Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 39

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vnicers s me LIII c >vs ita tion of a token of appreciation to A past pres- idents at the anmal banquet of the Evanston-North Shore Real Estatc b ioardl, held inIi )eccenîber at the Shia- lieu Couintrv club. Eah orerî>eidc.nt of the or- gainization received from President- letRobert L.. Wyatlt a parclîment cxpressng théc appreciation of the. .board for mneritorious service. Chris- tian J. Golec, pregideiit of Sinarî & Golce, hIc... wvas the first to, receive thc honoirhum,.1n,~ Golce isoeo the fouinders of iltELvanston lboardl. .\11 former presi(Icnts of the, former North Shiore board were also recip- lets 'Ie. twvo boards %vere nîerged in 1935. Tells of Year's Progres Retiring Prcsidenti Stewàrt B. MIatthews made a brief suninary of thli progress made by theiboardI dur- ing, his administration, pointing out the hope -of thé bôard that withini die îîear future a. policy of, co- opt' ratioln ni ral estate transacti (11s antlig on 11v ly rnl),rs of the board -~ tset Woll serve to reflectt he bulle- fi$,s of the or-gainizationt work to the .Presiîdeît l{Robert L WN\Vatt oUt- inedC( the genlera!l progranm of thel bqoard during 1938 ii a short addrcss Ili which lie stressed. tht.edulicationiaiý progr-ess miade by ail boards throuigh- out the couintry. -WVe have conea long way ini de- v'atiiîwg the real estate business to'ý AUI J' IIr-dLUtt; r()!IK~ l'le Evainston North Shore. Reai- lFstate b1oardl, throughi its education. commînttee. is now presentîflz an ii- tere stin- course of study in real es-. tate which s.tarted January 20. The. course, conmpri sing .ciglît evenînig meetings lias been open',10 ail real estate 'people opç!ratîing ontht. north shoreand thec members of theèir or- ganizati .on s. Althiough the course lias beenl spouisorcd by the board, ail, firins or individuals intercst.ed ini thé prograni have )eefl invitedto curol. .Aniong the leadiiig topics covered are: '*The Origiiî and 'History of Land Ow:n e r s h i p," . Cotracts," ýLeases" T ities,", Mortgages," "F7s-, crows, .anud "Descriptions." Tliese and iany other subjccts. conmprising the course, have beeil lhandied I)v nien.not only thîoroughly vet-sed but also einiently capable, of getting 'over tlieir message1 a way easilv understood by both begîinners, as, wvel as the tiîoro.ughiy ekperienilced rator. George E. H-arbert, titie officer of the Chîicago Titfe and Trust. cou]- paîiy and faculty nenmber of the johin Marshall Law school; Josephi D). Shelly, chief escrow officer of th'le saine conxpaniv: Andrew C. Hauuî- ilion. of Kirkland, Fleming, Green , Martin and Ellis, anîd acting director of the departments of business law and real estate of the Central Y. NI. C. A. college are a fc% of the lead- ers of thotughit in tht. field who have THIS MODERN GLENCOEf HOME over-looking the 'Skokie Golf Club:. 6 bedrooms . 3 baths u 1unusually large- rooms. Terms for responsible purchaser, Other bornes and vacant on- the NORTHl SHORE. Choioe WOODED vacant lots on Monroe Ave., Glencoe - between Vernon and Greenwood. Ave. Prices upon requcat. FREDERUCK A. COOPER 1505 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON Greenieuf~ 3030. Sheidrake 3030 GOT-A "HOUSJNG]P]ROBLEM?" Weý know about ail the answers to this problem!- Beyond a doubt we, can help you with yours. ,ou wanit to build, we you Wa If you want to buy, we -have .Residence SPecialists of theNorth Shore Now open fori 3 baths. inspection at Milburn and Sheridan Road, Evanston, a stoue house of English design-11 roornu,

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