S. Barcus on lot purchased fÉrm the, Reinwald estate. Sears Real 'Estate .and cthe Bis Realtv,hInc.,,be- ing the broker.s. Mr. Crabb also built the stone Colonial residence for -Mr. and M.Irs. John Bailman. '.\r. and 1M\rs.,.Arthur T. Day, Mr. and 'N1rs5. M\arhioefer, 'Mr. 'and Mrs.,(;rýos \Vil- liamns, Mr. and MNrs. H,.C._joht.ison,ý an(l Mr. and(l Mrs. Theodore \Vick- mjan also builît,,on previouslv acquired lan.exceptionally attractive hIomles. ROTH BROTHERs. This sinigle fainiy re si ile)i ce at 2201 Beechwvood' avenuae, WUmnette, ivas -buitbij Rydcell, and Ha8- sel. Paul Frederîck Oiseit ivas the ,arch.te.t. *A G encrai Real Estate Brokerage Biisicess i5io SHERMAN'AVE. EVANSTON UNI. 8210. We WILL Find Your. Home. :0= $85,000 Lawn Sales Tlie balance o-)f the real utî t ranis f er s ini this a reCa.8.0, are coml)rise(l oi lavvii salýs-soniie of thlese lhavinig been heiretofore nien- tionied. Otthers Closed throuigli the( offices of, thie. Buis Realt< -Inw.. arc thie. f ollowirig propertiesý acquîred bMrs. IDavid l3eggs, Jr.: thie Cî 1-Ilzwortli lawn ; the Anton 'M. Ilo\- eIl propert\w-' lawns - i "ail: also, Ed.(winiO. Blomiuist lolghIlt th(e Fred Ellis,.j r.. lawii on l.ocust -road, andJ Irvin .A. Blietz acquired the ad- joinling lawvn fromî Paul Phillips. Jamles Crabb j)urchased tbrouglî thé. Tighe, Realty the XVlilliam inal lot on1 Senieca road. Tbis, activity.. a s reported by the Bills Realty. mnc., sceems to inidicate to themn a health y condition and -ood future for high-gra(te nôrtlî -ér - property. Long Term Loan Gaining;. Financing WeII Sustained One ilotcwortlhv trendI of thl vuar just élos d lbas béetithe. verv O1y i érab)le readjustmnent of the (!real estate finanicing strùctutre ,towa-r(1lowr terest rates and lonlger periods of amiorti'zation, according',to -I lerhçýrt U.- Nelson, vice presI(lent oiilithe National. Asso ciation of RedaI Est,ýattu boards. Mlore and more 1rvatu lund- ers. including the great il1 n* 1l à11k nCe companies, are goîng to tlic loue - terniuoani. The readjus-tunent î>, ;ac- companied . ly a healthy lsu'il nlot on Iv \wîtllî finalncing auîd rval estate circles but in terns of public, policv as to whiat. un1dertIo- (lav's Cond<itioni, cnsiue Ol liracticec iii the Iborro\NviiL. aid t buv lenidjng of -. 'rca estate nîmor . gag.v ïnolneyv tlat, is to sàv. \vha;t : iun<iiix practice on the 0.11e fand for tuic future safetv of the broe.anid on the other baud for the u tnire atus of tlhe lender. New nîiiortgage finanicîn- roscu rap- idlv iliivolume iMiftihear1-1 l uonithî-)f 1937; paralluling the rIsc iiu nu\\hni buildinîg. But (luspite t1e .blin11g shllip.. w\'Iich hegan i ii I ay.thevol-