DO, YOUR CHILOREN PREFER, TO PLAY AT THE NEICHBORS. ...............Children are s en sit i ve to surroundings, evon though they.can't explin in so 6iany words why rmsaecold, drafty, uncomfortable and un-, inviting. The f urnace May be fired to ýcapacity, yet some roonis just neyev emt e am Actually, it feels as th ough ail windows'and doors were, widei open..The answer, Thof course, is ,found in the Iack 0f insulation. When orhoue s properly insulated, eer rôoon is warm and comfortable.: ENJOY SUMMER COMFORTr ALL YEAR ROUND 9n i <a quk w IYEARS TO PAY It is now possible to insulate old homes to insure complete comfort the year round. This modern miracle of a few inches of fluffy wool substance on the floor of your attie and in the wýalls of the house eliminates forever, cold rooms, drafty halls andfors Every room in Mour houise will be of an even temperature aànd .comfortably warm, yet your fuel bis will bèe onsiderbl iower. Why not investigate to deterinine the cost of insulating your homý Remember you ean.have this work done immediately Thoe istin ofe ick a and arrange çonvenient rnonthly payflents, -dht , hersut Estimrates and full details furnished without any obligation. Sixvply write or telephone. IECKEI,:,ROOFING & INSULATINO. PoeKnlot -t -Teepon Geeef 492 JANUARY 21,4f938