lengtn of t ime . Surprisingly f ew, h o w ever, realize that an occasional vacuum icleaning ~~ is flo t eniough. Even those who sçen(1 their rugs to a prof essional Lu.cicane r every few years are seldom. aare of aIl the reasons -why such A. K. Mestjian cleaning is.vital to the life and beauty of their. -îIgS. Othierwise they wo uld haveIlhem cleaiied more- often. So let us study for a, momient these reasons.- Protection of Health 1. Protectinig lealth. To yowngsters the. floor is the ideal place fr play., but if votr \verev t'O ake a microscop1)e inito thie average. home andl let the imotiier sec the gerxns Ilnrking. in the mug on w'hich lier childreji lay, -%ou Nvould get a Siddleil and aa 'rcm- ,act ion. 2. Prolmng the ifu of a rug. IIow, long a rug vll last dep)ends. on threei thiiigs: tue original construction ofj tle mig, the amoutnt i>1 tra lfic over, 1 t. and the kind 'of carc it rcci1vCes \attirallN* the firsit two arcl>tuyond itue control oxthe ownecr onice the vig- las peel urchasc,_d for aiîy 1articillari location. But, it i> U111),tatle ownIer ho-vrto <leci(lL hat kind of came lier rtig shalh have, the s>ervice condi- tions wvhichi determile Itle lhfe of a rtg anid \cl cati be coliteracted l)y 1proper came. Simplicity Keynote 3. liieepiîîg rugs looking like iie\. lit the modern honte iiiiplicity, is titially the kevnote of the decorative schiemle. No longer arc ruigs and car- pets so obscured by bulky furniture that: they go almost unnoticed ini the ryoomns they adorni. Inideed, floor cover- ing a re t oday looked uponas the eCs- sential part of the decorators plan. Often they, are the first object se- lected, their colors and design calling the tune of the entire decorative schemne. If floor covérings are so rnuch a part of a homje's appearance, *For the spring Of -19 38 aur sales depart- ment has prepared from scores of attractive properties a SELECT LIST of exceptional values in ail price ranges. Particular atten- tion has been ,.given ta properties where, mo.dest cashrequirements and esmonthl*y payments can be arrange.d. 0 You a re, invited. to choase from these seIaly priced properties the type af house best suited ta yourneeds. Loca- tions include Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, .Winnetka and Glencoe. e A. fEW. TYPICAL SUCCESTIONS WILMETTE Eight rooms, sunroorn, sleeping porch, 21½ baths, gas hecat, wide wooded lot in best southeast section. Price $1 5.000.. Terms- $2,500 down. Cozy English style, 6 rooms, lav., break- fast nook, sun roomn, economical to live- in. $10,000-$2,500 cash. Brand new French provincial, 7 rooms, 2V2 tue baths, many delightful feutures. $18,500. KEN ILWORTH Finest east side. location. Lot.,1 00:k175. An older home, but ýbeautif ull y remo deled, compact and entirely,Èchariming., $26,500. WINNETKA Handsome Georgian Colonial, brick tile roof, tiled kitchen, in fashbionable Hill road section. Lot 100x187.,Out of town owncr invitcsý your c onsideration., Néar Indian Hill depot. Comfortable 7 rooms, 2j baths, library, 3 fireplaces. A genuine bargainl at only $1 2,750. GLENCOE Six room white clapboard. Colonial, near all transportation anud schools., Hubbard WVoods section. $9.5,00. Terms-$2,500, Ca Sh. OSPECIAL. A choice riparian homesite on. high bluff, at only $10,750 65X340 Iine, ijiencoe, stan411Ua DeuCtIuui mu- ern colonial-farm bouse, thie home of Mrs. F. J. Reynolds. It contains 8 rooms and 3'/2 baths, and the con- struction is combinatjon brick and frame. Distinguishing features arc glass brick in fireplace, entrance hall anid, ecreation roomn, and the picture window on. stairway from second floor to basement. ESTABLISHED 1895 1564 SH ER MAN AVENU W ilmette 2486 ROGers- Park, D27 1 * UNlversity 028